  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 70 - November 21, 2005 (Swiss Time)









講演要約 長谷川 純


Mr. Shuchi Kato was asked

"Why post war now?"

Summerized by Jun Hasegawa
Translated by

Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□


講演要約 長谷川 純


平成17年10月11日 朝日カルチャーセンター講演より、聞き手:成田 龍一

第一章 今回の総選挙について

(1) 小選挙区制は多数党に有利な選挙制度です。他国では政治の安定を目差して小選挙区制を導入したが、日本では自民党への投票が減少してきたので保身の為、1993年の細川連立政権の時、自民党も賛成して導入した。

(2) 日本は財政赤字・外交の行き詰まりと重要な問題は山積みしている。劇場型選挙になり、これらの問題に比べて、あまり重要性、緊急性のない郵政民営化をスローガンにあげて選挙は行われた。

(3) 小選挙区制は第一位の人だけが当選するシステムです。現在の日本の社会的弱者の比率は失業率5%から換算して、20%以下ではないだろうか?小選挙区制は一部の人を切り捨てても、当選できる制度です。国民の20%に当たる弱者を切り捨て、80%を相手にする選挙をした。80%の人は昔に比べれば、良い生活をしていると思い、小泉改革を信じず、望まず、現状を変えたくないと考えたから、政権交代を選ばなかった。

(4) 選挙の結果、与党は国会の議席の3分の2以上を占めた。国会は、どのような法案でも、成立させる事ができる議席数になった。郵政民営化だけを選挙の争点にして行われた選挙なのに公約にもなっていなかった憲法改正を掲げるようになった。憲法改正で一番問題になるのは第9条の改正です。

第二章 憲法第9条について、

1 日本国民は、正義と秩序を基調とする国際平和を誠実に希求し、国権の発動たる戦争と、武力による威嚇又は武力の行使は、国際紛争を解決する手段としては、永久にこれを放棄する。

2 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。

(1) 憲法を押し付けられたと言うが日本側にも理由はあった。 i) 外国は15年戦争の結果、日本が再び戦争が出来なくなる事を望んだ。 ii) 大部分の国民は、これで戦争をしなくて済むのだと思い賛成した。

(2) 私(加藤)はすべての戦争を否定しているわけではない。他国から侵略されそうになったり、侵略されたら戦争をしなければならない。この場合は憲法を改正して、強力な軍隊を持たなければならないだろう。現在のアジア諸国の状勢を見て、日本が直にも侵略される危険性はない。例えば中国は急速な経済発展をしている、人々の経済格差は拡大している。社会の安定のため、人々の生活水準を向上させなければならない。現在10億人以上の人口を抱えているのだから、現在の中国は外国を侵略する余力も時間もない。仮に中国が外国に侵略するとしたら、まず、ベトナムかロシア方面であろう。軍事的脅威はないのだから、憲法9条を改正する必要はない。

第三章 憲法9条を改正した場合の危険性

(1) 軍事予算は増大し、強力な武器を持つようになる。持てば必ず使いたくなる。多額の軍事予算の世論議会対策として、武器を使用する機会を作るだろう。例として、原爆を作ったマンハッタン計画を挙げる。原爆が完成した昭和20年の7月、ドイツは負け、日本の敗戦も濃厚であった。アメリカはあの時点で日本に原爆を投下する必要はなかった。何故、アメリカは原爆を投下したか?i) 原爆を使って見たかった。原爆の威力を試して見たかった。ii) 莫大な予算を使ったので、どこかに理由をつけて使わなければ、議会から突き上げられる可能性があった。

(2) 日米同盟を結んでいるので、米国が行う戦争に参加せざるを得なくなる。例えば、仮に中国が台湾に攻め込んだ時、アメリカは米台軍事条約のために中国を攻めるかもわからない。その場合、日本は9条を改正していなければ「中国が台湾を攻める事は中国の国内問題です、他国の国内問題に日本は軍事介入はできない」と主張できます。

