  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 86 – April 03, 2007 (Swiss Time)









明子 ヒューリマン



Swiss National Defense 


Akiko Hürlimann




明子 ヒューリマン



スイスの金融関係者とて、世界の金庫を守る為には、犯罪に関わらないようそれなりの理論武装と対策を心掛けている。この為の民間アドヴァイサリー機関として[VQF http://www.sro-vqf.ch/ (D)]が10年前に設立されており、中小の投資顧問会社に至る迄、顧客情報の管理、法令順守等のルールを周知させている。 EUや世界中から違法資金の秘匿を指弾されたスイスは、守秘義務の基本は手放さずに批判を回避出来る独自の違法資金を取り締まる法律を編み出し、法律の脇を固める民間組織を誕生させた訳だ。このような民間組織の他にも、常に政界情勢を鑑みながら、憲法も法律も政府・議会・選挙民が国益に沿って随時修正を加えている体制には、独自路線を歩む強い意志が感じられる。



現在一般家庭に至るまで普及率100%以上を誇る核シェルターは、1959年民間防衛法に定められた。当時スイス国民はどのようにこんな大事を受け入れたのか、今更ながらだが、大いなる疑問が持ち上がった。この危機感のもの凄さ!核戦争になっても、スイス人だけは生き延びるんだという覚悟の程が伺える。我家の物置もこの核シェルターの中にある。スイス政府が編纂した『民間防衛 (ISBN 4562036672)』日本語版は原書房から出版されており、阪神淡路大震災を機に再び日本で多く読まれているそうだ。テロ攻撃と災害の両方に対応する為に。但し、地震大国日本では、ここ数年耐震構造の偽造が大きな社会問題となっているが、スイスの建物は耐震についてほとんど考慮されていない、という報道があった。日本とは異なり、地震の危険性が限定的である事や、高層建築物が少ないという事情からと思われるが、この点いささか心許ない気はする。とに角、国防の為の武器や設備を備えてさえいれば安心というものではない事は明瞭だ。運用の仕方を誤れば磐石と見えるこうした供えも役に立たない場合がある。折々の報道からその為の周到な情報戦略もスイスにはあるように伺える。




- http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B9 (J)
- http://dataranking.com/country.cgi?LG=j&CO=27 (J/E)
- ヴィキペディア検索キーワード http://ja.wikipedia.org/ :

- 『民間防衛』スイス政府著/原書房 ; ISBN 4562036672
- 『スイスと日本 国を守るということ「永世中立」を支える「民間防衛」の知恵に学ぶ』

  松村劭著/祥伝社 ; ISBN 4396681062
-  「将軍アンリ・ギザン」植村英一著、原書房発行
-  「スイス 歴史から現代へ」森田安一著、刀水書房

【編集後記 】



Swiss National Defense

      Akiko Hürlimann

Inviting prominents:
Many prominent people immigrate to Switzerland from all over the world. This phenomenon happens not only in canton with low tax rate, but also in high tax rate canton. Do you know the reason? It allows such foreigners simply to live normally and quietly here. Swiss people do not make a fuss over prominent. They behave not curious and hung out on the street frequently. In fact, they even don't show big interest in them (actually, they pretend not to do?). Well known persons can live normally without being followed by camera or exposed by curious eyes, neither in the city nor in a small village in Switzerland. There are many places in the world, where the infrastructure is well-developed, safe, cheap tax, and scenic; however let those places live you quietly?

Financial infrastructure:
Such prominent and wealthy people move in or make long vacations in Switzerland with their assets. It's natural that not only leaders who feel insecure to deposit their assets at banks in their home country, or even opposition forces of nations feel at ease to deposit their money in Switzerland. People tend to think that nobody ever will give any damage to Switzerland where their safe is located. However, people in Switzerland think "Switzerland can be also a target of terror attacks"; the mood isn't optimistic at all here. Anyhow, as a measure, making foreign prominent comfortable in their own country, that certainly assures national defense. One point, that seems not widely known is, that absolute banking secrecy is out of date. In case of criminal investigation, a bank has to disclose to the authority their client information according to law. If once caught by the arm of the law, one trying to hide their fortune such as dictators of certain countries, leader of Yamaguchi-gumi (Japanese gang group), or Horiemon (IT idle) have little chance to escape.

Regarding to Swiss financial leaders, they arm themselves with certain legal knowledge and measures in order not to be involved in criminal cases for the sake of keeping good reputation as the world's safe heaven. For this reason, a private advisory institution called [VQF http://www.sro-vqf.ch/ (D)] was established ten years ago. They advice how to organize clients information, compliance, and so for middle and small financial advisory companies. Switzerland was criticized by EU and international bodies about keeping bank secrecy of illegal funds in the past; Switzerland created their own legal instruments and laws to counter illegal money transactions avoiding criticism without giving up the principl e of confidentiality, and founded such a private organization to strengthen the law. Swiss government, parliament and nation are watching international phenomena, and occasionally making revision of constitution and law for the national interest that shows their strong will for going their own way.

Permanent neutrality:
Switzerland has a national credo as the world's preeminent permanent neutrality; however, often the aspect of armed neutrality is forgotten in that context. Switzerland was admitted permanent neutrality at the Vienna conference in 1815, since then, history tells that their neutrality wasn't respected by just saying <we are neutral>; that showed the two world wars in the 20th Century. The idea of permanent neutrality is a hard-hearted ideal that there is no enemy and friend in the world for them. It's given to saying that Switzerland cooperated with Nazi. But it's said for Switzerland the Allies and the Axis were neither enemy nor friend, and top priority for permanent neutrality is the survival of the nation. Such going my way attitude has been handed down up to now. As you must have known, Switzerland was very careful regarding to join the United Nation (UN), and joining EU is still under the consideration.

