

  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine


  JP-Swiss-Journal - Vol. 220 – February 21, 2024 (Swiss Time)









J 20240303日国民投票

          1) 13ヶ月年金支給イニシアティブ

          2) 年金イニシアチブ(定年退職年齢引上げ)


                    明子 ヒューリマン


E The Popular Vote on March 3, 2024

          1) Initiative for a 13th OASI Pension Payment

          2) PensionInitiative (Increase Retirement Age)


                                                                 Akiko Huerlimann



~~~~~~~~~~~~~【 日本語 】~~~~~~~~~~~~~




          1) 13ヶ月年金支給イニシアティブ

          2) 年金イニシアチブ(定年退職年齢引上げ)


                     明子 ヒューリマン



AHV "Die Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV)" の略で、「老齢・遺族保険(AHV)」はスイスの老齢保障の基盤になっている。







1) 国民発議「より良い老後を送るために(13ヶ月AHV年金イニシアティブ)」

Volksinitiative "Fuer ein besseres Leben im Alter

 (Initiative fuer eine 13. AHV-Rente)"


現状は、250 万人以上の定年退職者が AHV年金を受給している。

 AHV 年金は、老後の生活を適切に賄えることを目的にしている。

殆どの定年退職者は追加収入、特に企業の職業年金基金からも年金を支給されている。AHVだけで生計を立てることができない人は、誰でも補足給付(Ergaenzungsleistungen EL)を受ける権利がある。





この増額の結果、13ヶ月目の AHVの年金費用は、導入時には約41億フランになると見込まれている。




様々な改革のお陰で、AHV 年金は現在十分な資金で賄われている。

しかし、例え13ヶ月目の AHV年金がなくても、2030 年以降は赤字が予想される。











連邦政府と議会は、13番目のAHV年金の為の財政的余力は無いので、 AHVの安定化と年金の確保を優先する考えだ。

殆どの定年退職者は勤務先の年金基金(Pensionkasse PK)を受給しているので、13ヶ月目のAHV年金のみに依存していないことを反対の根拠にしている。




反対は、保守から中道政党のSVPFDPDie MitteGLPと経営者団体、中小企業団体。




発議委員会は13ヶ月目のAHV年金が必要だと主張している。家賃、医療費 健康保険料や食費等あらゆるものが値上がりして、年金がどんどん足りなくなっていることを根拠にしている。



補足給付(Ergaenzungsleistungen EL)に関しては、「ZEITLUPE誌」と「プロセネクトゥーテ」のウェブサイトが重要な点を解説している。










3.所有者が占有している不動産は、資産基準値をチェックする際には考慮されない。 高齢者は住み慣れた自宅で暮らし続けることができる。関連する収入を計算する際には、112,500 スイスフランを超える居住用不動産の価値と持ち家の賃貸価値(Eigenmietwert)が考慮される。


4.生活費を賄うことができなくなった場合は、Pro Senectute や居住する州の社会保健局等の相談窓口に問い合わせる。

















2) 国民発議「年金イニシアティブ」/ Volksinitiative "Renteninitiative"


AHV 年金は今後数年間安全に財源が確保されている。



このように収入が増え、支出が減ることで、AHV の財政は2030年頃まで安定する。

しかし、中期的には、AHV は大きな財政上の課題に直面している。


第一に、年金受給者の数は、AHV に支払っている雇用者の数よりも速いペースで増加している。




















反対は、中道保守政党のDie MitteGLP、左派のSP、緑の党と労働組合連合、Travail.Suisse







スイスの全国的な高齢者支援組織「PRO SENECTUTE」の機関誌「Zeitlupe 2/2024」に賛否両論が掲載された。





















スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political Parties represented in Parliament


【 編集後記 】





~~~~~~~~~~~~~【 English 】~~~~~~~~~~~~



         The Popular Vote on March 3, 2024

          1) Initiative for a 13th OASI Pension Payment

          2) PensionInitiative (Increase Retirement Age)


                                                                Akiko Huerlimann



Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance (OASI) is the Foundation of the Swiss Pension System.


The two Proposals in this Popular Vote (Initiatives) are both related

to AHV, but their Contents are contradictory.

The first Initative aims to increase Pension Payments and the second

Initiative aims to rise the Pension Age and secure Pension Funds.


Let's take a Look at the Contents according to the Instruction Manual

distributed by the Government.


1) People's Initiative "For a better Retirement" (13th-Month OASI Pension Initiative) / Volksinitiative "Fuer ein besseres Leben im Alter (Initiative fuer eine 13. AHV-Rente)"



More than 2.5 Million Pensioners currently receive an OASI Pension

(Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance), which is intended to provide

adequate Cover for basic Needs in Old Age.

Most Pensioners have other Income, most commonly a Pension from an occupational Pension Scheme.

