
 Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  JP-Swiss-journal - Vol. 212 – February 07, 2023 (Swiss Time)









                    明子 ヒューリマン


ECharacteristics of the Swiss bicameral system


                    Akiko Huerlimann



━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━




                    明子 ヒューリマン






























grosse Kammer」の「国民議会議員(Nationalrat)」は、比例代表で選出される200名。







kleine Kammer」と呼ばれる「全州議会(Staenderat)」の代議員46名は、州の代表として2名づつ、準州は各1名が小選挙区制、つまり多数決で選出される。












税収の地域格差を補う為に「Nationaler Finanzausgleich(国家財政の平準化)」、という制度がある。国の纏まりとして財政の平準化は重要と捉え、経済的に強いカントンと連邦政府が、経済的に弱いカントンを財政支援するという連帯の考えに基づいた制度だ。


従って、中央政府の守備範囲は限定的で、僅か7名に加えて日本の官房長官に相当する「Bundeskanzler/Federal Chancellor」のみで構成されている。





































━━━━━━━━━━━━English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━



 Characteristics of the Swiss Bicameral System


                    Akiko Huerlimann



Japan's "Vote Disparity" is being endlessly challenged in Court, and the Court's Decisions on this Issue whether "Unconstitutional or Constitutional?" is reported from Time to Time.

However, it is difficult to understand such a Decision as "Although it is Unconstitutional, Election Results cannot be said to be invalid," as if it were a Zen-Question.


In order to reduce this "Disparity in Votes," I have long wondered about the "Combining Districts" Proposal that has been considered and adopted in several local Electoral Districts.


If the Number of Councilors in Areas with fewer Voters is reduced in order to protect the Value of a Clean Vote, will this inevitably lead to a Regression in local Autonomy?


If we continue to increase the Influx of Population into large Cities, the Number of Legislators in Metropolitan Areas will inevitably continue to increase.

It even seems that the "Vote Disparity" Battle is in Reality a Measure to promote Depopulation of rural Areas.


However, some have pointed out that "the LDP-Party has been pursuing a Policy for many Years of favoring rural Areas through Public Works Projects and other Measures by creating a Disparity in Votes between Rural and Urban Areas. Certainly, there seems to be a Situation where local Business and Political Bosses reign Supreme. (Switzerland is not without such Circumstances either.)


In Reality, however, the Online Edition of the Nikkei Shimbun reports that the Number of People moving into the Tokyo Area in 2022 has increased.




Concentration in Large Cities contributes to the Fragility of National Defense. Placing Self-Defense Forces in remote Areas limits the Extent to which the entire Country can be monitored in full. The Land can be better protected and defended only if there are strong Residents in each Region who have accumulated the Human Strength to survive without Convenience Stores. Just as City Dwellers cooperate with each other to maintain local Security.


By the way, "What Kind of Country is Switzerland?" if you ask me, I can answer, The Rules are good and it is easy to live." It is often written in the Comments of short-term Residents introduced in the Monthly Magazine of the Zurich Japan Club.

I am convinced that the Ease of Living is nothing but the Result of Political Stability.


Switzerland is known for its Direct Democracy, and this is guaranteed not only by the Expression of the Political Will of the Population in Popular Votings, but also by a System that allows a great deal of Autonomy to local Governments.

This is not surprising, since the Regions know better than the Central Authorities.


The Swiss Bicameral System adopted by the Swiss Federal Parliament differs from the Japanese System in that both Chambers are elected by the People every four Years and have Equal Powers.




The "Grosse Kammer", Nationalrat [National Council] has 200 Members elected by Proportional Representation.

The Number of Members per Canton depends on the Population of the Canton, which is entitled to One Member (Councilor) for every 40,000 Inhabitants. The most populous Canton, Zurich, sends 35 Deputies to Bern.


Since the Constitution guarantees at least One Seat to each Canton, even to Cantons with less than 40,000 Inhabitants, each of the six Cantons concerned sends one Deputy to the National Parliament.


Although the National Council is a large Body representing the People, it is influenced by political Party Politics, with each political Party Faction taking the Initiative and trying to organize the Agenda of the Parliament and often arriving to a different parliamentary Verdict. Therefore, Laws and Policies are sometimes settled through Collusion among partisan Interests.


The 46-Member "Kleine Kammer", Staenderat [Council of States] is elected by a Majority Vote, with two Representatives from each Canton and one from each Half-Canton.


