  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 176 – February 24, 2018 (Swiss Time)








1 2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令

2 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成



                           明子 ヒューリマン





The Popular Vote on March 4, 2018

1 Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime

2 Popular Initiative "Say yes to abolishing radio and

 television fees (Abolition of Billag fees)"


                   Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━




    1 2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令

    2 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成



                       明子 ヒューリマン



1 「2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令」:


201818日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙オンライン版は、ウエリ・マウレル財相が急きょ連邦税についても国民投票に問う事にしたと報じた。 *2) 連邦政府の年間歳入は670億スイスフラン。その3分の2に相当する消費税225億スイスフランと直接連邦税211億スイスフラン、合計436億スイスフランの税収について、憲法の規定で2020年までと期限が限定されている。引き続き課税出来るよう、連邦政府は2035年まで15年間期限を延長する憲法改正を、国民と州に同意を求める必要がある。






2 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成(Billag徴収の廃止)」:


スイスコムの子会社「Billag Ltd.」は、テレビ・ラジオの受信料徴収機関。発議者はFDPSVPの青年部他で、「受診料支払いの強制は自由の制限にあたる。消費しない情報源に金は払いたくない。」という趣旨で発議した。連邦憲法93条「ラジオとテレビジョン」に対する過激な改革要求と評されている。連邦政府・議会と主要政党ではSVP以外が議案に反対している。


20171211日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙がSRG *3) の現状を図解入りで詳しく報じた。*4) 先ずSRGの総収入は、1985年のCHF 600 Mio. から2016年には CHF 1,640 Mio. 30年間でほぼ3倍近く増加している。受信料も1985CHF 400 Mio. から2016年はCHF 1,240 Mio. とほぼ3倍に増加している。


2016年度の総収入と受信料の差額CHF 400 Mio. の内訳は、19%がテレビ広告とその他の商業活動から、6%の大半は海外放送の為の連邦政府からの補助金とある。SRGのテレビとラジオのオンライン版は広告の掲載が許可されていない。SRFの収入が80年代から急増した原因は、人口の増加とBillagの徴収料金が段階的に引き上げられたことに依る。90年代からはチャンネル数を増やし、デジタル化や自社制作の娯楽番組も制作するようになった。2016年度のSRG制作費CHF 1,571Mio.のテレビ・ラジオの放送内容は、情報番組に38.5%、娯楽番組に23.3%、文化・社会・教育番組に17.9%、スポーツ番組に13.4%、音楽・青少年番組に6.9%配分された。娯楽番組の増加への批判が寄せられる根拠が伺える。


受信料は年間、法人からはCHF 597.50、個人からはCHF 451.10 徴収されている。但し、政府は受信料制度の大幅な改定を策定中で、2019年からは個人の受信料はCHF 365 に減額され、年間売上CHF 500,000 以下の事業所は免除する。それ以上は累進性となり、CHF 1,000 Mio. 以上売り上げの有る事業所は年間受信料CHF 35,000 以上、といった概要が報じられている。連邦政府による受信料制度変更に伴い、2019年から企業については連邦税務当局が、個人はBillag AGに代わってSerafe AGが徴収責任を担う事になっている。*5)


2016年度の受信料収入の配分は、SRG90%以上のCHF 1,240.3 Mio.Billag Bakom (連邦通信局) 4%強のCHF 67.6 Mio., 地方と民間放送局34社には5%弱の CHF 60.9 Mio. Billag Bakomの内訳は、受信料徴収費用がCHF 55.4 Mio.Bakom CHF 4 Mio.CHF 8.2 Mio. は技術、アーカイブ、字幕、研究に利用された。連邦政府は2019年からSRGのテレビ・ラジオの受信料を年間CHF 1,200 Mio. 迄に制限し、インフレ調整だけ許可する決定をした。この為SRGは年間CHF 50 Mio. の経費節減をしなければならなくなると言われている。


保守系週刊誌「Weltwoche」の2017118日号 *6) が、スイスの6大報道グループの国内売上高を比較した記事を掲載した。


1位 SRG (本部Bern) CHF 1,640 Mio.

2位 Tamedia (本部Zuerich, Tages-Anzeiger) CHF 970 Mio.

3位 Ringier (本部Zuerich, Blick, Schweizer Illustrierte) CHF 845 Mio.

4位 NZZ-Gruppe (本部Zuerich, Neue Zuercher Zeitung) CHF 440 Mio.

5位 AZ Medien (本部Aarau, スイス北西部をカバー) CHF 235 Mio.

6位 Somedia (本部Chur, スイス南東部をカバー) CHF 130 Mio.