Anyone who is unable to cover its Living Expenses can claim

supplementary Benefits (Ergaenzungs-Leistungen EL).


The Initiative aims to increase OASI Retirement Pensions by one Month's Worth. The Initiative also stipulates that supplementary Benefits (EL) could not be reduced because of the 13th Pension Payment.


The Maximum annual Retirement Pension would be increased by CHF 2,450 to CHF 31,850 for Individuals and by CHF 3,675 to CHF 47,775 for Married Couples. If introduced, the 13th OASI Pension Payment would probably cost around CHF 4.1 Billion; the Swiss Federal Government would have to pay around CHF 800 Million of this Sum.

After that, Costs would continue to rise rapidly. The Initiative leaves the Question of Funding open.


Thanks to various Reforms, OASI Benefits are currently well funded;

however, Deficits are expected after the Year 2030-even without a 13th OASI Pension Payment. If a 13th Pension Payment would be introduced,

OASI would need additional Income or it would have to cut Benefits.


The Swiss Federal Government and Parliament recommend NO.


The Vote of the Federal Parliament is as follows:

Swiss National Council voted 126 against (NO), 69 in favor (YES),

and 2 Abstentions.

Swiss Council of States voted 31 against (NO), 10 in favor (YES),

and 1 Abstention.


The Federal Government and Parliament do not have the fiscal Space for a 13th OASI Pension, so they will prioritize stabilizing the OASI and securing Pensions. The Basis for the Objection is that most Retirees receive Benefits from their Workplace Pension Fund (Pensionskasse PK) and are therefore not solely dependent on the 13th Month OASI Pension.


The Arguments for and against by political Parties and Organizations were reported in the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper on February 9, 2024.


Opposed (against) are the Conservative and Centrist Parties SVP, FDP, Die Mitte, GLP, Employers' Association, and Small and Medium-Sized Business Association (SMEs).


In Favor (pro) are the left-wing Party SP, the Green Party and the Trade Union Federation, and Travail.Suisse.


The Initiative Committee insists on the Need for a 13th Month AHV Pension. This is based on the Fact that Rent, Medical Expenses, Health Insurance Premiums, Food Costs, and everything else are rising, and Pensions are becoming increasingly scarce.

Initiative Committee Website


Regarding supplementary Benefits (Ergaenzungs-Leistungen EL), "ZEITLUPE" Magazine as well as Website of "Pro Senectute" explain the important Points.


The Reforms came into force three Years ago, and the Transition Period applicable to those already receiving supplementary Benefits (EL) expired at the End of 2023, and with sometimes dramatic Consequences for those affected.


Key Points,


1. Asset Limits (CHF 100,000 for Individuals and CHF 200,000 for Couples) may jeopardize the Right to supplementary Benefits.

However, as soon as the Assets fall below the prescribed Limit, the EL can be reapplied.


2. The Right to EL may be reduced or lost due to the Loss of Assets, such as Donations or large Purchases.


3. Owner-occupied Properties are not taken into Account when checking Asset Thresholds. Elderly People can continue to live in their own Homes. When calculating the relevant Income, the Value of Residential Property in excess of CHF 112,500 and the Rental Value of Owner-occupied Property (Eigen-Mietwert) are taken into account.


4. If you are no longer able to meet their Living Costs, you should contact the Pro Senectute or other Advisory Services, such as the Social Health Department of the Canton in which you reside.


The Conditions for receiving the "Additional Benefit (EL)" were also reported in detail by the Newspaper Tages-Anzeiger on 9 February 2024. Here, it also specifies that AHV/OASI-Pensioners residing abroad are not eligible for EL.


[Personal Opinion]


In Switzerland, the common Practice is to provide a 13th Month's Salary per Year. On the other hand, there is no similar Bonus System like in Japan.

The left-wing Social Democratic Party SP seems to have come up with the Idea of following this Practice and providing a 13th Month-OASI.


In February, a Letter jointly signed by former Swiss Federal Members (Bundesrat) Mr. Adolf Ogi, Mrs. Doris Leuthard, and Mr. Johann Schneider-Ammann was posted. They strongly recommend Voters an urgent Appeal "NO to the 13th Month-OASI/AHV Pension to protect AHV/OASI." Former Swiss Federal Member (Bundesrat) Mr. Pascal Couchepin, has also expressed his Opposition through the Media.


The Problem with this System is that even Wealthy Elderly People who can afford to live without an OASI for the 13th Month will receive the Benefit. Pensions that are enrolled at one's Workplace usually provide a higher Amount of Benefits than the OASI.

In other words, Switzerland has a large Number of Wealthy Elderly People.

Relief Measures are available for Elderly People who cannot afford to live due to soaring Prices, so Proposals by the Left that ignore Financial Resources could lead to the Collapse of the National Pension Fund (OASI/AHV).


The reported Voting Propensity is in the Majority in favor of the Project (Initiative), as they will not refuse what they can get.


