  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 90 – September 02, 2007 (Swiss Time)








明子 ヒューリマン



Environmental matter of Switzerland


Akiko Hürlimann





明子 ヒューリマン









さて、温室効果ガスの悪役「二酸化炭素」の排出量だが、連邦政府の統計が示すように1990年から2005年までほぼ横ばいで推移している。セクター別の排出量についても、交通、家庭、産業、農業、サーヴィス業、廃棄物の各項目の割合はほぼ変化無しの状態だ。*1 このサイトには家庭の二酸化炭素排出量の計算が出来るサイトへのリンクも用意されている。*2 家族構成はもとより、住まいが戸建か集合住宅か、車の所有台数、収入、PCの台数等々階層毎に詳細な項目に答えて結果が出るシステムだ。個人の努力を啓蒙しようというのだろう。とにかく、現状維持では環境は守れないのは多くの人の知るところだ。






この将来にわたって続く環境の深刻な問題は今年10月に行われる国民議会選挙の最大の争点になっている事は、前号で触れたとおりだ。候補者の環境に対する意識の評価が新聞紙上に公開された。詳細は特設ウェブページでも閲覧できる。*3 評価の根拠は環境保護団体の質問に各候補者が答えた内容だ。結果は、州別、政党別、テーマ別で任意に並べ替えると、候補者がランク付けで表示される。更に候補者の詳細なコメントも4つの主要テーマである気象、自然空間、危機管理技術、交通の各項目別に表示される。まさに各候補者の環境問題への見識の在り様が有権者に容赦なく知られてしまうというシステムが出来上がっている。上位を占めているのは革新系の中でも特に社会党候補者、愛国主義的なスイス国民党候補者はその後塵を拝する結果になっている。


連邦政府は「環境」と題する冊子を作成していて、申し込めば無料で郵送してくれる。*4 写真や図解を数多く取り入れて、殆ど学術的な研究を一般向けに分かりやすく説明している。こうした取り組みはなかなかのものだと思う。又観光立国に相応しくスイスの文化街道*5と称する様々なウォーキングコースを整備し、ウェブサイトに詳細を紹介している。自然と歴史的文化遺産が中心のスイスの観光資源は、環境保全の重要な柱の一つとなっている。より多くの人々が自然に親しみ、自然を見つめ、自然を敬うよすがとなろう。決定的なのは世界の人口が地球の許容量を超えて増えてしまった事だそうだ。先日新聞の投書欄で「自然は人類を必要としていないが、人類は自然を必要としている」という表題を見た。「この宇宙で人類の存在意義とは何なのか?」と考えさせられてしまった。





*1  分野別平均二酸化炭素排出量推移(1990年-2005年、単位:百万トン)

Emissionsentwicklung nach Sektoren 1990 bis 2005 in Mio. Tonnen

CO2-Aquivalenten (gif, 10KB):


*2   http://eco2.ecospeed.ch/ecospeedhome/index.html?sc=1015&cenr=30


*3   http://www.umweltrating.ch/  (D/F)

*4   http://www.bafu.admin.ch/?lang=de

*5  スイスの文化街道: http://www.viavaltellina.ch/、








Environmental matter of Switzerland


Akiko Huerlimann



It's said that Switzerland's warming temperature is visibly proceeding such as glacier melting, decreasing snow accumulation, too rapid flowering, and so on. Because of unusual warm weather, we can see exotic creatures in the neighborhood. Around Zurich main train station, for instance, approximately thousand lizards live and fig trees grow well. Personally, I also realize the climate change. I even observed the moment of a breakup glacier in Berner Oberland few years ago. The rise in Switzerland's temperature has doubled the average of northern hemisphere in the past 30 years. One of the reasons mentioned is that there is no ocean as buffer material. Researchers cannot yet explain the change of seasons, however, as an assumption, such phenomena could be that the soil is not cooled during winter due to little snow accumulation, and then spring and summer comes. Actually, it's said the temperature has climbed 0.8 degrees Celsius since 10 years.


High temperature stimulates water evaporation that causes frequent rainfall. That causes easily the happening of slurries of mud and rock. This mechanism fairly resembles to the Japanese disasters by typhoon or earthquakes, which happens nearly every year. Enormous projects of breakwaters at rivers and lakes in every valley should be built; administrative authorities, when thinking about the size of the measure, their head seems to ache. Every part of the urban zone is covered with stone pavements or asphalt, once when it rains a lot; there is a risk of exceeding drainage capacity and to drench the city. That means our endless fight with nature.