又ヴェルトヴォッヘ誌によると、徴収され利用可能なSRG受信料の各言語圏の配分はドイツ語圏 CHF 885 Mio.、仏語圏 CHF 280 Mio.、イタリア語圏CHF 45 Mio.、レトロマンシュ CHF 5 Mio. とほぼ人口と比例している。しかしドイツ語圏以外の地域は資金不足の為、ドイツ語圏の余剰分 CHF 360Mio. から仏語圏はCHF 120 Mio.、イタリア語圏は220 Mio.、レトロマンシュは CHF 20 Mio. 其々支援を受けている。同誌はスイスの報道機関の中で圧倒的な規模になっているSRGを、「巨人は余りに巨大になった」と書いた。


赤い小冊子「連邦政府説明書」の20頁には、各報道機関の資金源が書かれている。*7) 受信料収入で賄われている割合は、SRG75%、地方テレビ局が53%、非営利の地方ラジオ局が67%、農村部と山岳部のラジオ局が35%と格差は大きい。ここまでSRGの数字を見る限り、増殖を続ける組織の現状が伺える。娯楽番組への傾斜が拡大している。組織が肥大化すると、権威の衣をまとうようになり、民主主義にとって脅威になりかねない。NHK (JapanBroadcasting Corporation) *8) はまさしく他山の石だ。


これまで新聞各社は補助金を受けて来なかった。競争が激化する中、経営の統廃合も含めて、経営の合理化が常に課題になっている。スイスの共同通信とでも言える「Schweizerischen DepeschenagenturSDA)」が最近大幅な人員削減を予告した為、スイスのジャーナリズムの危機と連日報じられた。ジャーナリスト達が人員削減に反対して1月以来2度のストライキを決行した為、報道が一時途絶えた。決着はまだ付いていない。この間SRFの名物政治討論番組「Arena」の22()3回目となる「No-Billag」の討論で、司会者ヨーナス・プロヤーの司会が批判され、発議者のオリヴィエ・ケスラーが司会者を受益者と呼んで波紋が生じた。その後無名の批判者がツイッターでプロヤーの「子供を殺す」と脅し、社会に大きな衝撃を与えた。


個人的には情報源として、購読している「ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙」とSRF (SRG) ラジオNEWSが中心で、日常的に両者の情報を比較している。双方の情報に大きな齟齬は見られないが、質・量共に一覧性の高い紙の情報が圧倒的に利用価値がある。紙の情報は安定していて、身体への負担も少ない。この事は紙の書籍についても言える事で、エレクトロニクス情報の限界と思っている。オンラインではスイスコムのBluewin、政府のウェブサイト等も閲覧する。テレビは特に興味のあるドキュメンタリー番組を録画する他は殆ど見ない。









*1) 201834日国民投票:


*2) No-連邦投票も来る/Jetzt kommt auch noch die No-Bund-Abstimmung:


*3) スイス放送協会(SRG): https://www.srgssr.ch/start/

*4) Mo-Billagを語る前に知っておくべきこと/Das muessen Sie wissen, bevor Sie ueber No-Billag reden


*5) 201834日国民投票「連邦政府説明書」16頁:


*6) ディ・ヴェルトヴォッヘ " ?No Billag? 国民投票小冊子"


*7) 201834日国民投票「連邦政府説明書」20頁:https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/abstimmungen/20180304/initiative-no-billag.html

*8) NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation):




【 編集後記 】





━━━━━━━━━━━━━English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━



     The Popular Vote on March 4, 2018

     1 Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime

     2 Popular Initiative "Say yes to abolishing radio and

      television fees (Abolition of Billag fees)"


                       Akiko Huerlimann



1 Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime:


The online version of Tages-Anzeiger dated of January 8, 2018 reported that Ueli Maurer, Minister of Finance decided to ask a popular vote on the federal tax as well. *2) The annual revenue of the Federal Government is CHF 67 billion. The Consumer Tax (VAT) piles up CHF 22.5 billion and the Direct Federal Tax generates CHF 21.1 billion making a total of CHF 43.6 billion. That is equivalent to two-thirds of the tax revenue and subjected to constitutional provisions with an expire date at 2020. In order to be allowed a continuative taxing by the Federal Government, an amendment of the Federal Constitution is needed, allowing an extension of the deadline for another 15 years till 2035. About that the Swiss citizens and the Swiss Cantons have to decide in a vote.


Due to the importance of tax, all political parties in Parliament agreed on this proposal. If it was rejected, the Federal Government would lose two-thirds of the tax revenue in 2021. Then we had to reduce Government Work greatly or create other tax sources. The Governments of the Cantons would also be affected because they receive 17% of the grants from the Federal Government.


