  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 67 - August 15, 2005 (Swiss Time)








明子 ヒューリマン


Lower House election 2005,
a call for the postal privatization?

Akiko Hürlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 日本語 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□


明子 ヒューリマン


9日に衆議院で否決された郵政民営化法案はスイスのメディアでも広く関心を持って伝えられた。特にドイツ語有力紙 <Tagesanzeiger> 紙は、9日の1面下段に「ライオンに反抗」と小泉首相の写真を大きく掲載して詳細に報じた。又翌10日にも「日本のライオン小泉純一郎またもや吼える」とライオン宰相はスイスでも定着したかのようだ。

この法案の焦点の一つは郵便局の全国一律のサーヴィス維持。だが、離島や過疎地への郵便物の扱いについては、はすでに下請け業者が請け負っているので困らないと聞く。JRが地方の小さな駅では民間人に委託運営されているのと同じだ。実際のところ、この法案には兆円単位の基金が積まれるよう盛り込まれていて、過保護な扱いとの批判がある。現にクロネコのロゴでお馴染みの民間の「ヤマト運輸 http://www.kuronekoyamato.co.jp/ 」はどんな過疎地にも離島にも荷物を届けているし、海外での事業展開も進めている。欧州でも頼めば日本から何でも配達してくれそうな勢いで、郵便事業とほぼ互角のサーヴィスをしつつあるようだ。








━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Lower House election 2005,

a call for the postal privatization?

Akiko Hürlimann

The bill of the postal privatization lost the vote on the 9th of August; Swiss media reported about it with big interest. Especially, the leading newspaper in German "Tages-Anzeiger" reported details with the title of "against the Lion" together with a big photo of the Premier Minister in the lower section of the front page on the 9th. On the 10th., again with the title, "Japanese lion Junichiro Koizumi has roared once more", therefore, Japanese lion premier seems to be established in Switzerland.

One of the most controversial parts of this bill is to maintain nationwide a uniform system of postal services. But I heard, that's no problem because postal services for small islands or isolated areas are undertaken by subcontractors. It's the same at JR where at small local stations the service is managed in consignment by privates. Actually, the bill consists of an article to make trillions yen of fund, and there are critics that this is an over protection. As a matter of fact, Yamato Transport that is known by the logo of Kuroneko (=black cat) delivers parcels to any islands and isolated areas, and they proceed overseas business activities as well. If we ask them, they would accept to deliver almost anything from
Japan to Europe. They provide almost an even level of services compared to the Post.

In real term of Swiss postal privatization has started already in the year 1997. The former public enterprise PTT (Post Telephone Telegraph) was split into a new company limited under a special legal framework regarding to telecommunication services. The new company Swisscom Ltd. was established and had to compete in the liberalization of the telecommunication market. The service for transport (postal bus), the mail and parcel services as well as financial services remained in the hand of the Swiss Post. The Swiss post is a company according to public law owned by the Swiss Federation. It has the mission to provide a service public based on a nationwide basic service supply. But at the same time, the company is under the strict guidelines of a new postal law based on the principles to be customer-oriented and selfprofitable; it has to face the competition of the market just like a private company. Then particular concern has still remained that postal services to isolated areas and to elderly people could be left behind in the future.

In case of postal savings, from a non-resident point of view, even a Japanese national cannot open a postal account when living abroad. Japanese post offices accept money transfers from abroad, but do not offer money transfer service to abroad. Swiss post offices transfer money to
Japan already for years. I asked post offices in Japan why they don't make money transfer service to abroad. But post office clerks looked troubled and could not give me a clear answer. This is the reality of the biggest financial organization in the world with total funds of more than two hundreds trillion yen. Furthermore, when we buy something from Japan, according to my experience, it's rare that the beneficiary has a postal account. We've been longing for an improvement of these services, but there seems to be no intention to do so. If it so, it's natural to think that to privatize the post and to open it to competition, would improve services quicker.

It was fun to watch a Japanese TV report about one-time Premier Minister Mori, presently Premier Minister Koizumi's guardian. He expressed his frustration after coming back form a visit at Premier Minister Koizumi official residence. He had visited him in order to convince him not to dissolve the House of Representatives. Premier Koizumi offered him just ten cans of Thai beer and tea in cans as well as a snack consisting of stale cheese and salmon. Mr. Mori showed some of the items to the surrounded press. Mr. Mori has put on weight and his body looked like that of a Sekitori (=sumo wrestler). I wonder, what he thought might be people's reaction to hear such kind of comments. A day before that political earthquake occurred, Premier Koizumi was busy to attend ceremonies in
Hiroshima, and the next day in Nagasaki where he participated in atomic
bombing memorial days.

