  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 137 - August 3, 2012 (Swiss Time)









明子 ヒューリマン





The Result of the National Voting

on June 17, 2012 and

Miscellaneous thoughts about

the referendum <Managed Care>

Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━






                  明子 ヒューリマン



617日の国民投票の結果 *1) はあらかじめ予想された通り3議案揃って否決された。投票率はいずれの議案も40%を割り低調でもあった。この結果は、政治に高い関心を持つ有権者が多く投票した事が反映されたと言えよう。持家協会の「建築費節約発議」は、反対投票68.9%に全州で反対過半数という結果だった。議案の節税部分については、既に3本柱の年金制度の中で充分に税の優遇措置が講じられており、これ以上の優遇処置は高額所得者しか恩恵を受けられないという認識も共有されていたようだ。Auns 発議「国際条約は国民投票」も、反対投票75.2%で同じく全州で反対過半数になった。TA紙の分析は、「民主主義の勝利であり、孤立主義者の敗北」と論じた。孤立を避けながら中立を維持する難しさを長年経験して今日を築いた国民の判断だ。「統合医療保険制度改革案」は反対投票76%と、3議案の中では国民から最も厳しい判断を下された。今回はこの問題に的を絞って考えてみた。






議案を提出したSP(社会民主党)の担当大臣アラン・ベルゼ連邦評議員*2) は、17日夕刻に判明した投票結果について、メディアから意地悪なインタビュー攻勢をかけられた。そして、その僅か2日後には早くも、新しい「家庭医診療の基本計画」を発表した。記者会見での説明には連邦政府教育研究事務局長が当たり、カントン保健理事会の代表、スイス医師会代表、連邦保健局長、家庭医の医療振興を求める国民発議委員会委員長等同議案の関連組織のお歴々も出席して、物々しくも基本計画の重要度をアピールした。むざむざ敗北を認めて引き下がれるものかと言うベルゼ連邦評議員の、並々ならぬ意志の表れが伺えた。




当のベルゼ内務相は40歳の若さながら、連邦全州議会議員も務めた頭脳明晰な能吏とメディアの評価は高い。しかし2012731日付TA紙は、大衆紙 <SonntagsBlick> の世論調査を、仏語圏出身者でもあることからベルゼ氏の知名度は未だ41%と無名だが、彼を知る人は好意を持っていると紹介した。若い頃南米のクラブでジャズピアノを弾いていた経歴も話題になり、連邦評議員の就任演説ではスペイン語で始めて聴衆の意表を突いた事も記憶に新しい。SP(社会民主党)のミシュリン・カルミ=レ外相退任後の後継者と目され、ご当人も外相就任に意欲を燃やしていた事が伝えられていた。だが母党SPの方針で、国内問題の最重要課題に力を入れる為、ベルゼ内務大臣の誕生となった。退潮傾向の党勢回復に貢献出来るかベルゼ連邦評議員の働きに期待が寄せられている訳だ。国民にとって切実だが巨額の財源が必要な為、とかく不人気になりがちな課題を多く抱える分野に、果敢に挑戦しようと言うSPの姿勢は評価したい。坐して待つ姿勢は、スイスの政界ではたちまち政敵やメディアの格好の標的にされる。彼の他にも若い世代に意欲的で有能な政治家が数多く居る事がスイスの財産である事は間違いない。



【 参照 】


*1) 2012617日国民投票結果:



*2) アラン・ベルゼ連邦評議員内務大臣:




【 編集後記 】


81日はスイス連邦の建国記念日なので、祝賀記念行事の他に、スイス人はスイスをどれ程知っているのか?等スイス人が自らに問う機会にもなっている。マニアックな問いに対する答えは必ずしもはかばかしいものでは無いとしても、日本の様に自然に出来た国ではないが故のスイス人としての自覚は確立されているように見える。それは、<JA? oder NEIN?> と問われれば、協調を重んじる<JA>ではなく、独自性を主張する<NEIN>若しくは<JAIN>を連発する姿勢にも見て取れる。



□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



  The Results of the National Voting on June 17, 2012 and

  Miscellaneous thoughts about the referendum of

  <Managed Care>.


                    Akiko Huerlimann



The results of the National Voting *1) were, as expected, all three bills were rejected. Each voting rate was also low with less than 40%. We may say that the results represent mainly the vote of people who are highly interested in politics. The Initiative of <Building-savings> by the house owner society resulted in 68.9% of <NO> and a majority of all Cantons was against the bill. The mutual understanding about tax saving included in the bill might be shared that the three pillars of the Swiss pension system provide enough tax incentives, and further tax privileges are only for high-income earners. The Auns initiative <State Contracts voted by the People> resulted also in 75.2% of <NO> and a majority in all Cantons was against the bill. Analyses of the TA-newspaper commented the results as a victory of democracy and a defeat for the isolationists. The judgment of the people who experienced difficulty in preventing isolation at the same time maintaining the neutrality and built up today's position. The Referendum <Managed Care> (Integrated Medical Supply) was judged hardest by the people among the three bills. My focus is to reflect about that bill this time.