(3) アジア諸国は日本が再び侵略してくるだろうと警戒するようになる。アジア諸国との友好協力、平和共存の障害になる。

第四章 日本国憲法9条を改正しても良い事はない。


【 長谷川 純: http://sakuramori.at.webry.info/200510/article_4.html 】

講師 加藤 周一:1919年東京生まれ。評論家。東京帝国大学医学部卒。医学博士。医学部進学後、マチネ・ポエティックに参加。1951〜55年、給費留学生として渡仏、医学研究のかたわら、フランスを中心にヨーロッパ各地の文化を研究。ベルリン自由大学教授、エール大学講師、上智大学教授などを歴任。1980年「日本文学史序説」で大仏次郎賞を受賞。社会、文化の面で幅広く活躍をし、戦後社会に多大な影響を与える。9条の会発起人:http://www.9-jo.jp/ (J/C/K/E/F)近著『9条と日中韓』http://www.kamogawa.co.jp/moku/tyosya/ka/kato_syuiti.html

聞き手 成田 龍一:1951年大阪生まれ。日本女子大人間社会学部教授、専攻は近現代日本史。

【 編集後記 】



━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Mr. Shuchi Kato was asked
"Why post war now?"

Summerized by Jun Hasegawa
Translated by Akiko Huerlimann

I am a man of the Dankai generation (post war generation), and enjoying reading your mail magazine. I don't know how people from abroad think about
Japan. Anyway, the other day I went to a public talk by Shuichi Kato located in a big room, like a classroom filled with about 150 people. The 87 years old Mr. Kato who was bent with his age more than before, but without having help, he walked up to the podium on his own. He was fit, he had keen eyesight, he was fluent, and he was speaking about the importance of Article 9 of the Constitution for two hours. I considered this to be an important opinion therefore; I have reported it to you. Mr. Kato made introductory remarks about today's theme "Why post war now?" meaning prewar regarding to the future when it is expressed today. In Japan, questionnaires about Article 9 of the Constitution were sent out up to a little while ago; "Yes" and "No" were half and half, however, recently "Yes" seems to become a majority. Especially almost all people above 50 years of age, men and women, both, accepted the present article. I was astonished that brilliant women in the 30's and in their early 40's said, "We'd better reform our constitution and make things clear", or "Considering the world's reality, such an idea is too naive". I wrote this summary wishing that as many people as possible reconsider our constitution, therefore, I am very pleased that lots of people would read this.

Discourse at Asahi Culture Centre on
October 11, 2005
Listener: Mr. Ryuichi Narita

The Chapter One: About general election of this time

(1) Single-seat districting system is an advantage for the majority party. Other nations introduced single-seat system aiming political stability, but in
Japan, when the Hosokawa coalition government was born, the system was introduced. LDP agreed with it due to the decreasing poll to LDP and in order to attempt to save its own neck.

Japan is facing piled up important issues such as budget deficit and diplomatic deadlocks. The election became theater typed and fought with the slogan of postal privatization that was less important compared with the problems of urgent matters.

(3) Single-seat system is the "first past the post system". The socially vulnerable ratio of present
Japan is possibly below 20% considering 5% of unemployment ratio, I wonder. Single-seat system is to discard a part of the people and enables to get in. Candidates dealt with 80% by discarding and by 20% of vulnerable. 80% of the people thought; they lead a good life comparing with past, they didn't believe Koizumi reforms and did not wish them, they thought they did not want to change the actual condition, therefore they did not choose the change of administration.

(4) Results of the election, ruling parties occupied more than two third of the seats at the parliament. Now Diet composition is enabled to enact any bill. Campaign issue was only the postal privatization, though the ruling party set up a target of constitution reforms that was never mentioned on their election manifesto. The most important theme of constitution reform is the article 9.

