
 Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  JP-Swiss-journal - Vol. 211 – December 15, 2022 (Swiss Time)








                       明子 ヒューリマン


ESwiss Federal Councillor's Succession Election Situation


                       Akiko Huerlimann



━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 日本語 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━





                       明子 ヒューリマン



スイスでは、連邦議会も地方議会も「Miliz-Parlament」、即ち議員達はパートタイム勤務で殆どが本職を持つ。議員は「Mandat (政治的委任)」を禁じられていない。




「ブンデスラート(Bundesrat)」は、ドイツ語でスイス政府とその構成員を意味する。ブンデスラートは、124時間任務と言われ、「Mandat (政治的委任)」を引き受けることを禁じられているので、ブンデスラートとに選ばれたら、全ての政治的委任を解消しなければならない。




1 ウエリ・マウレル連邦評議員SVP(スイス国民党)の辞任表明









2 SVPの後任候補に5名が立候補を表明




保守のオピニオン誌「Weltwoche」のMarcel Odermatt記者が、「連邦評議員候補の中立性チェック」という記事を同誌28.10.2022に書いた。




この記事の前提となる背景は、228日、連邦内閣はEUと米国の対ロシア制裁を採択することを決定したこと。この数日前、SVPの関連組織「Pro Schweiz」は、スイスが交戦国に対する非軍事的報復、すなわち制裁の放棄を要求する「中立性イニシアティブ」を発表した。


Pro Schweiz: https://proschweiz.ch/neutralitaetsinitiative-pro-schweiz/





1人目は元国民議会議員のHans-Ueli Vogt(チューリッヒ大学私法・商法教



2人目のツーク州政府財務担当のHeinz Taennlerは、「中立性の意味は、ここ数十年で大きく変化しているので、中立性というテーマで白黒をつけるのは間違っている。かつて、この国は周囲を敵対勢力に囲まれ、互いに争っていた。だから、『傍観者』であることに意味がある。制裁を盲目的に受け入れるのではなく、慎重に検討すべきだったと、連邦政府の対応に疑問符を付けた。




3人目のWerner Salzmann全州議会議員は、「中立性が連邦憲法の目的条文に明記されており、スイスが2014年のクリミア危機の時と同様に制裁体制を遵守し続けることは正しい」と述べている。


4人目のAlbert Roesti国民議会議員は、「永続的な武装中立」を常に支持してきたと強調する。ETHT(連邦工科大学ツューリッヒ校)で農学部を専攻後、米ロチェスター大学のMBAを取得。2016423日から2020822日迄SVP党首を務めた。温厚な人柄と連邦議会での広い人脈から、最有力候補と称された。




5人目のNidwalden政府財務担当のMichele Bloechligerは、Pro Schweizの懸念にまだ納得していないので、このイニシアチブについて何の意見も表明していない。









そして113日、ヴェルトヴォッヘ誌の主筆で、SVPの国民議会議員でもあるRoger Koeppelが、社説「アルベルト・ロシュティは誤った候補(Albert Roesti ist der Falsche」を書いた。







イグナツィオ・カシス(内科医)大統領は、来年行われる連邦評議員選を非常に恐れて左側に傾いている中立の麻酔科医。保健大臣のAlain BersetKO前のカウントダウンの状態。「Simonetta Sommarugaは負けるのにうんざりしている。ヴィオラ・アムヘルド(弁護士)、ギー・パルメラン(ワイン醸造家)、カリン・ケラー・スッター(通訳・翻訳家)には、希望のかけらが見られる。ウエリ・マウラーで、最後のステーツマンが引退してしまう。










ロシュティは、党のあらゆる民主主義の原則に反して、現在政敵SP会派会長のロジェ・ノルトマンと協力して、異議申し立てと民衆の権利の解体に取り組み、将来、水力、風力、太陽光発電所が抵抗なく建設出来るようにしようとしている。彼の有料クライアントは、「Swiss Association of Water Management なのだ。ロシュティには、ジャーナリスト達が際立って寛大で、欧州政策つまり、EUとの関係に於いて従順で柔軟さを示すと既に信じている。


