
 Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  JP-Swiss-journal - Vol. 208 -June 22, 2022 (Swiss Time)










                       明子 ヒューリマン


EThe Results of the Popular Vote on May 15, 2022 and

  approaching NATO


                       Akiko Huerlimann



━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 日本語 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━







                       明子 ヒューリマン




弊誌 jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 207 - May 03, 2022は投票前の事情を概観。*2)



1) 映画改正法(映画製作と映画文化に関する連邦法改正):














2) 臓器移植法(臓器、組織および細胞の移植に関する連邦法改正)








臓器移植に関する連邦法の改正に反対する国民投票は、保守政党SVP(スイス国民党)の青年部が達成した。投票日夜のTV討論会で、中道から左派政党のFDP(自由民主党)、SP(社会民主党)、Mitte(旧キリスト教民主党)の党首達は、人命を救うことが出来ると、この結果を歓迎した。しかし、Mitteのプフィスター党首は、国民投票で臓器提供が義務化されたことについて、殆どの人が理解していないらしいと懸念を述べ、国家には大きな道義的責任があり、国民に充分周知させ、データを注意深く扱わなければならないと強調した。SVPのキエーザ党首は、周知には充分な時間を掛けて大々的なキャンペーンが必要だと述べた。健康保険証(Krankenkassenkarte) に臓器提供の意思表示を記載すべきという点では、共通の認識を示した。











今後、臓器提供に関する意思表示をどのように残すかが課題で、「スイストランスプラント」のディレクターで心臓外科医のフランツ・イムマー医師によると、現在のデータ保護規制に従って意思表示の登録制度導入は、連邦政府保健 (BAG)に委ねられている。*4)「遺言の表明のための中央登録機関が始動する迄には、約2年程かかると予想している。」と言い、又、情報提供活動を「国民に届くように拡大する必要がある」とも述べた。




3) FRONTEX資金提供 (欧州国境・沿岸警備隊に関する規則の採択および規則の廃止 - 既存のシェンゲン協定の更なる発展)
























映画法の時と同様、移植法でもドイツ語圏とフランス語圏の顕著な違いが見て取れる。政治学者のルーカス・ゴルダー(Lukas Golder)によると、「過去20年間に起きた言語や意識の対立で、この明確さは5本の指に入る」と言う。






























スイス連邦議会の政党名 / Political parties represented in Parliament:



*1) 20220515日国民投票の結果/

Volksabstimmung vom 15. Mai 2022


*2) jp-Swiss-Journal - Vol. 207 - May 03, 2022


*3) 投票日当日のメディア情報:



*4) スイストランスプラント:


*5) 脳死の定義がくつがえる?死んだ人間の目の活動を復活させることに成功

Is the Definition of Brain Death Being Upset? Success in Reviving Eye Activity in Dead Humans


*6) アムヘルドは今NATOに接近しようとしている:








緊急性のあるテーマという認識から、ウクライナ紛争に関するスイスの事情を優先的に纏めていた為、弊誌の発行が遅れました。「スイス版 ウクライナ狂想曲」と題して、「Samejima Times の「筆者同盟」の欄に5月31日掲載して頂いた。ウクライナ情勢は今も進行中であり、実情を知って頂くためにご一読願えれば幸いです。











━━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━



     The Results of the Popular Vote on May 15, 2022 and

     approaching NATO


                             Akiko Huerlimann



Let's look at the Results of the Popular Voting and its Outcome. *1)

Our Journal “jp-Swiss-journal - Vol. 207 - May 03, 2022” gave an

Overview of the Situation before the Vote. *2)

See also Media Information on the Day of the Vote. *3)


1) Amendment of the Federal Law on Film Production and Film Culture.


The Bill was approved by 58.42% of "Yes" and 41.58% of "No"; 19 Cantons voted "Yes" and 7 Cantons voted "No", although the Vote was split.

The Turnout of Voters was 40.03%.

The Government and Parliament recommended an Approval, and Voters responded in favor.


Television Broadcasters in the Country are obliged to invest 4% of their Turnover in Swiss Film Productions. However, Streaming Services such as "Netflix", which often operate globally, have never been obligated to invest in Switzerland. For Decades, foreign commercial Broadcasters such as RTL (Germany) have profited from Millions of Swiss Francs in Advertising Space without returning anything to Switzerland.


The Amendment includes, among other Things, taking into account the Digitalization of Film Consumption and closing the Loopholes as a Result. Streaming Services will now be subject to the same Regulations as Swiss TV-Broadcasters.


A Number of European Countries already requires profitable International Streaming Distributors to reinvest a Portion of their Sales in the Countries where they are realized. Neighboring Countries such as France and Italy impose not just 4%, but 26% and 20%, respectively.


