  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 93 – January 26, 2008 (Swiss Time)








明子 ヒューリマン



Swiss political situation after

the seismic tremor


Akiko Hürlimann





明子 ヒューリマン



その後のスイスの政局の成り行きは如何にも気懸かりで、暮れ以来注目してきた。前号でお伝えした様に、波乱の組閣ではあったが、兎にも角にもエヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー-シュルムプフ新連邦評議員は法相に就任し、12月28日にはブロッハー前法相から滞りなく引継ぎが行われた。ブロッハー前評議員はその引き際に「自画自賛のみ語り、反省の弁は皆無だ。」とメディアの評価は手厳しいものだった。スイス国営放送(SRG)の首脳陣の就任は連邦評議会の承認を経ることになっているのだが、SVP(スイス国民党)http://www.svp.ch/が組閣直後討論番組「ARENA http://www.sf.tv/sf1/arena/index.php」への出演を拒否した事で、「SRGに圧力をかけた!」とドイツ語有力紙はトップで報じたものだ。スイスの閣僚は日頃ボディーガード(身辺警護)に取り巻かれている事は無く一般国民に可也近いところに居るとは言え、その言動はやはり報道で知るしかなく、報道の自由が確保されていると感じる事は、政治を信頼する根拠になる。そういう観点からも、報道機関が権力中枢に対して批判精神が闊達であればあるほど国民としては安心できるのだが、今度は左派が協調して「ARENA」をボイコットしたと報じられ、スイス国営放送の今後が気懸かりな事態になってきた。


議会で承認宣誓した後、エヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー-シュルムプフ新連邦評議員には大量の脅しの電子メールが送られ、12月15日にはグラウビュンデンの自宅ガレージに暗殺を示唆するスプレーの落書までされた事は、スイス国民にショックを与えた。ブロッハー前連邦評議員とSVPはこの事には関与していないと明言しているものの、CVP(キリスト教民主党)のレト・ナウゼ書記長は「こうした行為を抑制するよう呼びかける事は出来た筈。SVPは党内の極右勢力を制御する力が無いのが問題だ。」と一刀両断。その後も、CVPの国民議会議員に対する誹謗中傷や、彼らの事業を妨害する行為が頻発しているという報道があり、これは由々しい事態だ。とにかく連邦評議員選で先制攻撃を仕掛けたCVP http://www.cvp.ch/ はSVPをライヴァルとみなして、次の2011年の選挙に向けて早くも地方組織に呼びかけて臨戦態勢を整えている最中とか。


個別の閣僚の評価ないし印象について、ドイツ語圏の有力紙ターゲス・アンツァイガーの閣僚業績評価(Bilanz)を参考にしながら触れてみよう。昨年大統領職を務めたミシュリン・カルミ・レ外相(SP/社会民主党)http://www.sp-ps.ch/ はひたすら我が道を行くタイプと評され、出身政党の社会民主党の退潮傾向にもかかわらず、国民的人気を誇っている。筆者の個人的な印象は、少しフランス語訛はあるものの、流暢なドイツ語で明快な見解を披瀝するリーダー。外相就任間もなく北朝鮮と韓国の38度線(軍事境界線)を徒歩で渡った初めての西側政府要人として鮮烈な印象を与えられた。国連人権委員会の設立を提唱して瞬く間に実現させ、更に国連安保理の理事国入りにも意欲を表明している。日本は先を越されるかも?昨年の8月1日の建国記念式典には左右過激派の妨害が懸念されていたが、躊躇わず出席を表明、式典は滞りなく行われた。国のリーダーとして遺憾無く勇気を示してくれた。先ごろ欧州委員会のベニータ・フェッローロ・ヴァルドゥナー外交委員長と懸案の厳しい外交交渉にも堂々と臨んで、国民の目線から見ても、実に頼もしい限りの存在だ。










[コープ新聞2007年の年末世論調査 / 2007年12月12日両院議員総会承認票数]