ベルンの全州議会議員Werner Salzmannは、スイスの中立性を堅持する揺るぎない軍事専門家だ。チューリッヒ州からは、法学教授のハンス・ウエリ・フォクトが戻ってきた。都市型SVPで、党の方針に隷属せず、高い知性を持ち、ポストハンターではなく、信頼性が高く、あらゆる本質的な問題に精通している人物だ。






SVP議会会派は、党内委員会の投票結果、Albert RoestiHans-Ueli Vogt2名を候補者に決定した。


3 SP(社会民主党)のシモネッタ・ソンマルーガ連邦評議員の辞任表明!


112日、スイス公共放送SRFは、「驚きの辞任、シモネッタ・ソンマルーガ連邦評議員辞任(Ueberraschender Ruecktritt - Bundesraetin Simonetta Sommaruga tritt zurueck)」と報じた。










81日独語主要紙「ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙」が、SVP会派リーダーThomas Aeschi のインタビュー記事を掲載した。



















4 ソンマルーガ連邦評議員の後任候補として、3人の女性と1人の男性(後者は非公式申請者)が名乗りを上げた。





ユラ州の全州議会議員Elisabeth Baume-Schneider






バーゼル・シュタット州の全州議会議員 Eva Herzog






SPの重鎮でツューリッヒの全州議会議員Daniel Jositschは、党の方針に異を唱えて立候補を取り下げなかった。






5 127日、朝7時半から開催された両院議員総会の投票で、10時半には2名の後任連邦評議員が選出された。

















SPの連邦評議員は、3回目の投票で漸く過半数を得て、Elisabeth Baume-








本命と目されていた能吏型のEva Herzogが敗れて、製薬産業の中心都市バーゼル・シュタットの失望は大きかった。一因に、保守系男性議員が、ヨースティッチ議員に投票して、結果が変わったとも言われている。






6 連邦内閣の新体制








今回、アルベルト・ロシュティが、望み通り「UVEK」担当相の座を獲得出来たのは、FDPKarin Keller-Sutterとの良好な関係から、退任するウェリ・マウレルの財務相(EFD)の委譲を約束して彼女の支援を得ることが出来たからだと報じられた。












20231214日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙は、「ロシュティ気候相は軌道修正できるか?(Kann Klimaninister Roesti den Kurs aendern?)」という記事を書いた。緑の党と環境保護団体は、SVPの政治家が重要な部門に任命されたことに反発しているという。







最近、SP党はEUへのアプローチに言及し始めた。ロシアのウクライナ侵攻以来、Mainstream Mediaは権力にしがみつくイソギンチャクのように見えてきた。今後、メディアの報道にも注意したい。






━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━



   Swiss Federal Councillor's Succession Election Situation


                       Akiko Huerlimann



In Switzerland, both the Federal and Local Parliaments are "Miliz-

Parlaments", i.e., most Parliament Members work Part-time and most of

them have a real Job. They are not forbidden to take "Mandat"

(political Mandate).




"Bundesrat" is the German Word for the Swiss Government and its Members.

The Bundesrat is said to be on Duty 24 Hours a Day and is forbidden to

accept a "Mandat" (political Mandate), which means that once elected,

the Bundesrat must terminate all political Mandates.




1. Ueli Maurer, Federal Councillor of SVP-Party, announced his



As mentioned in the previous Issue, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer, who

turned 72 Years old this Year and serves as the Minister of Finance,

announced his Resignation per the End of the Year at a Press Conference

on September 30, 2022.

Maurer has served as Federal Councillor since 2009; he explained that he

planned his Resignation for more than a Year.




He is the oldest and most tenured of the Federal Ministers. He is known

as a Conservative Leader of the SVP (Swiss People’s Party); Maurer was

President of the largest national political Party SVP from 1996 to 2008.

Ueli Maurer received positive Reactions from all Sides for his stern

and honest Personality and Fairness.


