  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 83 – December 28, 2006 (Swiss Time)









明子 ヒューリマン



Selective Consumption

Akiko Hürlimann



━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━


明子 ヒューリマン



日本食品については、ネット販売で取り寄せた事もあったが、乾物はここ数年来築地卸売市場 http://www.tsukiji-market.or.jp/ で纏めて買うようになった。プロが仕入れに行く市場なので、品質は確かだし、1年分のまとめ買いになるので嫌がられることも無く、割安だ。小豆はその年に収獲されたものだと、煮ても灰汁は出ないし、柔らかく格段に美味しく煮あがる。店頭で古い小豆を買ってしまうと、こうは行かない。冷暗所で保存すると劣化しにくいというので冷蔵庫に入れておく。海苔、昆布、削り節、昆布だしは定番の購入品目だが、他にも重宝な商品を発見するのが楽しみだ。今年の発見はこんにゃく精粉。築地のホームページでこんにゃくの専門店 http://www.rakuten.co.jp/tradfood/ を見つけ、メールで頼んでおいて取りに行った。少量の精粉で大量のこんにゃくが作れるので理想的。だが、結構力仕事で作り方もやや面倒なので体力気力が充実している時に気合を入れて作る。日本茶、抹茶は築地以外でも旅行先で産地のものを買うことがある。お茶と海苔は、長期保存用は冷凍庫に仕舞っておく。専門店で聞くと、冷蔵庫が良いといわれたのだが、これ以上は場所が無い。とに角、これらの品は日本産に限る。最近の緑茶ブームで、スイス人も日本産の若草色のお茶を好む人が増えているようだ。これらの食品は健康食で、世界的にもとてもユニークな食品だ。

年ほど前からお米は農家出身の若者が立ち上げた「おこめナビ http://okomenavi.com/ 」というNPOを通じて新潟の農家から直接新米を送ってもらっている。80歳に近いという篤農家が丹精した減農薬米は冷めても美味しく、安心だ。以前ネット販売で取り寄せた事もあったが、産直には叶わず、味の違いは歴然としていた。お米は精米した後空気に触れると徐々に酸化するので、届くと同時にペットボトルに分けて地下室に保存し、当座使う分だけ冷蔵庫に入れておく。お米の輸送に暑い赤道を通る船便は使えないので、エコノミー航空(SAL)便にしている。人に話すと運賃が高いのにと驚かれるが、パン食と比較してみたら大きな違いは無かった。美味しいお米を食べられるなら、簡素なおかずでも充分満ち足りた食事になる。不順な天候と闘いながら収獲したという手紙と共に送られてくるお米は、一粒もおろそかに出来ない気持ちになる。昨年奈良を旅行した折、田園地帯のバス停からタクシーを呼んだ。時刻表を見ると11便しか無い。タクシー運転手に田園風景の美しさを言うと、彼は「身震いする」と言った。農家出身のこの人はつらい農作業が嫌で家業を継がなかったそうだ。日本の水田や里山を何よりも美しい景色と思う者としては、出来る範囲で積極的に稲作農家を支えたいと思う。




━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Selective Consumption

Akiko Hürlimann

This year the Christmas and year-end sales battle has started already before December. However, among our family, we abolished exchanging Christmas presents between adults a long time ago. To the children of our family, we give some pocket money. We also give birthday presents to the children only up to age of 20 years old. Birthday presents between my husband and I have gradually determined. That is to say, we concentrate our shopping on necessary things when we need them. The principles regarding to our consumption is to buy Swiss and Japanese made items, and to shop at local stores or in
Japan as much as possible. IT products such as computers, TV's, or mobile telephones must be of Japanese brands. Fortunately, <Swiss made> and <Japanese made> items are world preeminent regarding to their quality, therefore, we accept even a bit higher price. As we receive an immeasurable benefit of social infrastructure from both countries, I think, we are obliged to support industries of both countries through our humble contributions. This idea must be protectionist, however, as a member of a society must be a basic attitude.

The most frequent matter related to our daily life is foods. As I do care much about our health, choosing products cannot be done indiscriminate. At supermarkets, first I confirm the origin of the product, and then I buy Swiss products first. Besides, Swiss cheese cannot be bought easily in
Japan; among Swiss cheese, there are many kinds of brands with a high and noble taste. I would say, Gruyere and Emmentaler cheese are the most representative Swiss cheese. Mountain cheeses of different Swiss regions have also a very special deep taste because it is produced by milk of cows fed with herbs at the mountain, and not degreased. Such cheese is indispensable for our breakfast, and one bite of it makes the taste of red wine far better, I think. Compared to neighboring countries, higher salaries and therefore accordingly higher cost of living in Switzerland, Swiss people understand that in order to maintain daily farming as well as agriculture, the support of government is absolutely necessary. A beautiful national country and environmental conservation depending on the farmers' attentive care. Warnings of specialists frequently reported at newspapers that food self-supporting is a matter of the continuing existence of a nation, so it shouldn't be considered at the same level like other industries. Anyway, the major vital life energy for human beings cannot be produced from minerals; we definitely have to keep our own agriculture at a certain level.