Furthermore, I feel that changes of the seasons have been moved up. Now, middle of August normally must be high summer, however, I feel already late summer, and I even feel autumn flavor. Actually, mock autumn wind blew already last week, and I got a cold. In addition, continuous rainfall caused flood damage over a wide range in Switzerland. On this occasion, water included a small quantity of radioactive substance that was discharged into the river Aare from the Paul-Scherrer-Institute (PSI); disaster measures of neighbor nuclear power stations was of concern. For the observance of the thoroughgoing safety measures of water levels, the present number of observatories are not enough, however, new observatory constructions are not planned because it is not possible to hire enough specialist. Well well, if only get funding, it can be done, I guess.


Well, about carbon dioxide emissions, the villain of greenhouse gas, the development remained nearly unchanged from 1990 till 2005 as shown by a statistics of the Federal Government. About the proportion of sectoral emission, such as transport, household, industry, agriculture, services, waste showed also no big change. *1 From this site, you can access to a site where you can check emissions of individual household carbon dioxide. *2 If you fill out questioned items of hierarchy, such as family structure, type of house either one family house or flat, number of cars, income, number of computers, and so on, you'll see the result. The aim must be to encourage the individual motivation. In any case, many people know that the environment cannot protect in status quo.


Just on August 17th, Leuenberger Federal Councilor, who is in charge of the environment ministry suggested that 1.5% of greenhouse gas should be reduced by 2012. It is reported, that immediately critics from every direction had erupted; however media gave certain recognition to it. The target of gas sources are from diesel oil, ethanol, and up to methane gas produced by cows! The proportion of inland greenhouse gas exhaustion is as follows: carbon dioxide is 85% (35% of them are exhausted from transportation). Exhausted methane gas from agriculture is 7%; dinitrogen monoxide from various industries is 6%. It's said that cows are also expected to cooperate. But the question is remained how? For the cows, the responsibility of exhaustion problem is absolutely at the human side.


Another major negative factor for the environment is the so-called "Feinstaub" (particulate substance/matter) in the air. Since some years, polluted air in the city center of Zurich is often mentioned. Actually, around heavy traffic area with big lorries, I hesitate to breathe. Especially when "Feinstaub" is added to thick fog in late autumn or in the winter months; the overcast sky makes environment of central Switzerland even more serious. Unless people voluntarily restrict themselves regarding to consumption and live with less convenience, there seems no breakthrough measurement.


Serious environmental problems have persisted for years and are the major contested ground as I mentioned in our last version. Conscious minds of candidates were evaluated at a newspaper. The details are also opened at a special website. *3 The evaluation is based on the candidate's answers to the questionnaire conducted by organizations of environment protection. The ranking of individual candidate's will be shown by sorted category of prefecture, political party, and theme. Furthermore, comments of candidate's are also showed in four major themes of climate, natural space, risk management technology, and transportation accordingly. The merciless system was built up in order to inform about environmental consciousness of candidates to the constituency. Progressive candidates, especially in the socialist party, occupy top ranking; group and candidates of patriotic Swiss Volks Party take second billing.


The Swiss Federal government publishes a magazine called "Umwelt (=Environment)" and if we apply, it is send free. *4 Almost academic contents are explained understandably to everybody with many pictures and graphics. Such an engagement by the government is pretty good. And, as a tourism nation, many walking courses so called "Swiss culture streets" *5 covering the whole land are introduced by details at its website. Swiss tourism's resources are based on nature and heritage of historical culture, and those are one of the major measurements of its environment protection. If many people enjoy nature and observe it, that'll be a reminder to respect nature. Decisive reality is that global population has already exceeded its capacity. The other day, I saw a title of a reader's view at a newspaper column, "nature doesn't need human, but human need nature". I wondered, "What is the human significance of existence in this world?"





*1 Emission development by Sector 1990 till 2005 in Mio. Tons CO2- Equivalent http://www.bafu.admin.ch/klima/00493/index.html?lang=de

*2 http://eco2.ecospeed.ch/ecospeedhome/index.html?sc=1015&cenr=30


*3 http://www.umweltrating.ch/  (D/F)

*4 http://www.bafu.admin.ch/?lang=de

*5 Swiss culture streets: http://www.viavaltellina.ch/

   http://www.viamalaferien.ch/ http://www.viastockalper.ch/


Editor's comment


The theme of our last version was energy. Nowadays, energy matter is deeply related to environmental matter. When I dear to describe both themes separately, I found some inconveniences, however due to limited space, I newly thought about environment matter including climate change.




We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.


スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。


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Editor & web-master: Akiko Huerlimann


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Weekly Swiss News Headlines    Number of readers: 2,420

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