While it remains to be seen whether the revised Film Law will improve the Quality as well as the Quantity of Swiss Films, it was described as certain to bring more Fairness. However, another Aspect of the Law is that today, with the overwhelming Amount of US-Films being distributed, we have seen alarming Statements regarding it as a Means of US-Domination and Brainwashing. Hence, is the Slogan of protecting the Swiss Culture and Values? The Mayors of some of Switzerland's major Cities, Zurich, Berne, and Lucerne, as well as the President of the League of Cities, joined the Campaign in favor of the Film Reform Law, saying that it would promote Culture and Tourism. In the TV-Party Leaders' Debate after the Vote, it was understood that the Younger Generation mentioned that they had campaigned in favor of the Law from the Viewpoint of defending the Homeland, a Viewpoint that cannot be neglected.


2) Organ Transplantation Law (Amendment to the Federal Law on Transplantation of Organs, Tissues, and Cells)


The Bill was approved by 60.20% of "Yes" and 39.80% of "No"; 22 Cantons voted "Yes" and 4 Cantons voted "No". The Turnout of Voters was 40.26%. The Government and Parliament recommended an Approval, and Voters responded in favor.


The Federal Government and Parliament amended the Law because they considered it important that all Organs of all those who can and wish to donate Organs after Death are actually transplanted. As a Result,

Silence essentially meant Consent now.


The Referendum against the Amendment of the Federal Law on Organ Transplantation was achieved by the Youth Wing of the Conservative Party SVP (Swiss Peoples Party). In a TV-Debate on the Night of the Vote, the Leaders of the center-right to left-wing Parties FDP (Free Democratic Party), SP (Social Democratic Party), and Mitte (former Christian Democratic Party/CVP) welcomed the Result, saying it could save Lives. However, Mitte-Leader Pfister expressed Concern that few People seem to understand that the Referendum made Organ Donation mandatory, and stressed that the State has a great moral Responsibility and must fully inform the Public and be careful with the Data. He said that a large Campaign is needed to get the Word out in a sufficient Amount of Time. There was common Agreement that the Health Insurance Card (Krankenkassenkarte) should include a Statement of Willingness

to donate Organs.


According to SRF's Commentary, the nearly 40% Vote against (No) is not an insignificant Minority. The Fact that the Voting Campaign was relatively sluggish, overshadowed by the War in Ukraine, helped the Proponents more than the Opposition Committee. In a Country with such high medical Standards and high Expectations for Health Care, the opposing Conservatives were unable to achieve a Majority Agreement on Reproductive Health Care, Organ Transplants, and other medical Ethics, a Trend that has been observed for more than 20 Years.


However, the Opponents had a Point, and Topics such as the Right to Self-Determination and the Right to bodily Integrity were discussed intensively only during the Pandemic.

Susanne Kraus, Co-Chair of the Referendum Committee against Organ Donation Law, said, "I don't think all Voters understood the Meaning and Purpose of the Bill. I don't think People got the main Message that this is not a Yes-or-No Issue about Organ Donation, but about the legal Requirements for Organ Harvesting," she said, questioning the Outcome of the Vote. She is pleased, however, that it came to a Vote. Otherwise, the Law would have been introduced without any Discussion. A clear Paradigm Shift is said to be taking place, but not everyone was aware of it. The Opposition Committee sees it as "the State eroding Fundamental Rights. At any rate, the Opposition Committee had limited Funds. They say that today's Referendum Campaign costs a lot of Money and is like David against Goliath.


There is also Concern that People and Children who do not understand the Language risk dying and having their Organs removed without expressing their Will, and that there will always be Cases of willful Misunderstanding and Organs being removed.


According to Dr. Franz Immer, Director of "Swiss Transplant" and a Cardiac Surgeon, it is now up to the Federal Health Office (BAG) to introduce a Registration System for Declarations of Will in accordance with current Data Protection Regulations. *4) "We expect that it will take about two Years before a Central Registry for Declarations of Will is set up," he said. He also said that Information Activities "need to be expanded to reach the Public.


In my Personal Opinion, the Fact that the Discussion was focused only on the Pros and Cons of Transplantation made me feel that it was a poor Attempt to promote Transplantation. Is it really right to judge the Death of a young, healthy Organ Donor Candidate by today's Medical Standards? I think we need to have a more serious and thorough Discussion about what Life means. Is the Definition of Brain Death being overturned? I saw an Article titled "Success in Reviving Eye Activity in Dead Humans." Life is such a mysterious Thing, and it seems that there are still vast Areas that are beyond the Reach of Human Knowledge. *5)


3) FRONTEX Funding. (Adoption of the Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard (Frontex) and repealing of the Regulations. – Further Development of the existing Schengen Agreement). :


The Frontex-Bill was approved by 71.48% of Yes and 28.52% No.

All Cantons approved it. The Turnout of Voters was 39.98%.

Government and Parliament recommended the Bill, and the Voters approved it.