When I was young, I didn't care so much about the importance of the health insurance and pension fund system, though I seriously think of it when getting elder. Actually, we cannot live free from anxiety in the golden years without trusting the two systems even when we have some savings. There are instable factors in any country if things go wrong; anyone might have to live on welfare or can become homeless. It's reported that because of the worldwide slowing-down of the economy, some pension funds became tight in Switzerland too. But the system itself is still stable so that a crisis situation is not yet reported like in Japan.


On the other hand, as reported in the last version, the health insurance system is not in a situation to be left like that. The Swiss health insurance is that the assured person has to choose a private insurance company to join. The substance of services of each insurance company is different, but the compulsory part in the basic insurance is the same at every insurance company. The difference makes mainly the alternative healthcare. Tages-Anzeiger newspaper dated of July 16, 2012 reported that the obligatory coverage of the basic health insurance in the Canton Bern and Canton Basel-Land becomes not yet widespread and it's just on the paper. Authorities in other cantons also have to claim people to join compulsory the health insurance year by year.


The bill presented by the SP-party Minister in charge, Mr. Alain Berset *2) went on an offensive by media with nasty questions about the polling result which was confirmed in the evening of 17th of June. And already only two days after, he informed the media about a <Master plan of family medicine>. The explanation at the press conference did the chief secretary of the federal educational body. The Representative of the cantonal health board meeting, the representative of medical associations, the head of Federal Health Agency, and the president of the people's initiative for promoting family medicine were present there as well and they all appealed to the importance of the master plan. The extraordinary will of the Federal Councilor Berset could be seen that he will not easily accept the defeat and giving in without a fight.


The master plan aims to provide better conditions for family doctors. The present system was fixed by the FDP-party predecessor Mr. Pascal Couchepin who cut the laboratory examination cost in 2009 causing strong opposition by the family doctors resulting in a demonstration. At that time, the federal health authority aimed a cost cut of SFr. 200 millions on the laboratory work per year, however, the actual reduction remained by only SFr. 90 millions. That measure will be amended at the new master plan, and the examination cost will be analyzed again during the transitional period. Apart from that, Home Minister Berset expressed to strengthen the education for family doctors at each university. According to the age structure of Swiss family doctors, absolutely the majority of them are predominantly over 50 years old. 1,200 to 1,300 Medical doctors are necessary per year, however, at present, only a half of the newly qualified doctors are born. If the situation is left as it is, the number of foreign doctors would rapidly increase more than now. Anyway, the people's initiative about the training of doctors was submitted to the Federal Government and it is under examination for national voting.


The Home Minister Berset is only 40 years old, but the media evaluated him as a smart skilled administrator with experience as a Council of States member. Despite it, the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper dated July 31, 2012 informed that according to the newspaper <SonntagsBlick>, Mr. Berset because he comes from the French part, his name recognition is only at 41% and he is said to be still unknown, however people who know him like him. It was reported when he was young, he played jazz piano at clubs in South America, and I still remember that people were impressed by his acceptance speech as Federal Councilor, which he started in Spanish. He was considered as the successor of the retired SP-party Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, and he himself was also very motivated to be the next Foreign Minister. However, due to the policy of his mother party, in order to act in the most important domestic issue, Mr. Berset, the Home Minister was born. The play of the Federal Councilor Berset will be judged whether he can halt the decline of the SP-party situation or not. The attitude of the SP-party is welcomed for challenging important, but unpopular issues that need enormous fiscal resources. A just sitting and waiting attitude in the Swiss political world would immediately become a favorable target for attacks by political enemies or media. Apart from him, there are many young political leaders who are motivated and talented that is surely the fortune of Switzerland.





*1) Volksabstimmung vom 17. Juni 2012




*2) Federal Councilor Alain Berset

(Minister of the Federal Department of Home Affairs):



Editor's comment


The first of August is the Swiss National Day. Apart from various commemoration events, it is the occasion for Swiss people to learn how much do they know about their country. Although the answers about the maniac quiz are not very good, but consciousness seems to be established as the country was not self founded like Japan. We can see their attitude when they were asked JA? oder NEIN?, they don't reply <JA> in a spirit of cooperation, but they fire a volley of answers <NEIN> or JAIN for appealing their own distinctiveness.




We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.


スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。


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