1位 ロイトゥハルトゥ経済相(CVP)4.41ポイント / 4位 160票

2位 メルツ財務相(FDP)4.35ポイント / 1位 213票

3位 カルミ‐レ外相(SP)4.31ポイント / 6位 153票

4位 シュミードゥ国防・国民保護・スポーツ相(SVP)4.23ポイント / 3位 201票

5位 ロイエンベルガー環境・運輸・エネルギー・通信相(SP)4.03ポイント / 5位 157票

6位 ブロッハー司法・警察相(SVP)3.75ポイント /


7位 クシュパン内相(FDP)3.64ポイント / 2位 205票











- 右派から順:スイス国民党(SVP)、自由民主党(FDP)、


- 連邦評議員とその代行者:http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/cf/depchefs1848.html 

- 連邦評議員業績評価(Bundesrats-Bilanzen):


- Swiss World 政治: http://www.swissworld.org/jp/politics/




主要政党の一角を占めるFDPだがこのところやや埋没気味。正式名称をドイツ語ではFreisinnig-Demokratische Partei Schweiz、フランス語はParti radical-democratique Suisse で radical がある故に急進と訳される事が多く、党の公式ホームページ www.fdp.ch/ の頭にも「我らはリヴェラル」などと宣言しているのだが、実態はれっきとした保守と看做されているので、弊誌は独語に準じて「自由民主党」と訳している。誤解を生じやすく紛らわしいが、これも歴史の成せる業か。日本にも未だ古式蒼然たる共産党という名の党があるし。



Swiss political situation after

the seismic tremor


Akiko Hürlimann



Thereafter I am very much concerned about the Swiss political situation; I've watched it since the last year-end. As I reported in the previous version, stormy formation of a cabinet, well, whatsoever new Federal Councillor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf acceded to the post of Minister of Justice, and on the 28th of December, a smooth transition of power was ensured from Mr. Blocher former Minister of Justice. On that occasion, "Blocher, former Federal Councillor simply blew his horn and spoke no words of soul-searching"; the media was harsh on him. The Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat) elects the management of the Swiss National Broadcasting (SRG). After the cabinet formation, SVP http://www.svp.ch/ refused participation to a debate program called "ARENA http://www.sf.tv/sf1/arena/index.php "; A major Swiss German newspaper reported on the top page "SVP gave pressure to SRG!" Bodyguards do not surround Swiss Federal councillors and they are quite near to the public; however, we can only know their activities through media. If we have freedom of journalism, that can be a reason for trust in politics. From this point of view, we are reassured critical faculties of journalism as much as possible. Now, left wings coordinated together and boycotted "ARENA"; I have become concerned about the future of SRG.


After swearing in at the parliament, a great number of threat E-Mails were dispatched to Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, the new Federal Councillor. Swiss people were shocked that sprayed graffiti implied assassination on her house-garage on December 15. Blocher, the former Federal Councilor and SVP denied clearly any involvement in that action. However, Reto Nause http://www.retonause.ch/ secretary-general of CVP accused them in a single sweep "SVP could have called for the restriction of such activities. The party does not have the power to control ultra rightists among them." After that, mental abuse and interruption against CVP parliament members and their business activities were reported. This is a serious situation indeed. Anyway, CVP http://www.cvp.ch/ that made the opening gambit at the Federal Councillors election considering SVP as rival. They have started preparations for actions to their local organizations towards the election in 2011.


Let's take a look at the individual evaluation or impression of Federal Councillors by referring to the balance sheet of a German leading newspaper <Tages-Anzeiger>. Mrs. Micheline Calmy-Rey (SP), who is in charge of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA) acted as Swiss President last year; she is considered to be a <walk one's own road > type. Despite a declining support tendency of her party (SP), she is very popular among people. My personal impression of her is that she is a leader who expresses clear opinions in fluent German with slight French accent. I remember that soon after she took up the position of head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, she crossed over the 38th parallel between South Korea and North Korea on foot as the first Western Government official. She proposed to establish a UN Human Rights Council and realized it quicker than thought. Furthermore, she expressed strong intention of an entry of Switzerland into the UN Security Council. Japan might be taken over by Switzerland or not? At the ceremony of the Swiss National Foundation Day on August 1 last year, she made her attendance without hesitation; although disturbance from ultra left and right wings was expected. It passed without problem. She showed thoroughly her brave as the leader of nation. Recently, she had hard diplomatic negotiations with Mrs. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the European Commissioner for Foreign Policy  about outstanding issues in dignified manners. She is a dependable person from a public point of view indeed.