2. Five Candidates declared their Intentions to Replace the Federal

Councillor of SVP.


The SVP-Party has been approved two Seats in the Federal Council

(Bundesrat) based on the Federal Assembly Members in Parliament

(Party with the largest Number of Voters).


The Article "Neutrality Check for Federal Councillor Candidates"

by Journalist Marcel Odermatt of Weltwoche Magazine was published on

October 28,2022.




The Background to this Article is that on February 28, Swiss Federal

Government decided to adopt EU- and US-Sanctions against Russia.

On October 15, 2022, SVP's affiliated Organ "Pro Schweiz" announced

a "Neutrality Initiative" calling for non-military Retaliation against

the Belligerents, i.e. the Renunciation of Sanctions.


Pro Schweiz:



This Article explains the Positions of the five SVP-Candidates for

the Federal Council.

First, the Candidates of Zurich and Zug have clearly stated their



The First is, Hans-Ueli Vogt, former Member of the National Assembly

(Nationalrat) and Professor of private and commercial Law at the

University of Zurich.

He is one of the Promoters of the "Neutrality Initiative" and,

a Member of the Initiative Committee.

He argues that "Switzerland should use its Neutrality to prevent and

resolve Conflicts and work for Peace as a Mediator, and should not

participate in Wars."


The Second is, Heinz Taennler, Cantonal Minister of Finance of Zug (ZG),

he said, "It is wrong to be black and white on the Subject of

Neutrality, since the Meaning of Neutrality has changed so much over

the last few Decades". In the Past, this Country was surrounded by

hostile Forces, fighting each other. So it makes Sense to be "on

the Sidelines". He questioned the Federal Government's Response, saying

that it should have carefully considered the Sanctions instead of

blindly accepting them.


The two Berne's SVP-Party Candidates were modest.


The Third, Werner Salzmann, a Member of the Council of State

(Staenderat), said that "Neutrality is enshrined in the Purpose Clause

of the Federal Constitution and that Switzerland is right to continue

to abide by the Sanctions Regime, as it did during the Crimean Crisis

in 2014."


The Fourth, Albert Roesti, a Member of the National Assembly

(Nationalrat), stresses that he has always supported "Permanent Armed


After studying Agriculture at ETH (Federal Institute of Technology

Zurich), he holds an MBA from the University of Rochester, USA.

He served as SVP-Party President from April 23, 2016 to August 22, 2020.

With his warm Personality and extensive Contacts in the Federal

Parliament, he is regarded as the most promising Candidate.




The Fifth, Michele Bloechliger, Cantonal Minister of Finance of

Nidwalden (NW), has not yet expressed any Opinion on the "Neutrality

Initiative" as she is not yet convinced by "Pro Schweiz's" Concerns.




On October 17, she announced her Candidacy for Federal Councillor at

Stans City Hall, attracting Attention as the only female Candidate

but raising Suspicions about her British Citizenship (GB).

Although she once denied it, she was a Dual Citizen, having acquired

British Nationality in addition to Swiss Nationality, since her Mother

was British.

Although she retracted her false Statement on the following Wednesday,

it is a great Blunder for her to have once made a false Statement

about her Nationality as a Lawyer.

Her Mother-Party, the SVP, has been pursuing a Policy of severely

restricting the Dual Nationality of Politicians.


Then, on November 3, 2022, Roger Koeppel, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

of "Die Weltwoche" as well as a Member of the National Assembly

(Nationalrat), wrote an Editorial, "Albert Roesti is the wrong Candidate

(Albert Roesti ist der Falsche).




His Editorial Summary is here:

"Switzerland's Politics are in Turmoil. The Number of Asylum Seekers

is exploding and Prices are rising. Electricity and Energy are in short

Supply. The Green Turn has turned out to be a Pipe Dream. The Swiss

Federal Government has adopted the Slogan of Patience. For the first

Time in 500 Years, Switzerland is actively involved in a Foreign War.