The "State Councilors" are Representatives of the Cantons, but they act without Instructions from the Cantonal Government or Parliament. In the Past, the Verdicts of the "State Councilors" were closed to the Public, but recently it has been made public due to growing Criticism of its Opaqueness. Because of its Reputation as a deliberative Assembly, the Status of its Members is regarded as higher than that of the "National Counsilor Members.


The National Council and the Council of State meet separately four Times a Year for three-weeks Sessions. The two Chambers (United Federal Assembly) meet at least once a Year, usually in December, and primarily elect the Federal Councilors (Government Ministers) and Members of the Federal Supreme Court.


Most Members of the Swiss Parliament have a Profession; the Concept is known as the "Militia Parliament" ("semi-Professional Parliament"), spending an Average of 60% of their Working Time on their Duties.


Switzerland is a landlocked Country, surrounded by European Powers, which are able to cross Swiss Borders from anywhere, so it can be said that Switzerland respects the local Autonomy in order

to protect its own Borders and maintain its National Unity.


Switzerland's basic Principle is Federalism, with 26 Cantons and about 2,200 Gemeinde/Communes (Municipalities), each with far-reaching Powers.

However, there are considerable Disparities in Tax Revenues naturally, and regional Disparities are an important Political Issue.


To compensate for regional Disparities in Tax Revenues, there is a System called "Nationaler Finanz-Ausgleich" (National Fiscal Equalization).

This System is based on the Idea of Solidarity, whereby the economically stronger Cantons and the Federal Government provide Financial Support to the economically weaker Cantons.


Therefore, the Scope of the Central Government is limited, consisting of only Seven Members plus the "Bundeskanzler / Federal Chancellor," which is equivalent to Chief Cabinet Secretary in Japan.


On the Contrary, Article 43 of the Constitution of Japan states:


1. Both Houses of the Diet shall be composed of elected Members representing All the People.


2. The Number of Members of both Houses shall be fixed by Law.


"The Swiss National Council represents the Population, and the Council of States represent the Swiss Cantons." This is a fundamental Difference from the basic Concept of the Swiss Bicameral System.


Japan's House of Councilors (Sangiin), known also as the "House of Common Sense," is not dissolved during its Term of Office.

The House of Councilors (Sangiin) Alone has the Power to hold an Emergency Session of the House of Councilors during the Dissolution of the House of Representatives (Shugiin) based on (Article 54, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution), thereby preventing a Legislative Vacuum.


However, the Qualities and Aspirations of most Members of the House of Councilors (Sangiin), needless to say the Members of the House of Representatives (Shugiin), seem to have deviated significantly from the Ideals that existed when the System was first established. After the abrupt Assassination of former Prime Minister Abe came to light, it became widely known to the Public that a Cult of Foreign Origin dominated the Japanese Political World.


What should be prioritized in order to develop the Country in a proper Manner and protect the Lives and Property of the Japanese People? This is the Challenge. To guarantee the Livelihood of the People, to make effective Use of Human and Material Resources, and to distribute Tax Revenues equitably, do we give Priority to local Autonomy? Should Democracy be prioritized?


Balanced Development of the Nation's Land will train the People's Human Capacity and contribute to Homeland Defense.

It is also essential to guarantee free Competition in the Press and prevent Foreign Intervention.


Rather than "not leaving a Bill" to the Next Generation, I think it is far more important "not to leave behind a tortured Political System".


In order for the People to maintain their Democratic Rights, it should be the Role of Adults to take an Interest in and monitor Politics as a Matter of Duty.


In this Sense, it was a foolish Measure to grant the Right to vote, to Japanese Youths who are 18 Years old before they start Working. It is only when they know the Reality of Earning a Living that they will be able to understand the Society.


Comparing the Governments of Japan and Switzerland, it must be said that Switzerland has the Advantage in the current Situation. However, since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, "Swiss Neutrality" has been put to the Test by external Pressure of NATO via EU.



Editor's Postscript]


It is such a vast and complicated Topic to tackle that I almost fell into the Depths, but then I thought, "Can't something be done about Japan's Parliamentary System? I dared to organize my daily Doubts in a barbaric Manner. I then discovered that in order to establish the Decentralization in Japan, a Constitutional Amendment is necessary.

Even so, any System can be manipulated by People. Whether the current Situation will lead the Country into the right Direction or whether a Major Reform of the System will be implemented will depend on the Aspirations of the Japanese People.

I will continue to monitor the Japanese Politics as closely as I do it for the Swiss Politics.




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