About Japanese foods, I ordered products through Internet shopping in the past, but for some years, I started buying dried foods at Tsukiji wholesale market in
Tokyo. The quality of goods is reliable, as the market is for professionals, shops welcome us as we buy an annual quantity of items, and the goods are comparatively cheap. For instance, when you cook newly cropped red beans (azuki), it doesn't produce foam, but it is soft and delicious. When I buy old cropped beans at a shop, it doesn't work like that. Keeping them in a cool, dark place, the quality can be conserved better, so I store them in the fridge. Nori (dried laver seaweed), Konbu (dried kelp/laminaria), Kezuribushi (shavings of dried bonito), Konbu-dashi (instant kelp bouillon) is standard articles. Apart from them, I enjoy to find new convenient products there. A discovery of this year was konjac (alimentary yam) powder. I found a specialized konjac shop at the website of Tsukiji. I ordered konjac by E-mail and collected it. This is ideal because I can make a big portion of conjac with a small quantity of that powder. However, the way of preparing conjac paste is a rather hard and delicate work, so I do it when I am physically and mentally fit. Regarding to green tea and Matcha (powdered green tea), apart from Tsukiji, I also buy local products on the spot during travel. I used to keep tea and Nori for a long time in the freezer. A specialty store said, that it's better to keep it in a fridge, but no more space is left in ours. Anyway, all these products must be made in Japan. Because of the recent green tea boom, Swiss people who are fond of Japanese made bright green tea have increased. These nutrition is healthy and world unique.

For about three years, I receive newly cropped rice from a farmer in
Niigata through an NPO <Okome (rice) Navi>; a young man originated from a farmer's
family founded it. An almost 80 years old practical farmer makes every effort to produce reduced agrichemical rice. It is very delicious, even when eaten cold, and reliable. In the past, I ordered rice through the Internet, but the difference in taste was obvious, and those suppliers were no competitors regarding to rice delivered fresh from the farm. When polished rice is exposed to the air, it gets oxidized. As soon as I receive the rice from
Japan, I divide it into plastic bottles, store them in the basement, and put a small quantity in the fridge for everyday use. Rice cannot be sent by sea of via the hot equator route; I use the economic airmail service called SAL (Surface Air Lifted) of the Japanese post. If I tell this to people, they are surprised regarding to such an expensive transport. I once compared the cost of bread and found no big difference. Delicious rice creates a very satisfactory meal even with only a simple accompanied dish. An enclosed letter told me that the cropped rice had fought with an irregular climate each year; I got the feeling that I shouldn't waste even a single rice grain. When we traveled around Nara last year, we ordered a taxi from a bus stop in a rural zone. We saw a just one-bus service per day at the timetable. When I told to our taxi driver about the beauty of countryside, he replied, "I feel shivering". He comes from farmer's house, but he didn't want to be a farmer because of backbreaking toil. I am a person that considers that Japanese rice fields and mountain farming areas are the most beautiful landscapes, I'd like to support rice farmer as much as I can.

I often come across the way of Swiss people's living, creating a modern living, nicely adopted in their traditional culture. I plan our travel to find such sense of beauty in
Japan. As I am aiming to find nice Japanese things, even I know that's none of my business, I cannot stop saying, "Wait a moment!" if I see a big foreign boutique in Japan. I shout in my mind "Why don't you see excellent Japanese products that are far better than the things you want". Anyway, vanity consumption culture provoked by the commercialism leads to a decline of own important industries; such countries have no bright future. Capitalism has a deficiency that allows never learned businessmen and specialists who say <market mechanisms> like gospels commit fancy accounts, insider trades, twists data, and so on. Socialism has also proved that it doesn't work as a political system looking at samples such as the breakup of Russia or China. Both systems are not capable to control human characters letting powerful people accumulate profits, and accelerate the polarizing between rich and poor. But the way of living, watching nature and accompanying with it, seems to brew temperate. No matter conservative or radical, a philosophy does not brew temperate that has limit as a thought. The value of vote to national politics for a single person is at a nanometer level; I gradually think selective consumption
aiming for a sustainable society could be a more effective and sustained form of political attempt. The keyword of that is <ecology> and <slow life>.

Editor's comment

We have continued this mail magazine through slow pace, thanks to readers who lay eyes on so far. As a daily duty, I start to open newspapers for collecting information. Furthermore, watching TV, reading magazines, looking at opinions of Internet debaters, and then thinking about social phenomena. Recently,
Japan and Switzerland show similarities in negative aspects of their social trends, and I have a slight fear. That could be a sign of "Don't leave things like that, be aware, and correct the route". Recently it takes me more time to compile the Japanese text and translate into English than before. As to the German translation, I skip it out as well. But, I cannot impose that work burden to proofreaders, please understand my situation. Dear readers, I wish you a very Happy New Year in 2007.

We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and
Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule.
Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.

適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly
Swiss News Headlines
い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
jp-Swiss-journal   Number of readers: 532
Merumaga Tengoku:     http://melten.com/m/17845.html (J)
E-Magazine:           http://www.emaga.com/info/jpchjrnl.html (J)
Melma:                http://www.melma.com/ ID m00041022
Kapuraito:            http://cgi.kapu.biglobe.ne.jp/m/7541.html
Mag2:                 http://www.mag2.com/m/0000044048.htm etc.
If you wish to refer our text, please send your mail to the issuer
   for permission.

でお願いします。 jp-swiss-journal@bluewin.ch

Issuer / 発行元: the editors' Group of jp-Swiss-journal
Editor & web-master: Akiko Huerlimann
Sister Mail Magazine:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines    Number of readers: 2,504
Subscribe & Unsubscribe / 登録・解除・アドレス変更
Merumaga Tengoku: http://melten.com/m/17844.html (J)
E-Magazine:       http://www.emaga.com/info/chnews.html (J)
http://www.melonpan.net/melonpa/mag-detail.php?mag_id=002526 (J)
Melma:            http://www.melma.com/ (J) ID 00040438
Mag2:             http://www.mag2.com/m/0000025024.htm (J)
Kapuraito:        http://cgi.kapu.biglobe.ne.jp/m/7539.html (J) etc.


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