Opposition to the agenda comes only from the "opposition committee" of "Independent Party (UP)", which is small and has no Parliament representative, and from some unknown politicians of the SVP and FDP-party, which are not in the national Parliament. They are concerned about the bloated Central Government. Their argument is that the Central Government's role should unambiguously focus on the country's security in the future. In their logic, the Central Government only needs a Department of Defense, so it seems a bit a rough opinion. Institutions that manage unified policies of the whole country such as foreign affairs, trade, communications, education, legal affairs, finance, pensions, and etc. are indispensable.


2 Popular Initiative "Say Yes to abolishing radio and television fees

  (Abolition of Billag fees)":


"Billag AG (Ltd.)" is a subsidiary of Swisscom, which is responsible for the collection of radio and television reception fees. Youth members of the parties FDP, SVP and others, launched as proponents the initiative based on the opinion that the "compulsion of paying TV- and Radio fees" is a restriction of freedom. We don't want to pay money for information that we don't consume." The initiative is regarded as a radical reform request of the Federal Constitution Article No. 93 "Radio and Television". The Federal Government and the Chambers of Parliament are against the bill, only the SVP among the major political parties supports the initiative.


The newspaper Tages-Anzeiger, dated of December 11, 2017 reported in detail the current status of SRG *3) with an illustration. *4) To begin with, the total income of the SRG increased from CHF 600 Mio. in 1985 to CHF 1,640 Mio. in 2016; that is almost the triple in 30 years. Reception fees have tripled from CHF 400 Mio. in 1985 to CHF 1,240 Mio. in 2016 too.


The difference between the total revenue of SRG and the reception fees in FY 2016 makes CHF 400 Mio. and the breakdown consists of 19% revenue from TV-advertisements and other commercial activities. Another 6% are sundry revenue, mostly Federal Government subsidies for Overseas Broadcasting programs. Online TV- and Radio (Internet) aren't allowed to post advertisements. The reason, why the revenue of SRG sharply increased since the 1980s are such as growth of population and reception fees by "Billag's" were raised in stages. Since the 1990s, the number of channels have increased and digitalization started, and self-made entertainment programs were produced. Allocation of the SRG production costs of CHF 1,571 Mio. for TV/Radio Broadcast contents based on categories: for information programs 38.5%, for entertainment programs 23.3%, for cultural/society/educational programs 17.9%, for sports programs 13.4%, and for music/youth programs 6.9%. You can see the basis for criticism of the increase in entertainment programs might be justified.


The annual reception fee charged is CHF 597.50 for corporation, and for individuals it is CHF 451.10. However, it was reported that the Government is formulating a major revision of the reception fee systems; as from 2019, the fee for individuals will be reduced to CHF 365 annually, and business establishments with an annual sales of less than CHF 500,000 will be exempted. Companies exceeding that limit will be charged based on a progressive system. Business establishments with a turnover of CHF 1,000 Mio. or more, will be charged more than CHF 35,000 reception fee per year. Based on changes in the reception fee system by the Federal Government, the new responsible body for the collection of the reception fees for individuals will be Serafe AG replacing Billag AG. as from 2019. *5) The  reception fees for corporations will be newly handled by the Federal Tax authority.


The allocation of the reception fee for FY 2016 is attributable to CHF 1.240,3 Mio.; more than 90% go to SRG, CHF 67.6 Mio. or more than 4% to Billag and Bakom (Federal Office of Communications), and CHF 60.9 Mio. less than 5% to regional and private, local Broadcast Stations. For the collection of the reception fees, the "Billag"- company costs are paid with CHF 55.4 Mio. and CHF 4 Mio. are paid to "Bakom" for the supervision. CHF 8.2 Mio. are used for technologies, archival storage, subtitles, and research. The Federal Government has decided to restrict SRG's reception fee to CHF 1,200 Mio. per year and allow only inflation adjustments. For this reason SRG has to save annually CHF 50 Mio.


The conservative Weekly Magazine "Die Weltwoche" November 8, 2017 *6) published an article comparing the domestic annual sales of six Swiss media groups.