Finance Minister Ueli Maurer explained the Frontex Funding Proposal, which received 71.48% Votes in favor (Yes), at a Press Conference on the Day of the Meeting, as follows.

Parliament and Government have succeeded in demonstrating the Advantages of the Proposal. We are still in the Schengen Information Tracking System. This Information Network is of very great Importance for Switzerland's Security, especially for the growing Number of Crimes such as Gang-related Crimes and Drug Trafficking. It provides greater legal Certainty for both our Country and Asylum Seekers. The Aspect of fundamental Human Rights is a top Priority for Switzerland, and despite the extensive and ongoing Criticism of the EU's Border Protection Agency, the Swiss Side will maintain the previous Level of Border Control, resulting in "additional Gains for a greater Security."


The Press Coverage was relative widely discussed during the Referendum's Campaign, as was the Failure or Irregularity of Frontex's Response to People seeking Help at the Border. But putting the entire Co-Operation with the EU in the Schengen Agreement at risk for this Reason was seen by the Majority as clearly the wrong Approach. The Concern was that it could make Switzerland even more insecure in an already insecure Time.


The Hope was that in the Future, the Activities of the Border Security Agency, which would be provided with more Personnel from Switzerland, could be better influenced from within the whole Organization than by a "NO" Vote. In other Words, the Desire for closer Co-Operation with Europe was not the decisive Factor in the clear Outcome of the Vote, but the Result of a Security Mindset coming to the Fore, with Frontex Funding perceived as "an additional Benefit for greater Security" and described as a clear "YES" in uncertain Times.


For this Reason, the left-wing SP and Green Camp, which won less than 30% of the Votes in the Ballot, raised its Opposition, but it did not reach the entire Electorate.


The Conservative Swiss People's Party (SVP) officially came out in favor. This despite the Fact that Part of the Party was opposed to Frontex from the perspective of EU Skepticism.

The SVP's Slogan was also described as possibly Sealing a clear Yes to the Expansion of Frontex Funding, with SVP Leader Marco Chiesa saying, "With new Money and Human Resources, we can better protect our external Borders," adding, Switzerland also has a Responsibility for its Borders, so we should be able to find good Solutions in Switzerland," he said.


Thierry Burkart, Leader of the centrist FDP party, said, "Schengen Dublin is working. We warn of a "NO" Voting against it, because we don't want to be at loggerheads, we want a stable Relationship with the EU, Crime has no Borders, and we depend on the EU." He stated.


[ General Comment ]


The Turnout of Voters showed that relatively few Voters were interested in the Referendum. The Bill on Organ Donation received the most Interest, while the Netflix Bill, as it was commonly called in the Campaign, received the least Interest. But, it was noticed that the Film Reform Law encompassed a Sense of Caution against foreign Brainwashing and the Need to protect one's own Culture.


The Fact that all three Bills were approved as recommended by the Government can be seen as a Sign of increased Public Confidence in the Swiss Government and Parliament, but in Reality, the prevailing View was that the Ukrainian Conflict had put aside Coverage of the Referendum and resulted in a low Turnout of Voters.


As was the Case with the Film Law, the Transplant Law also revealed striking Differences between the German and French-speaking Regions. According to the political Scientist Lukas Golder, "This Clarity is one of the five clearest Conflicts of Language and Consciousness that have occurred in the last 20 Years.


[ Approaching NATO ]


On May 13 of this Year, at the official Residence of the Swiss Ambassador in Washington, D.C., Minister of Defense Viola Amherd announced at a Media Briefing her Policy of approaching NATO. *6)

The centrist Mitte-Party (Center-Party; ex-CVP) Federal Councillor (Cabinet Member) was visiting the USA, coinciding with the Time when the previously neutral Finland and Sweden announced on Thursday and Friday that they would join the Western Military Alliance NATO.


Defense Minister Amherd said that while "joining NATO is out of the Question," "Switzerland can and should move closer to NATO, and there is Room for Collaboration and closer Cooperation, even within the Framework of neutral Legislation.


So far Switzerland has participated in Joint-Exercises and sent Soldiers to the NATO training course "Partnership for Peace," but now that Finland and Sweden are seeking full Membership, only three, Switzerland, Ireland, and Austria remain in this Program. Therefore, this Project is no longer important, and new Forms of Cooperation must be considered. There are more than 20 Countries with NATO Ties participating in the "Partnership for Peace", including Georgia and Kazakhstan, and Russia used to be one of them.