Neutrality is in Comatose and full of Crises".  He revealed his Sense

of Crisis.


Swiss Federal President Ignazio Cassis (Physician) is a neutral

Anesthesiologist leaning to the Left, very fearful of the Federal

Council Elections to be held next Year. Health Minister Alain Berset

is in a pre-KO Countdown. Simonetta Sommaruga is fed up with Losing.

Viola Amherd (Lawyer), Guy Parmelin (Winemaker), and Karin Keller-Sutter

(Interpreter/Translator) see a Glimmer of Hope. In Ueli Maurer, the last

Statesman retires.


Because of this current Situation, we cannot remain totally indifferent

to who will represent the SVP as its Successor in Power. To the SVP,

the strongest Party, Voters expect Switzerland to return to the Path of

civic Virtue. Its Successor's Mission is to restore Neutrality,

strengthen the Army, reject suicidal Energy Experiments, and secure

Borders and Jobs.


The Hawks of War and the Doves of Peace are jostling. The Left is

burning Freedom of Expression in the great Crematorium of its "Cancel


Since the Corona Vortex, Despots of all Parties have grown accustomed to

the undemocratic Policy of brute Force, the Emergency Law.


Ueli Maurer was often the only one who dared say Things others didn't

want to hear. His Resignation left a huge Vacuum, removing a Shred of

Common Sense from this Government. The SVP should not send now its

national Carriers and Adaptors to a dysfunctional Institution where

anxious Loners and Self-Protectors hang out. We need Personalities who

flourish in the Face of Adversity, Personalities who come into their

Own when there are serious Problems to be solved and debated.


SVP's record-setting Post Collector (Albert Roesti) has disgraced

himself beyond Recognition with his 17 political Mandates, most of which

are highly paid, and the interest Mercenary is now so fully embedded in

Berne that the Media and even his Opponents only praise him.

One who wears so many Hats as he does can no longer afford

Confrontation, Debate, or Profundity.


Roesti, against all Democratic Principles of the SVP-Party, is now

working with political Opponent SP-Parliamentary Faction Leader

Roger Nordmann to demolish Opposition and People's Rights so that in

the Future Hydro, Wind, and Solar Power Plants can be built without

Resistance. Roesti's paying Client is the "Swiss Association of Water


Journalists have been notably generous to Roesti, already believing that

he will show Flexibility and pliability in his European Policy, namely

in his Relations with the EU.


Werner Salzmann, Member of the Council of State (Staenderat) of Berne,

is an unwavering Military Expert who upholds Swiss Neutrality. Hans-Ueli

Vogt, a Law Professor, returns from the Canton of Zurich. He is an urban

SVP, not beholden to Party Policy, highly intelligent, not a Post-

Hunter, and reliable, and well versed in all essential Issues.


Therefore, the main Candidate, Heinz Taennler, is in the Position of

Outsider. Zug’s Cantonal State Minister of Finance knows how to

organize the Canton so that it makes Money, not burns it. Heinz Taennler

is a good Choice, because he is independent-minded, uncomfortable, not

dogmatic, and experienced in Leadership." he concluded.


This is a Commentary that I personally nodded greatly to.


The SVP Parliamentary Faction has decided on two Candidates, Albert

Roesti and Hans-Ueli Vogt, based on a Result of a Vote by the Party's

internal Committee.


3. SP (Social Democratic Party) Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga

announced her Resignation!


On November 02, 2022 Swiss Public Broadcaster SRF reported "Surprise

Resignation, Resignation of SP-Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga

(Ueberraschender Ruecktritt, SP-Bundesraetin Simonetta Sommaruga tritt





Major Swiss News Organizations are generally left-minded, but even the

SRF (Swiss Public Broadcaster), which is one of them, was the First to

report, "The Resignation of Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga was

not expected by anyone. The Reason is simple: no one could understand

how the Minister of Environment and Energy could take the Lead in

eliminating Energy Shortages and then throw it away in the Middle of

Preparations, just before the Winter Season." it opined.