1. SRG (Bern) CHF 1,640 Mio.

2. Tamedia (Zurich, Tages-Anzeiger) CHF 970 Mio.

3. Ringier (Zurich, Blick, Schweizer Illustrierte) CHF 845 Mio.

4. NZZ-Group (Zurich, Neue Zuercher Zeitung) CHF 440 Mio.

5. AZ Medien (Aarau, Aargauer Zeitung, etc.) CHF 235 Mio.

6. Somedia (Chur, Suedostschweiz, Buedner Tagblatt) CHF 130 Mio.


According to the Weltwoche, the allocation of the SRG reception fees, which were collected and available, were made to the German-speaking part by CHF 885 Mio., to the French-speaking part by CHF 280 Mio., to the Italian-speaking part by CHF 45 Mio., and also to the Rhaeto-Romance part by CHF 5 Mio. That is almost proportional to the population. However, in areas other than the German-speaking part, there was a fund shortage based on the reception fees. That shortage was in the French-speaking part CHF 120 Mio., in the Italian-speaking part CHF 220 Mio., and in the Rhaeto-Romance part CHF 20 Mio. That fund shortage was subsidized from the surplus of CHF 360 Mio. accumulated in the German-speaking part. The Magazine wrote the SRG, which has become an overwhelming scale among Swiss media, "Colossus SRG has become too enormous."


The red booklet of the "Federal Government Vote Information" on page No. 20, contains sources of funding for each media channels. *7) It shows the proportion covered by reception fees is 75% at the SRG, 53% at regional Television Stations, 67% at Non-Profit local Radio Stations, and 35% at rural, fringe and mountain radio stations. The disparity is big. As far as the SRG figures are concerned, the current status of the organization will continue to grow. The inclination to entertainment programs is expanding. As the organization grows bigger, then it will act with authority, which can pose a threat to democracy. NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Japan's public broadcasting organization) is just a sample. *8)


So far, newspaper companies have not received subsidies. As competition intensifies, rationalization of the management is always an issue, including scrap and build measures. The "Schweizerische Depeschenagentur AG (SDA)", which can be said to be the "Kyodo News" of Switzerland recently announced a significant reduction in staff, was reported. There are certain signs of crisis in journalism in Switzerland almost daily. Journalists went on strike twice so far recently against personnel cut, and the news agency reporting was temporarily reduced to a minimum level. The settlement is still open. In the meantime, SRF's famous political debate program called "Arena", discussed already the third time about the "No-Billage Initiative"; the last time on Friday, February 2, 2018. The TV-moderator Mr. Jonas Projer was criticized for his moderation, and the initiator of "No-Billag" Mr. Olivier Kessler, called Mr. Projer a profiteer, and disturbance occurred. After the program, unknown critics threatened Mr. Projer on Twitter "I'll kill your children"; that produced a great shock to the society.


Personally, the main information sources are the newspaper "Tages-Anzeiger" and the Radio news of the SRF (SRG), comparing the information of both on a daily base. Although, there is no big discrepancy between the information of both sides, however, quality and quantity of highly browsability paper information is overwhelming useful. Paper information is stable and the burden on the body (eyes) is less. That can also be said about paper books; I think that is the limit of electronics information. I also view "Swisscom's Bluewin" Website, the Government's Websites, and others. I watch little Television otherwise, I record TV-documentary programs of particular interest.


Tages-Anzeiger dated February 7, 2018 reported that heretofore subsidies to print media were considered to be a taboo, but there is a possibility that subsidies would be required for print media as well. Today, the press media whether Print, Radio, or TV, all they have internet portal sites. Revision of the broadcasting law by the Federal Government can be seen to some extent as efforts to improve the oligopoly of SRG. It seems that politicians are beginning to share the perception that new certification standards are necessary for fund-rising to the general media.


However, Tages-Anzeiger dated on February 10, 2018, a lawyer in Zurich, Mrs. Mirjam Teitler write a guest column and alerted of a possible steering of all electronic media by the Government based on a draft. "Media politics must also be decided by the people." Tages-Anzeiger dated January 26, 2018 reported that labor union proposed a "Plan B". It is a plan that the SRG can survive without reception fees, if SRG asks subscription fees to consumer in addition to Government's subsidies and advertisement fees. In late February, it was reported that the momentum of the opposition (No) side to the bill has slightly increased, but it is unpredictable until the end.





*1) Popular vote on March 4, 2018


*2) Jetzt kommt auch noch die No-Bund-Abstimmung:


*3) SRF: https://www.srf.ch/

*4) Das muessen Sie wissen, bevor Sie ueber No-Billag reden:


*5) Die Weltwoche "Das ?No Billag?-Abstimmungsb!)chlein"


*6) Volksabstimmung vom 4. Maerz 2018 Erlaeuterungen des Bundesrates: https://www.admin.ch/gov/de/start/dokumentation/abstimmungen/20180304/initiative-no-billag.html

*7) NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation): https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%94%BE%E9%80%81%E5%8D%94%E4%BC%9A



Editor's Comment


In a few days up to voting day, further information will be reported more and more. Now, I can understand the actual situation about the bill of "abolishing reception fees" relatively good with the basic information. It seems that further development will not go easy yet.




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