  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 192 – July 01, 2020 (Swiss Time)








                          明子 ヒューリマン





Thoughts during the Corona Crisis in Switzerland


                  Akiko Huerlimann


□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□






                                明子 ヒューリマン



スイス連邦政府が316日(月曜日)深夜に緊急事態宣言を出した。*1) 65歳とそれ以上の高齢者、持病のある人は、外出を自粛して家に居て下さい」と、解除された323日まで、日に何度も公共放送SRFで伝えられた。何やら只ならぬ雰囲気だった。


1週間後の330日には、地元カントンの保健局から65歳以上の住民宛に手紙が送られて来た。「買い物などの支援をします」という内容だ。具体的な活動は地元自治体が担うそうだ。高齢者支援組織「Pro Senectute*2) や、スーパーマーケットのミグロとコープも買い物支援サーヴィスをほぼ同時に開始した。思いがけない申し出に、何とご親切な事と思ったが、気持ちだけ頂いて自助努力をすることにしている。本当に手助けが必要な人が他に沢山居る筈だから。
















ベルンの日本大使館は、1月末からコロナ関連情報のメール配信を始めた。*5) 225日、ティチーノ在住の70歳の男性のスイス国内初の新型コロナウイルス感染が報じられた。325日からは、スイスのコロナヴィールス感染者数と死亡者数を連日メール配信している。その時点での累計感染者数は(確定感染者)9,765人(前日比+929)、累計死亡者数は103人(前日比+17人)と、1ヶ月で急増した。そして、6 268時現在のコロナヴィールス累計感染者数は実に31,403(前日比+58)10万人あたりの感染者数は367.5人、累計死亡者数は1,681(前日比±0)にまで達した。














武漢発と言われる、コロナヴィールスの実態さえ未だ不明だ。医師や研究者は、ヴィールスは様々な変異を遂げている、あるいは、コロナヴィールスは存在しない等々まで、専門家の見解も未だ確定していないようだ。*6) ワクチンや治療薬の開発競争が激化していることが報じられているが、信頼出来る薬や治療法を期待するには何年もかかるらしい。











【 参照 】


*1) 連邦政府説明「COVID-19の現状と決定」16.03.2020


*2) Pro Senectute: https://www.prosenectute.ch/de.html

*3) スイス連邦内務省保険局/Bundesamt fuer Gesundheit BAG:


*4) 連邦大統領が公共交通機関でマスク着用:


*5) 在スイス日本大使館:


*6) コロナヴィールスは存在しない?




*7) 「移動制限は意味が無かった」:




【 編集後記 】





□━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



   Thoughts during the Corona Crisis in Switzerland


                      Akiko Huerlimann



The Swiss Federal Government proclaimed a State of Emergency at midnight on Monday, March 16th 2020. *1) "Persons at the age of 65 years or elder, or persons who have a chronic illness, please do refrain from going out and stay at home," announced public broadcaster SRF before the news bulletin several times a day until the restrictions were eased a bit on March 23, 2020. It was a something unusual atmosphere.


One week later on March 30, a letter was sent by the local Canton Health Department to residents over the age of 65 years. Its contents: "We will support shopping etc." Local Municipalities are responsible for the specific activities. The elderly support organization "Pro Senectute" *2) and supermarkets "Migros" and "Coop" had also started shopping support services at the same time. For me, it was an unexpected kind of offer, but I and my husband decided to do our best to help ourselves. We thought, there might be many other people who really needed help.


It seems that the action was based on the official pension age, however, in the first place, I don't think, it is realistic that the required age setting for support is 65 years or elder. I would rather think that the age of 80 years or elder is appropriate. The Swiss pensioners are in general almost as healthy as the working generation if they have no illness, or even if they are a little unwell, and they still have more time. They don't have to worry about losing their jobs or income. As a matter of fact, their everyday lives haven't made any major changes.


However, even after the restrictions were largely lifted, we decided to stop going on travel. We don't want to go to places where an unspecified number of people come and go. Traveling by Air is tiring and causes a heavy burden to the environment and is unlikely to be fully safe yet, so we don't think about it for the time being. Instead of travelling, I'd like to dispose of unnecessary items, do cleaning that I can't usually do, to make my living comfortable and read the books I have accumulated.


Few people in the neighborhood wear face masks, whether they are middle-aged or young. There is a nursery center in front of our apartment. Neither the staff members who take care of the infants nor the young parents who pick up the children are wearing masks. You can't see people wearing face masks even in the flu season, that is Switzerland!


Initially, the Federal Department of Health and the Swiss Government did not encourage the people to wear face masks, saying, "Face masks are good at protecting Others, but are not protecting Yourself". Actually, it was later known that there was a situation that face masks were out of stock then. *3)


On June 29, the media reported a mass quarantine of 300 people in Zurich. On Sunday night, at June 21, six people who visited a Club in Zurich tested positive for Covid-19. The Zurich authorities tried to trace the Club visitors based on a contact-list and imposed a 10-Day home quarantine. The six partygoers said they had visited several more Clubs in the City then. In Graubuenden, it was reported that there was a large number of people infected with Covid-19, after coming back to Switzerland from a party in Belgrade (Serbia), so it is still uncertain.