Regarding to Popular Voting, she lost all three Popular Votings in

Somaruga's 12 Years of National Politics: the "Hunting Law", the "Media

Package",and her most painful Defeat, the "CO2 Law" the Report also



She explained at a Press Conference that the Reason for her Resignation

was that her Husband, who is 16 Years older, had suffered a Stroke 10

Days ago. 62 Years old, she was a Federal Councillor since 2010, and

most expected her Resignation to be next Year. The Mainstream Media gave

a passing Nod to the Reason for her Resignation: the Illness of her

elderly Spouse.


On August 1, 2022 the major German-Language Newspaper Tages-Anzeiger

published an Interview with SVP-Faction Leader Thomas Aeschi.


"Faction Leader Thomas Aeschi said, if Energy Minister Simonetta

Sommaruga does not respond immediately to the Energy Crisis, she will

have to hand over the Documents (Files) to the SVP Federal Councillor

Ueli Maurer". He pressured her to do so.




The SVP wrote to Energy Minister Sommaruga and the Swiss Federal

Government, demanding a special Summit on the Energy Crisis with

the Business Community, Energy Suppliers, and political Parties in

early August. Eventually, a Commander (General) for Electricity should

be established.

If she does not address the Energy Crisis immediately, SVP wanted to

replace her with SVP Federal Councillor of Finance Ueli Maurer.


The following Day, the Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper published an Article,

defending Sommaruga and refuting the SVP-Allegations.




The Resignation of Energy Minister Sommaruga suggests that SVP-Thomas

Aeschi may have been justified in making such a Statement. It is easy to

imagine that the Duties of the Executive of the Country's highest

Authority, which requires a high Level of Expertise, albeit assisted by

Bureaucrats, can be handled in Times of Peace, but in Times of Crisis,

the Lack of Executive Capacity can be exposed.

Sommaruga served as Federal Councillor for Justice and Police from 2010

to 2018, and since 2019, she has been in charge of Environment,

Transport, Communication and Energy (UVEK).


Simonetta Sommaruga is a Music educated Person, a Pianist and a Music

Educator, who has been active in the SP, Social Democratic Party since

around 1988, and has been the Head of a Consumer Protection Organization

before entering Politics. Her Attitude to her elderly Spouse and the

Fact that she remained one of the Chief Executives of the Swiss National

Government even at a Time of Crisis is open to question.


She was the Federal Councillor retained by the SP's Strategy, i.e., one

who would govern the Country's highest Institution!


4. Three Women and a Man, the latter as an unofficial Applicant, were

put forward as Candidates to replace the SP Federal Councillor



The SP-Party's Executive indicated that it would only field Female

certified Candidates. A female Candidate in her forties dropped out of

the List of certified Candidates due to the Issue of having school-age



Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, a Member of the Council of States

(Staenderat) for the Canton of Jura (JU)






Eva Herzog, a Member of the Council of States (Staenderat) for the

Canton of Basel-Stadt (BS)




were selected as Official Candidates.


Daniel Jositsch, a Member of the Council of States (Staenderat) for

the Canton of Zurich (ZH), as not official Applicant from the SP-Party

and Party Grandee from Zurich did not withdraw his own Candidacy,

objecting to the SP-Party's Policy.




After this, approved Candidates were called to the various Factions of

the Parliament for personal Hearings.


5. On December 07, 2022 the two Successor Federal Councillors were

elected at 10:30 a.m. by a Vote of the United Federal Assembly, by both

Parliament Chambers, which was held at 7:30 a.m.


The Swiss Federal Site for the Election of the Federal Councillors:




Highlights of the Election of the 2022 Federal Councillors:




The new SVP's Federal Councillor was elected in one Round, by the United

Federal Assembly, it was Albert Roesti from Berne, Member of the

National Assembly (Nationalrat), Roesti received a Majority of 131

Votes. Hans-Ueli Vogt received 98 Votes and Others 14 Votes.