Now, she said, if the Solution is to be considered within the narrow Confines of Europe, Switzerland's Procurement of the US-F-35A Fighter Jets as planned means that Switzerland will have a reliable Partner for a long Time, until 2060. It seems closer to not being a reliable Partner, but to not being harassed. Many Countries, including Germany, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Belgium, are also said to be interested in Purchasing the F-35A. After the Meeting with Defense Minister Amherd, US-Deputy Secretary of Defense Catherine Hicks said, "The F-35A will not only strengthen Switzerland's Sovereign Defense Capabilities, but also enhance Compatibility and the Cooperation with other European Countries and with the United States. Switzerland's Integration into European Security is clearly to the USA's Advantage," she said, making no Attempt to hide the US-Aims.


However, the Swiss Government seems to be in a tight Spot because of the strong Domestic Interest into the US-F-35A. Since the Deadline for Signing the Contract is March 2023, the Reservation will expire if the Contract is not signed before the Public Vote (Initiative) against the Jet Purchase, which would mean that the Purchase Price and Delivery Date would have to be renegotiated, delaying the Process for Years.


Politicians in charge of Security at the Swiss Council of State (Staenderat), who fear this, are calling for the Swiss Government (Federal Council) to sign the Purchase Contract before the Vote. This is, while legally possible, said to be highly controversial politically.


Defense Minister Amherd herself believes that the Federal Government should complete the purchase of the Jets without waiting for the Initiative's Vote, but says that is her Opinion as Defense Minister and that there is Time Pressure because the Issue has not yet been discussed within the Swiss Federal Government. Swiss Plans call for the first new Jets to be delivered starting in 2025.


Defense Minister Amherd, who visited the Manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, is said to have gained Confidence that the Schedule will be met. Amherd says, she has received Assurances that Lockheed Martin will be able to meet its Deadlines, which in the USA have been hampered by a Shortage of skilled Workers, Delivery Problems, and high Inflation. Switzerland is protected against Price Hikes, and the Purchase Price of 6 billions of Swiss Francs (CHF) is fixed, but it was recently reported that this may not be guaranteed.


Defense Minister Amherd also used her Visit to the USA as an Opportunity to connect the Swiss Industry Representatives with US-Defense Contractors. The latter is obligated to contract with Swiss Companies for 60% of the Purchase Price of the F-35A Fighter Jets and Patriot Missiles, which will require a total Order of 4.2 billion of Swiss Francs (CH). Lockheed Martin has already announced that it will invest up to 40 Million Swiss Francs (CHF) in a Sensor Technology Production Facility in Geneva.


However, it would be somewhat contradictory to make Switzerland dependent on the Foreign Technology for Weapons for National Defense. Can Switzerland, a small landlocked Country, really make effective Use of Stealth FighterJets? The Question remains. It is reported that advanced Research on Drones is being actively conducted in Switzerland

so I think it would be better to promote the Development of unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft rather than the manned Combat Aircraft. In fact, I saw such a Post in the Newspaper.


Swiss People have rejected EU-Membership in two previous Popular Votes. Swiss People thought it was out of the Question for Switzerland to join the EU. However, the Conflict in Ukraine seems to have changed Public Opinion in Switzerland. Switzerland, which has maintained its Position as a Neutral Country, has been fighting a Domestic Debate over whether it should or should not join; Switzerland was elected as a Non-Permanent Member of the UN-Security Council on June 10, 2022.


In order to get an Insider's View of the Security Council, is this a Strategy of "if you don't go into the Tiger's den, you won't get the Tiger's cub"? In any Case, whether we like it or not, we are being shown the exact Scene of Switzerland's being taken in by a Superpower's Agenda.





*1) The Results of the Popular Vote on May 15, 2022/

Volksabstimmung vom 15. Mai 2022


*2) jp-Swiss-Journal - Vol. 207 - May 03, 2022


*3) Media Info on the day投票日当日のメディア情報:



*4) Swisstransplant https://www.swisstransplant.org/de/

*5) Is the Definition of Brain Death Being Upset?

Success in Reviving Eye Activity in Dead Humans



*6) Amherd will nun nher an die Nato




Editor's Postscript


While the three words "Transplantation", "Netflix" and "Frontex" were being bandied about in the media, I knew that "Transplantation" referred to organ transplants, but I had no idea what "Netflix" and "Frontex" were about. When I began researching, I realized that "Netflix" was about defense, psychologically, and "Frontex" was about defense, physically. I welcome the passage of these two laws. However, regarding the organ transplant law, I do not agree with the removal of young healthy organs before it is determined whether they are alive or dead.


The publication of this issue has been delayed because of the urgency of the issue and the priority given to summarizing the situation In Switzerland with regard to the Ukraine conflict. The article, titled "Ukraine Rhapsody - Swiss Version" was published in the "Authors' Alliance" section of the "Samejima Times" on May 31. The situation in Ukraine is still ongoing, and we hope you will read it to know what is really going on.



The following link is incorrect. The correct link is as follows.

■ Tuberculosis risk among Ukrainian refugees:


■ Biden family's shady business in Ukraine:



Next Popular Vote is September 25. Publication is scheduled after the summer break.



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