One more person with a wide-ranging public support is the young Federal Councillor Mrs. Doris Leuthard (CVP) of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (DFEA). It's said somehow that she is popular. At the beginning of her accedence, there was some concern that the position might be to heavy for her because of a mountain of difficult issues with the EU. However, she blazed through her duty without showing any signs of being daunted. Her evaluation hasn't dropped yet; she has even earned respect for her persistent negotiation attitude. Soon after taking up duty, she collected media interest by the measure that she encouraged staff of her ministry to take child-care leave. At the beginning, she was excoriated, however, one year later, it was reported that even private companies increasingly followed her measure. Anyway she is dependable with her innovative attitude, full of ideas. On the occasion of the new year's press conference, she expressed her own opinion that she was not going to restrict foreign state investments into Swiss companies; I found that is rather fearless. Last December, it's reported that the GIC of Singapore invested SFr. 11 billions into UBS, however, Swiss companies have been invested more than several ten times that amount, so no need to worry, she said. "Note, however, that such state funds should assure transparency" that is quite correct, but it would be surely guaranteed or not?


As for the male Federal Councillor, Mr. Pascal Couchepin who is in charge of the Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA), he ought to move ahead on social security system reforms. So far he received rather low evaluations for insufficient progress, but also received much sympathy; the fault also lies within the parliament members and lobbyists. Mild Bernese Mr. Samuel Schmid (exiled from SVP) who is in charge of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) accomplished personnel cuts by more than half of the military personnel; his evaluation is not low at all because his reform was inimitable to any other Federal Councillors. He's been accused from left and right sides, but he receives a certain support from the public. He said that his mother party is still the SVP and he is waiting to be accepted by the SVP again. Mr. Hans-Rudolf Merz (FDP) who is in charge of the Federal Department of Finance hasn't shown his originality yet as reported by media. However, just few days ago, he proposed to abolish administrative measures and to introduce a simple consumption tax with a flat rate. He was praised by his courage, but it's said the possibility for realization is small due to critics from every direction. Based on the strong economy in the past, primary balance is favourable and debts tend to decrease. So it looks as every thing seems going on well, however, a difficult issue with the EU about handling institutional taxation is waiting. His capability about sustainable economic management will be observed. Mr. Moritz Leuenberger (SP), called the intellectual character, who is in charge of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC) is the longest serving Federal Councillor. Media asked him as he looked exhausted when he was going to step down. But he blew smoke "Until glaciers will increase."


Always with a high-visibility Mr. Christoph Blocher (SVP), since acceding to the post, called dynamiter, is in charge of the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP); he broke taboos and ignored rules, called problem boy, however, he received applause from patriotic people. On the other hand, his unpopularity from liberal and women is significant, that's why certain expectations of his deselection was foreseen too. As for the acts of his successor new Federal Councillor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, she was in the eye of the typhoon despite being a woman. She said that the reason of acceptance was that "I just wanted to rescue SVP." Though she's been still labeled as "traitor" from almost all SVP members. About her political stance, she expressed her idea against new nuclear power plants; that is against business circles of SVP support base. She is also showed her negative stance against the SVP initiative "acquirement of nationality" by her predecessor. She meant the problem can be solved with the present law. So she is quite liberal. If she can break with the past, she'd better join real liberal parties; that'll be even better for the country.