Albert Roesti's Press Conference:




The new SP's Federal Councillor was finally elected with a Majority

on the third Ballot, elected was Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, repeatedly

reported as a "Surprise Result".




Elisabeth Baume-Schneider Press Conference:




The Loss of Eva Herzog as a skilled Politician, who was considered the

Front-Runner, was a big Disappointment in Basel-Stadt (BS), the Center

City of the pharmaceutical Industry. One Factor, it is said, was that

a Number of Conservative Male Members of Parliament voted for SP-

Jositsch (unofficial Applicant), which changed the Outcome.

Baume, a Candidate from a rural Area, won the Support of rural

Parliament Members, giving the youngest Canton of Jura (JU) its first

Federal Councillor (Bundesrat)

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, born in 1963, declared that she would only

serve one Term in Office and reportedly considered it a transitional





6. New Structure of the Swiss Federal Cabinet (Government).


Albert Roesti has taken the Seat in charge of the "The Federal

Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications

(UVEK)" as he had hoped.


Elisabeth Baume-Schneider was put in charge of "The Federal Department

of Justice and Police (FDJP)".


The Cabinet Assignments are decided through Discussions by the Ministers

(Bundesrat). New Ministers tend to be assigned the unpopular "Legal

Affairs and Police (EJPD)" and "Defense, Civil Protection and Sports


This Time, Albert Roesti was reportedly able to get the desired Position

of Minister in charge of "UVEK" because of his good Relationship with

Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter (KKS) of the FDP, who was able to

gain her Support by promising to delegate the Finance (EFD) of the

outgoing Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer.


SP Interior Minister Alain Berset (EDI) was reportedly openly seeking

the Position of "Minister of Foreign Affairs," but was apparently

defeated by the Conservative Alliance relying on the SVP and FDP.

Interior Minister Berset, who was Swiss Federal Vice President in 2022,

is routinely the presidential Candidate for the Year 2023 and was

elected by an extremely low 140 Votes out of 246 Voters as Swiss Federal

President for 2023. The Media Coverage of his Affair and Power

Harassment Revelations is still fresh in our Minds. Nevertheless, an

Article in the December 15, 2022, Print-Edition of the "Tages Anzeiger"

reported that "Alain Berset intends to remain as Federal Councillor

beyond 2023."




[Basic Duties of the Swiss Federal President]




Next Year 2023, the Swiss Federal Parliamentary Election and the Re-

Election, due to the End of the Term of Office of the Swiss Federal

Councillors (Bundesrat) are scheduled to take place.

All of the political Gamesmanship in the Parliament is directed at next

Year's Elections. The four Latin-speaking Federal Councillors

(Bundesrat) now outnumber the German-speaking ones. Therefore, the next

Round of Federal Council Election (Bundesrat) is a Crossroad of

Speculation among the Parties to give the German-speaking Bloc a



The Tages-Anzeiger Newspaper of December 14, 2022, published a Report

titled "Can Climate Minister Roesti Change the Course? (Kann Klima-

Minister Roesti den Kurs aendern?)". The Green Party and Environmental

Groups say they are opposed to the Appointment of SVP Politicians

to Key Departments.

However, former SP-Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger, who headed

the "UVEK" for 15 years, said that "it doesn't really matter in which

Lobby you used to be," and ex-FDP-Federal Councillor Hans-Rudolf Merz,

who was Finance Minister, said, "Of course, seven Neutrals do not rule

in the Federal Council (Bundesrat)", the leftist Camp's Caution was

appeased by the Statement.

Politics next Year is already expected to be dominated by the Collision between Energy and environmental Problems.


Editor's Postscript]


Recently, the SP-Party has started to mention its Approach to the EU.

Since Russia's Invasion of Ukraine, the Mainstream Media have looked

like Sea Anemones clinging to Power. We must also pay attention to

Media Reports in the Future.

Weltwoche's Magazine Mr. Roger Koeppel, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief.

Whether you are on the Left or the Right, you are still a Human Being

when you take off the Ideological Cloak.


Have a Good New Year.



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