Now, Federal and Cantonal authorities have begun to look into a compulsory wearing of face masks as the number of Corona-infected people continues to rise; there are fears of a second wave of the Virus. Currently, only protesters are required to wear a face masks during a protest march. So far, I haven't seen photographs showing the Federal Ministers wearing face masks in public, but now the Federal President Mrs. Sommaruga has finally began to wear a Face Mask in public transport emphasizing the importance of wearing face masks in public. *4


Then, the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper of July 1 reported that "Masks protect not only the others, but also the mask-wearer himself". Today, the Swiss Government decided to make face masks compulsory for public transport users from July 6, 2020. As a result, it seems that the panic buying of masks has started.


The Japanese Embassy in Switzerland based in Berne started mailing Corona-related information from the end of January. *5) On February 25, it was reported that a 70-year-old man living in the Ticino was infected as the first person with the new Corona Virus in Switzerland. From March 25, the Japanese Embassy started to distribute information on the number of infected and dead people with the Corona Virus in Switzerland by E-mail every day. At that time, the cumulative number of infected persons (confirmed infected cases) was at 9,765 (+929 from the previous day), and the cumulative number of fatalities was at 103 (+17 from the previous day), a sharp increase in one month. As of eight o'clock on June 26, the cumulative number of Corona Virus infected persons was 31,403 (+58), the number of infections per 100,000 was at 367.5, and the cumulative number of deaths was 1,681 (±0 compared to the previous day).


Perhaps, it was difficult to understand the restrictions of the Swiss Government, which have changed frequently during this period, and even now, it is approx. four months since domestic media coverage has become full of Corona news; still there seems no big change in the public awareness regarding to the defense. It is also spoken of a certain amount of Corona-Fatigue in the general public.


Switzerland had a population of 8.57 Mio. as of 2019, the number of infected people is therefore overwhelmingly higher than in Japan. It seems to be a mystery in the world why the number of Corona infections in Japan, the seriously ill patients, and the fatalities are so small, but it seems to be natural to some extent.


In Japan, the custom of wearing a face mask has been established for many years. When you have a cold, you wear a face mask as a manner to prevent it from being transferred to other people. This may be the result of public health education in Japan. People with hay fever also wear face masks, so it seems that face masks are now even a seasonal necessity, and many people wear them on a daily basis. A Swiss correspondent even said, "In Japan, people seem to feel naked without a face mask."


Nobody gets into a Japanese house with shoes. The level Difference at the house entrance makes a clear Barrier between the outside and the inside. There are slippers in the toilet for exclusive use! I heard that Japan is hot and humid and has more Viruses and Bacteria in the Air than in Europe, therefore such a habit might have been introduced. When I first stayed in the UK, I was surprised that you are allowed to enter into a carpeted room with shoes, despite the wet and humid climate. If you are Japanese, you must feel that "mold fungus spreads, it is unsanitary!"


Furthermore, Japanese people use always chopsticks, spoons, and forks for meals, and it is rare to eat foods by hand. Even though, if you go into a coffee shop or a restaurant although it is not a high-class restaurant, you will be given a free wet towel and water or tea. Needless to say, everybody must wash hands before eating at home.


However, in Europe and America, people eat bread by hand, but a wet towel is not offered. When you are invited to a meal or tea, you will be offered simply a dry napkin to wipe your mouth. The greeting ceremony, offers many opportunities for heavy contacts by shaking hands, hugging, or even kissing both cheeks.


The Corona Virus which is said to have originated from Wuhan, the reality is still unknown. The View of experts, such as doctors and researchers seems to have yet to be confirmed; the Virus has undergone various mutations, or the Corona Virus does not even exist. *6) It has been reported that competition for the development of vaccines and therapeutic remedies is intensifying, but it seems that it will take years to expect reliable drugs and therapeutic methods.


While countries have recently lifted the Ban on Movement, it is known that returnees from abroad tend to bring viruses and spread the infection, and these countries are suffering. The question is that of compulsory wearing a face mask only and be free to move or gather? Judging is also requested from the economic impact. I read interestingly the information that "moving restrictions were meaningless". *7)


In both Switzerland and Japan, the authorities announce the number of infected people and the number of people died, but they do not inform the important information, which allows to estimate the degree of risk based on figures such as the severely ill people by age, the number of ICU-Patients, the number of people discharged from the hospital, and the number of people dead. No such information other than the number of deaths is reported. From the beginning, I felt odd with that strange side-by-side correspondence around the world.


The Corona crisis virtually meant an abeyance of democracy. This topic has been widely discussed and reported in Switzerland. The Swiss Government's declaration of a State of Emergency suspended the Parliament session. Soon after, an extraordinary parliament session was held based on Corona specifications, and a number of measures against Corona were passed by the Parliament. However, until at this point, it was said that the Federal Government ruled all the functions of the country and the parliamentary democracy was paralyzed.


There are many countries that hide the information about the infections, and it seems that the powerful people sought to strengthen the power base by taking advantage of the Corona crisis around the world. However, when trying to misuse the Corona crisis for their own purpose, the Corona Virus disturbed their intentions. Corona vortex swept the world and hit the national life directly. No one knows when the situation will be settled yet.





*1) Coronavirus (COVID-19) Current status and decisions as of



*2) Pro Senectute: https://www.prosenectute.ch/de.html

*3) Federal Office of Public Health FOPH:


*4) Federal President wears a mask on public transport:


*5) Japanese Embassy in Switzerland:


*6) Corona Virus do not exist?




*7) "Movement restrictions were meaningless":




 [ Editorial Postscript ]


Swiss direct democracy returned The Popular Vote scheduled for May was once canceled due to the corona crisis. Fortunately, it has been decided that a Popular Vote will be taken place on September 27.

I shall report about this in the next issue.



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