The Chapter Two: About Article 9 of the constitution

Constitution of Japan, Article 9 (full text)

1. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. 2. In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerence of the state will not be recognized.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_9_of_the_Constitution_of_Japan )

(1) Against voices calling it an imposed constitution, but
Japan had reasons to accept. i)  After a 15 years lasting war, other nations wanted Japan to be disabled to commit war any more. ii) Almost all Japanese people agreed because they thought that they don't have to cooperate to the war any more.

(2) I (Kato) don't deny any war. We have to fight when we are attempted to occupied or invaded from other nation. In this case, we have to change our constitution, and to have a powerful military force. In the present circumstances of Asian countries, there is no risk that
Japan will soon be attacked. For instance, Chinese economy is rapidly developing, and the financial gap between people has widened. For their social stability, living standards of the people have to be improved. At present, their population is more than one billions; China has no spare power and time. In case if China invades to other nations, at first, it must be either Vietnam or Russia. There is no fear about military threat; therefore, there is no need to reform Article 9 of our constitution.

The Chapter Three: Risk in case of reforming Article 9 of the constitution

(1) Military budget will increase, and we will have powerful weapons. If we posses such things, we surely feel a temptation to use them. Measurement against public and parliament sentiment for the large military budget, the opportunity to use weapons will be created. As an example, we can quote the Manhattan Project of the atomic bomb. In July 1945 the atomic bomb was accomplished,
Germany was defeated, and Odds are good that Japan will lose.
America had no need to drop atom bombs to Japan at that moment. Why was Japan atom-bombed by America? i) They wanted to try a-bomb. They wanted to
test the power of an a-bomb. ii) They spent large budget, therefore, they had to find a reason somewhere in order to avoid pressure from the parliament.

(2) According to the alliance between
Japan and the United States, Japan will be obliged to join the war that America will do. For instance, when China will attack Taiwan, America may be attacking China because of the military alliance between US and Taiwan. On such an occasion, if Japan has not reformed the Article 9 yet, Japan can advocate the "Chinese attack to Taiwan is a Chinese domestic matter, and Japan cannot allow us military interventions to domestic matter of other nations."

(3) Asian nations will be wary of Japanese invasion again. That is an obstacle of friendship cooperation and peaceful coexistence with Asian nations.

The Chapter Four: There is no advantage to reform Article 9 of the Japanese constitution.


Jun Hasegawa: http://sakuramori.at.webry.info/200510/article_4.html

Lecturer Shuichi Kato: He was born in Tokyo in 1919. Critic. Graduated Faculty of Medicine,
Tokyo Imperial University. Doctor of Medicine. After going on Medical study, he joined Matinee poetique. From 1951 till 1955, he went to France as scholar, while studying Medicine; he researched mainly in France and in European culture. He held successively professor of Berlin Free University, lecturer of Yale University, professor of Sophia University. He was awarded Osaragi Jiro prize with his work "Isagoge to Japanese history of literature". His wide activities to the society and culture had a significant influence on the postwar society.

Founder of Article 9 Association http://www.9-jo.jp/ (J/C/K/E/F)
Recent work
 [Article 9 and JapanChinaKorea]

Listener: Mr. Ryuichi Narita: He was born in
Osaka in 1951. Professor of faculty of Human Sociology, Japan Women's University. Majored modern Japanese history.

[ Editor's comment ]

We are facing an opportunity to think again about Article 9 of non-militant that is starting to debate over constitutional amendment. A little while ago Japanese majority supported the Article 9, but this opinion has suddenly changed according to the attitude of neighboring countries against
Japan. Mr. Kato expressed in his speech, "According to the present circumstances of Asian countries, there is no danger that Japan will soon be attacked". I think that is rather naive, however, this idea represents Japanese who have nurtured postwar indeed. Taking this opportunity, it would surely contribute to our future selection. That is confirming the circumstances of established time that Mr. Kato informed as a living witness of the history. The Dankai generation has rushed through from poor postwar era to wealthy era of Japan, thus, his concern, I felt empathy with it and read this summary. I am going to inform you with next issue about the last national vote in this year. (A.H.)





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