Federal Councillors are just like that, but the evaluation gap between Federal parliament members and the public is however interesting. It is shown as follows:


[Coop newspaper 2007 year-end survey = Public opinon (Po)/

December 12, 2007 joint parliament election ballot (P)]


No. 1 Leuthard (CVP) with 4.41 points (Po) / No. 4 with160 votes (P)

No. 2 Merz (FDP),with 4.35 points (Po) / No. 1 with 213 votes (P)

No. 3 Calmy-Rey (SP), with 4.31 points (Po) / No. 6 with 153 votes (P)

No. 4 Schmid (ex-SVP), with 4.23 points (Po) / No. 3 with 201 votes (P)

No. 5 Leuenberger (SP), with 4.03 points (Po) / No. 5 with 157 votes (P)

No. 6 Blocher (SVP), with 3.75 points (Po) / rejected by111 votes and 115

votes (two ballot rounds, reached no majority) (P)

No. 7 Couchepin (FDP), with 3.64 points (Po) / No. 2 with 205 votes (P)


What's going on with the SVP? Three weeks after the Federal Councillors election, at the beginning of January, a caucus meeting was held and attended by 90 members at the lake of Boden. They didn't change their hard-line stance against Samuel Schmid Federal Councillor; the SVP will abandon two Federal Councillors posts and will fight in the parliament. They decided priority issues on political strategy and confirmed three-election manifestos. The first one is tax deduction or not to increase tax. The second one is the SVP initiative "acquirement of nationality bill (deportation of criminal foreigners)". They said that sufficient signatures have been collected for a national voting on June 1. However, recently a great number of invalid signatures were found, and national voting has fallen through. That's an unexpected blunder. The third one is the maintaining against EU membership in the future. Note, however, that is against the intention of business circles. I wonder whether both sides have confirmed that or not?


Let me mention the reaction of the SVP Bern and Graubuenden where two Federal Councillors were exiled from the party, two influential parliament members were absent on that party meeting at the lake of Boden. A political ally of Schmid Federal Councillor, the innovative engineering entrepreneur Mr. Hans Grunder, a National Parliament member of SVP elected from Bern disagreed with party leaders of SVP Zurich. He said that they should be more liberal. Mr. Hansjoerg Hassler, a National Parliament member elected from Graubuenden said also, that he is going to wait some more time until the parliamentary faction of SVP will be more moderate and accepts the two Federal Councillors again. Anyway, he thinks in order to realize the party politics, the SVP should be within the cabinet. Although the biggest parliamentary faction, they still have not yet a majority. That reality is obvious, however, few party members offer counter-arguments to their leaders. The SVP announced their new party president in the person of a young farmer Mr. Toni Brunner (33), present Vice President of SVP and National Parliament member on January 12. Watching the future position of Mr. Christoph Blocher former Federal Councilor, he will not take up the party presidential post, and will be one of the Vice Presidents together with four others such as Mr. Casper Baader, president of the parliamentary faction, and they've decided to form a cloister government. How can the new president show his presence surrounded by the powerful old statesman?


On the same day, the returned Mr. Blocher as new party Vice President was warmly received by the commune of Helliberg, an exclusive residential district in the suburb of Zurich. The media reported ironically that the gemeinde (comune) offered a generous service to the SVP party for the welcome of the man known as tax saver and spent at least SFr. 60,000 tax money. Note, that almost all inhabitants are considered to be SVP supporters, therefore, fuss shouldn't happen. However, many local newspapers in the German part rushed to that event; he is still like the center of typhoon. As described, Swiss politics looks to proceede twisted in different levels not less than in Japan. Afterquakes will be carried forward. The Tages-Anzeiger expressed their opinion regarding to the Federal Councillor, "Three Federal Councillors who are above pension eligibility age should resign. They cannot show the guidelines of the coming ten years of Switzerland." As a constituency, I wish wield media's pen at first.





- from right to left wings: SVP, FDP, CVP, SP

- Members of the Federal Council - Heads of Departments and substitutes


- Balance Sheet of Federal Councillors (Bundesrats-Bilanzen):


- Swiss World: http://www.swissworld.org/jp/politics/


Editor's comment


FDP fills a place as a major political party, though recently they looked rather buried. The official name is <Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei Schweiz> in German, and in French <Parti radical-democratique Suisse>. Because of <radical>, it is often translated into Japanese as <radical (kyushin)> too. Even on the top of its official webpage is written, "Wir Liberalen", however FDP is considered as a genuine conservative party. Therefore, we follow the German way and have translated it as <Liberal Democratic Party (conservative)> in Japanese. That can cause misunderstandings, but it implies the history of the party. Also in Japan, there is still a party called archaically fashioned <Communist Party>.




We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.


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