  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 181 – October 31, 2018 (Swiss Time)








                          明子 ヒューリマン





The Results of the Popular Vote on September 23, 2018

    and the meaning of voting rates.


                  Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━





                      明子 ヒューリマン




1. 「自転車イニシアティヴ」対案は、「賛成」73.6%、「反対」26.4%、「投票率」37.1%。

2. 国民発議「フェア・フード・イニシアティヴ」は、「賛成」38.7%、「反対」61.3%で「投票率」37.0%。

3. 国民発議「食料主権」は、「賛成」31.6%、「反対」68.4%、「投票率」36.7%。








エコノミスト水野和夫氏の「国貧論」*2) には、「一国の経済が国内で自己完結をしていた時代、資本主義と国家は『ギブ・アンド・テイク』の関係、相互で利用しあうウィン・ウィンの間柄であった。しかし、いまや資本が主人で、国家が使用人のような体たらくである」。こうした状況は独自路線の維持に懸命なスイスと言えども、世界中に事業展開する大企業を数多く擁しているので、グローバリゼーションが席巻する今日、「政治が資本の僕」という事情は当前内包されている。その結果、貧富の格差と連動するように、超富裕層の資産が急拡大していると伝えられている。昨年辺りから、政治家や特に公共企業の経営陣の不祥事が数々報じられるようになり、驚きを禁じ得ない。





【 参照 】


*1) 国民投票2018923日の結果:


*2) 「国貧論」水野和夫著 太田出版




【 編集後記 】







━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━



     The Results of the Popular Vote on September 23, 2018

     and the Meaning of Voter Turnout.


                      Akiko Huerlimann



Looking at the results of the Popular Votes on September 23, 2018,


1. Direct Counter-Proposal to the "Bicycle-Initiative", "Yes" 73.6%, "No" 26.4%, and a Voter Turnout of 37.1%.


2. "Fair-Food-Initiative", "Yes" 38.7%, "No" 61.3%, and a Voter Turnout of 37.0%.


3. Initiative "For Food Sovereignty", "Yes" 31.6%, "No" 68.4%, and a Voter Turnout of 36.7%.


Although the results were as expected, an overwhelming "Yes" to the "Bicycle-Initiative", and an overwhelming "No" to the two food-related bills, however the results were received with surprise. It was said that most people did not want to have such an absolute victory; there seemed to be room for a strategic view of the voting, rather than behaving like sheep.


It is noteworthy that the voter turnout finally fell below 40%, which caused concerns about the Direct Democracy in Switzerland. In the coverage so far, the Swiss citizens should have a strong will that they do not want to lose their Direct Democracy. However, as a result of enjoying abundance and peace for many years, has the public awareness of crisis fade away? This situation is a waiver of the own rights to suffrage. Even though neighboring countries are suffering from refugee problems etc., they have a strong interest in the Direct Democracy of Switzerland and want to introduce it, if it's possible.


There is no doubt that distributing information by the media has supported the Swiss democracy. I personally appreciate that Swiss media are maintaining a frank press coverage compared with other countries at the present time. However, in recent years private media have been reorganized due to funding circumstances, and oligopolies have advanced. It was reported that this was the cause that media became disvalued by the young generation. This means that people abandon their own rights to information. The Public Broadcasting Station "SRF" receives subsidies from the Government in addition to compulsory reception fee, and also obtains advertisement fees from sponsor companies. Despite lots of criticism, SRF-managers will not change the policy of maintaining the expansion line for entertainment programs, accelerating concentration and oligopoly in Zurich. Rather than the mission of Public Broadcasting, the attitude to self-propagation and oppress Private Broadcasting should be restrained. I am worried that possibly "SRF" will become a predominant media power before too long like the titular Public Broadcasting Station NHK in Japan.


"Poverty of Nations" written by the Japanese Economist Mr. Kazuo Mizuno stated that "the era, in which the economy of one country was self-sufficient within the country, the relationship between capitalism and the state" was a give-and-take; it was a win-win situation. But now, "the capital is the master, and the state is like a servant." Such a situation happened even in Switzerland, which is eager to maintain its own way, having a large number of big enterprises that develop business all over the world, as the globalization dominates today; the situation that "Politics is the Capital's Servant" is encompassed there. As a result, it has been reported that the assets of the ultra wealthy are expanding, meaning the gap between Rich and Poor is increasing. Around last year, a number of scandals of politicians and top managers, in particular of public companies were reported, and I cannot hide my amazement.


This phenomenon is in deed a situation that Swiss democracy is in danger. There are many States among the industrialized countries that have virtually lost voting rights and the right of information. A country where the major pillars of democracy were soundly maintained that seems rather rare. It has been occasionally reported that even the real intention of Swiss politicians is "There are matters, which should be better decided by the Parliament in Berne rather than by a Popular Vote". Recently I am wondering, how long even Switzerland will be safe, that is no guarantee. It is not easy for the public to monitor the politics of one's own country, because an understanding of domestic and foreign economic and social situation is indispensable. However, the public chooses the policies as the wind blows equal to suicidal behavior; therefore, I'd like to pay attention what's going on in the world.





*1) The results of the Popular Voting on September 23, 2018


*2) "Poverty of Nations" by Mr. Kazuo Mizuno:




[Editor's comment]


The while gave me some breaks, I was watching the ripple of the popular vote results; however, whether due to the absolute clear results of "Yes" and "No", the interest of the media has gone already to the next popular vote on November 25, 2018. In the meantime, two ministers, Mr. Johann Schneider-Ammann and Mrs. Doris Leuthard announced their resignation in December of this year, so the successor candidates have become the main battlefield of the media reports. In relation to this, the political party analysis by each party for the 2019 Parliamentary Election have been frequently reported, a hectic movement is progressing in the Swiss political world.





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