Universal conscription system:
Their universal conscription system for maintaining armed neutrality is well known. In fact, men disliking military service are not only a negligible number. Normally, fresh recruit training is 17 weeks, but there is a one-year elite course for officers. Officers are considered because of their leadership and physical capacity; it might be easier for them to get promotion at work, however, still many people don't care about it. Far from it, it is reported that more and more young men cannot bear fresh recruit training; that disturbs the universal conscription system. On the other side, commandeering not well-trained citizens is now considered inefficient and a heavier financial burden; Swiss army authorities place emphasis on more military professionals. These days at
parliament sessions, it was discussed whether militia should keep (store) their personal gun at home or not. That was because of occasional incidents with army weapons with women as victims. However, even men who don't like military duties, but they seem to support the universal conscription system; there isn't a visible movement about abolishing that system.

Nuclear shelter:
Nuclear shelter cover more than 100% of the nation down to private houses; the act was introduced by the civil defense law in 1959. At that time, how did the Swiss citizens react to such huge measure, a big question has risen to me. What a heightened sense of crisis! I can see a strong will of Swiss for survival. Our storage is located in the nuclear shelter too. Japanese version of [Civil defense (ISBN 4562036672)] compiled by the Swiss Government was issued by Hara Shobo and widely read in Japan since Hanshin Awaji earthquake. The purpose is to prepare for terror attacks and casualties. In that regard, Japan as earthquake country, the recent forgery of earthquake-proof structures has become a big social problem. Buildings in Switzerland however, have disregarded the aspect of earthquake-proof, as it was reported. Not like in Japan, I guess the risk of earthquake is lim ited, and high-rise buildings are also rare in Switzerland; nevertheless, I find less secure in that point. Anyway, it is obvious that if only we have weapons and facilities for national defense, we may not set our mind at ease. If we fail to manage, such firm security preparedness, it can be useless. Based on occasional reports, Switzerland seems to have also a meticulous information strategy for that purpose.

Direct democracy:
I thought about Swiss preventive measure for avoiding conflict with other nations. Immediately, some points come up to my mind such as, not to discriminate foreigners, not to invade other countries, to watch about movement of other countries, and to contribute to the international society. As you can easily understand that every Swiss political matter becomes foreign affairs. People need sense of analyzing information; they are trained regarding to political knowledge by national voting and sense of foreign affair too. There was a report, obligation of national voting three to four times every year, people feel sometimes a burden, though the majority of people do not want to give up the direct democracy system. Politicians do not hesitate to say, "Final decision will be made by the citizens." People consider it as normal, however, they choose only professionals as politician, and they don't look for an entertainer. The intention of nation is to leave the messy work up to professionals and then; they will make the final decision. There is atmosphere that people talk about politics without hesitation. On such occasions, the words of "other people saying" would be only disregarded. Anyway, when Swiss people express their opinion even that's more or less the same as others, though they tend to start a word with "Nooo!" If I hear the mind till the end, sometimes "Nothing different" to the others. I guess such attitude was formed by reserved, but adversarial quality.

National character:
It's said, that there are many mutualities between Switzerland and Japan, however, if there is a decisive difference, I would point out to the aforementioned "going my way style" of Swiss; whereas it is well known to the Japanese character, "If everyone crosses against the red light, then there's nothing to be afraid of." If I may say furthermore, Swiss people don't forget the past. However, Japanese seems to be rather forgetful. Atomic weapons bombed them twice, and people have been suffered many generations up to now, but the anger hasn't been properly shared among the nation. Whether this could be a different way of pragmatism? In theJapanese constitution "not fight war" and "unarmed" are clearly mentioned. According to context, it looks certainly neutral, but unarmed has lost substance already long time ago; "non fight" arguments go around and around. The arguments divide the nation, actually it has become a break, and unintentionally ulterior motive of that alliance partner could make a feint. Not direct democracy like Switzerland, but Japan is also a democratic country; this could be strength. Recently, a tendency of dealignment of the Japanese constituency is significant; no party affiliation (nonpartisan) ratings have become higher whereas the major party lost support. However, reportedly the interest to go to polling has risen. That could be a sign of taking back politics to the people. We don't know yet what's going on. Hopingly, Switzerland and Japan will take together a no war initiative in the international society. We can avoid conflicts only by people's will.


- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland
- http://dataranking.com/country.cgi?LG=j&CO=27 (J/E)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Guisan (E)
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_of_Switzerland (E)

Editor's comment

As far as my residence in Switzerland is concerned, I don't feel a big fear about security; I have however become concerned about Japanese national defense. In Japan, a novel called "get out from the peninsula" written by Ryu Murakami was released in March 2005, and produced a big impact. The story is about a special operation by troops of North Korea occupying Kyushu island. Recent movements of neighboring countries against Japan showed an increased complexity and mixed feelings of like and dislike. Movements of a revision of history have occurred in Europe, in Switzerland, and in Japan towards different directions. If we miss to make an effort to share fair historical perspective, this can cause troubles to our remotest descendants. I think more often about a Japan with peace constitution and Switzerland with permanent neutrality, I tried to express my thinking at the present moment.


We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and
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でお願いします。 jp-swiss-journal@bluewin.ch

Issuer / 発行元: the editors' Group of jp-Swiss-journal
Editor & web-master: Akiko Huerlimann
Sister Mail Magazine:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines    Number of readers: 2,317
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Merumaga Tengoku: http://melten.com/m/17844.html (J)
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Melma:            http://www.melma.com/ (J) ID 00040438
Mag2:             http://www.mag2.com/m/0000025024.htm (J)
Kapuraito:        http://cgi.kapu.biglobe.ne.jp/m/7539.html (J) etc.


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