2) People's Initiative "Pension-Initiative" (Increase Retirement Age)


OASI-Pensions are safely funded for Years to come.

Two Reforms over the past five Years have contributed significantly to this.

Wage-Contributions and VAT were increased and the Retirement Age for Women was raised to 65.

This Increase in Revenues and Decrease in Expenditures will stabilize the OASI's Finances until around 2030.

In the Medium Term, however, the OASI faces significant Financial Challenges.


First, the Number of Pensioners is growing at a faster Pace than the Number of Employed Persons paying into the OASI.


Second, as Life Expectancy increases, so does the Duration of Pension Payments.


The Pension-Initiative seeks to secure long-term Funding for OASI by raising the Retirement Age.

Under the Initiative, the Retirement Age for Women and Men will be raised in Stages to 66 by 2033.

The Retirement Age would be linked to Life Expectancy and would be raised automatically as Life Expectancy increases, but not on a one-to-one Basis, but would be raised incrementally by 80% of the Increase in Life Expectancy, not to exceed two Months per Year.


If this Concept is accepted, it would reduce the Burden on OASI-Finances. Raising Retirement Age to 66 Years would probably reduce OASI-Spending by about CHF 2 Billion.

Automatic Adjustment of the Retirement Age to the Increase in Life Expectancy would also contribute to reducing the Burden on the OASI.


The Swiss Federal Government and Parliament recommend NO.


The Vote of the Federal Parliament is as follows:

Swiss National Council voted 143 against (NO), 40 in favor (YES),

and 11 abstained.

Swiss Council of States voted 32 against (NO), 11 in favor (YES),

and 1 Abstention.


The Arguments for and against by political Parties and Organizations were reported in the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper on February 9, 2024.


Opposed (against) are center-right Conservative Parties such as Die Mitte, GLP, and the left-wing Parties SP, the Green Party, the Trade Union Federation, and Travail.Suisse.


In Favor (pro) are center-right Conservative Parties such as SVP and FDP, the Employers' Association, and Small and Medium-Sized Business Association (SMEs).


The FDP's Young Liberals launched an Initiative calling for Rising the Retirement Age. The Purpose is to secure long-term Financial Resources for OASI/AHV.


Pros and Cons were published in "Zeitlupe 2/2024", the Journal of Switzerland's Nationwide Elderly Support Organization "PRO SENECTUTE".


Mr. Andri Silberschmidt, a Member of the National Council for the FDP-Party, who argued in favor of the Measure, said that without Measures, value-added Taxes and Payroll Deductions for Pensions could rise sharply, this will impose a heavy economic Burden, especially on young Households and the Middle Class.


Speaking in Opposition, SP-Party Mrs. Flavia Wasserfallen, a Member of the Council of States, said, this rigid Automatism unnecessarily limits the political Scope for responding to economic and social Changes. This Pension-Initiative would mean a Reduction in Pensions. With Inflation and declining Purchasing Power becoming more pronounced for Many, People will have to work longer to get the same Benefits.

Those with high occupational Stress (e.g., Nursing) and those with low Educational Backgrounds will be particularly affected by this Initiative. In reality, those who can afford it leave the Labor Market early and enjoy early Retirement; the current System, which offers Flexibility between the Ages 63 and 70, is superior in that it properly takes into account an Individual's Life History and Health Status.


Many Young Male Voters are reportedly negative about the Proposal



[Personal Opinion]


Regarding the Initiative of the FDP-Youth Group, I think it would be wise to avoid a rigid System, as SP-Party Member Mrs. Flavia Wasserfallen said. Jobs that require hard Labor, such as Nursing Care or Construction Workers, ignore individual Differences in the Length of Time a Person can work.

Securing a Job becomes an Issue for those over the Age of 50 Years, as it is almost hopeless to find a new Job.

Although, we accept that SP's-Party Argument has some Truth, we cannot agree with the Argument that the Issue of OASI/AHV's Financial Resources will be resolved by providing 13 Months of OASI.

SP-Party, who always pretends to be close to the Weak, only suggests to distribute Money.

Even an Amateur can understand that if we do as they say (SP), we will lose our Financial Resources.

As the late UK-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said "Pennies do not fall from the Sky. They have to be earned on Earth."



スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political Parties represented in Parliament



[Editor's Postscript]


While the Slogans of the Referendum (Initiatives) are easy to understand, they can also be misleading.

Initially, I was opposed to the 13-Month AHV and thought raising the Retirement Age was unavoidable, but as I gathered more Information,

I changed my Mind and realized that it was also appropriate to oppose raising the Retirement Age. Since this is a familiar Issue, there is a lot of Interest from the Public and enthusiastic Media Coverage. The most important Thing is to operate the Pension System in a stable Manner. I'm worried about the Outcome. (A.H.)





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