If we look back, LDP started losing traction in 1989 by losing the Upper House election. In 1993, under the medium-sized constituency system, the party lost power due to a dissociated election campaign. The next year in 1994, LDP came back as governing party in coalition with the reformist party. That's was an astonishing phenomena for the constituency. Through such a history, at the election of the party president in 2001, Mr. Koizumi won an absolute victory supported nationwide by the LDP organization, and finally he became premier minister at the third attempt. Since that moment, premier Koizumi became the messiah for LDP. It's well known that postal privatization is Premier Koizumi's concrete idea since he entered the political scene. However, in the summer of the year of Lower House election, even LDP candidates who were against postal privatization shouted repeatedly support for Koizumi reform, and many of them were elected. At that time, I was in
Japan, so I voted in Japan. I was rather disagreeably surprised to watch the phenomenal popularity of Koizumi among the public.

In consequence, LDP became the governing majority and they started the Koizumi Cabinet. When Koizumi administration started, I had hope about his reforms, but at the same time I could not stop to be skeptical. After that, there was tangling debate about the privatization of
Japan public highway corporation. The bill accepted one compromise to another receiving an avalanche of criticism. To complete that misery, former executives of the highway corporation were arrested recently and the notorious collusion of bureaucrats and businesses has come to light. Whereas, this time, Premier Koizumi said "postal privatization is the castle keep of my reform", and he did not compromise with LDP opposition. I must acknowledge, this time, his behavior was of consonant to his words. An article in a Swiss newspaper reported that "Koizumi is called a dictator in his party" when he pronounced that he will not give official approval to candidates who were against the bill. A candidate who cannot get official approval from a party confronts a severe situation, for instance, he is not allowed to present himself to election broadcast, and all election cost he has to bear by his own. Not only that, a young LDP parliament member who voted the bill said "I voted yes that means next to no", or a rebel parliament member to whom an opposing candidate was put into his constituency said "He is just like an ancient Roman general let prisoners fight with beasts", but such a presumptuous attitude looks only ungraceful to a constituency.

Huge capital of postal savings and postal life insurance support the running cost of inefficient slew government-affiliated firms, spending money for big nonessential public works, and maintaining collusions of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses. The Government has issued huge amounts of government bonds (debts) every year that makes us frightening to think about the debt burden. This is an inner nuclear bomb of
Japan. Every politician has said that we have to build up a small government by administrative and financial reforms, and we have to precede decentralization in order to make healthy state finances. We have heard enough subject to act. Now, it is time to see who will realize them. With the results of the election on September 11, we will see whether the LDP of Mr. Koizumi will win? Whether the Democratic Party will be able to form their regime? How much support from constituencies will get rebel candidates within the ruling party? The Democratic Party, the biggest opposition party, was against the postal privatization bill. At this election, the supporters of the Democratic Party might be in trouble whether they should vote for them or not. The majority of the constituencies rather tend to approve postal privatization. In any case, the fate of postal privatization will be decided, and it will be shown whether Japan can change in politics or not. Whatsoever, the constituency is requested to vote with sober reflection considering the power balance of political arena instead of making an emotional decision. (End)


[Editor's comment / 編集後記]


We spend a cool summer here in Switzerland. I'd like to send summer greetings to Japanese readers in the summer heat. Many readers in
Switzerland must have finished their summer holidays and returned back to everyday life. Despite the indulgent release of this magazine, I am very glad for your sustainable patronage. I'm afraid to mention my private matter, but I didn't feel well for some weeks before my summer holiday, so I had to rush to acupuncture treatment. Thanks to a dramatic positive effect, I could recover and prepare this edition. Once again, I admire the power of Chinese Traditional Medicine. Recently, the interest about Chinese traditional medical treatment has increased here in Switzerland. Health insurance pays for the Chinese acupuncture treatment. Highly capable Chinese doctors were sent to Swiss regions. At such clinics, we are not aware of any feelings against Japanese. In fact, it used to arise on us a profound affinity as inter Asian encounter in a distinct cultural environment. I sincerely hope for not only a Japanese-Swiss friendship, but also a Japanese-Chinese friendship. (A.H.)



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