  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 177 – April 25, 2018 (Swiss Time)








1 2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令

2 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成 (No-Billag)


                           明子 ヒューリマン





The Results of the Popular Vote on March 4, 2018

1 Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime

2 Popular Initiative "Say Yes to abolishing Radio and

 Television fees (Abolition of Billag fees)"


                   Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━




   1 2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令

   2 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成 (No-Billag)


                       明子 ヒューリマン



1. 2021年度新財政制度に関する連邦令の結果:*2)




2. 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成 (No-Billag)」結果:*3)




発議者は「この結果を敗北とは思わない。大きな議論を喚起した。闘いは続ける」と述べた。一方反対派は予想を超える大勝と声高な勝利宣言をした。SRGは半年間に放送で反対キャンペーンを行い自己宣伝をしてきたことは、不公平で、同じ土俵上の戦いでは無かったと評された。貧困家庭にとって年間CHF 300.-- の強制徴収は重い負担だ。いずれにしても、人口は増加傾向にあるので受信料収入は安定していると言われている。


少数言語圏の放送局には死活問題ではあった。受信料継続決定後、SRGは包括的な改革を宣言した。収入制限が実現すれば、「デジタル化で効率化を図り、番組と人員は維持する」と。受信料徴収継続に不本意ながら賛成した国民が、この方針に同意するのか大いに疑問の余地がある。政府が決定した2019年度からの受信料徴収上限 CHF 1,200 Mio. SRGが運営されることになれば、CHF 50 Mio. 節約しなければならないと言われている。


SRGの番組統廃合を検証するに当たって、201838日号「Die Weltwoche」誌の詳しい論評は参考になった。






主要報道番組にも重複が見られるので、メインの「Tagesschau」に続く製作費CHF 12.5 Mio. の「10 vor 10」は不要なので、夜の「Tagesschau」に置き換える。ニュース情報やドキュメンタリー番組の視聴者数は全般的に増加しており、スイス人が報道番組を熱心に視聴する傾向は変わっていない。


スポーツ番組は、年間製作費 CHF 520万の「Sportaktuell」や年間製作費CHF 310万の「Sportpanorama」、サッカー放送等複数の番組を統廃合して、民法に参入させる。サッカー、スキー世界選手権、F1だけでSRG は年間 CHF 51.2 Mio.も費やしている。


浅薄な娯楽番組として挙げられた、有名人を登場させる「Glanz &Gloria」や、製作費が CHF 10 Mio. 近い史上最高額となったソング・コンテスト「The Voice of Switzerland」は、SRGが予防的に廃止した。


Die groessten Schweizer Talente」も純粋に民法的性格の番組であり、年間製作費CHF 2.4 Mio. は高額過ぎる。同じく民法向けと称される「Happy Day」に至っては、番組の終わりにスポンサーの宝くじ会社が視聴者を億万長者にするという仕掛けで、公共放送の範囲を逸脱していると評された。


犯罪ドラマ・シリーズ「Der Bestatter」の年間製作費は CHF 4.2 Mio.ARD(ドイツ)とオーストリアとの共同制作作品「Tatort」も、スイスの年間制作費 CHF 4.2 Mio. の作品がドイツ作品 CHF 1.7 Mio. よりも劣っていると評され、これらの番組に未来は無いと判断された。


増え過ぎたラジオ局も整理縮小が問われている。個人的には、日中台所兼食堂で過ごす時間は殆ど「DAB+」のデジタル・ラジオを聴いている。*4) 標準ドイツ語で語られるニュースのみの「Radio SRF4 News」をメインに、ニュース/ドキュメンタリー/討論番組/クラジック音楽の「SRF2 Kultur」、クラシック音楽だけの「Radio Swiss Classic」、ジャズやボサノバ等の「Radio Swiss Jazz」のチャンネルを聴いている。個人的にはこれで充分で満足している。テレビは手を取られるので見ない。


連邦政府のオンラインサイトに2018418日付で、2019年から2022年末迄の「SRG/SSR免許草案」*5) が掲載された。草案の要点は、SRGは新しい認可によって、公共サーヴィスの要件が高められ明確化される。情報サーヴィスに収入の少なくとも50%割く事が定められている。コンテンツの質の高い基準を定めている。特に娯楽番組については商業放送との明確な区別が求められている。この草案に対する各政党の反応は、保守系のBDPFDPSVPが先ず議会で審議をすべきと一斉に声を上げたが、中道保守CVPと左派のSPは支持する姿勢を示したと2018412日付TA紙は報じた。折しもデンマークは2018317日受信料廃止を決め注目を集めた。*6) 強制的受信料の徴収で賄われる公共サーヴィスの在り方が改めて問われている。更に、BAZのニックネームで親しまれてきた「Basler Zeitung *7) をクリストフ・ブロッハー氏 *8) が「Tamedia *9) に売却すると2018418日発表した。スイスの報道出版界の寡占体制が更に進みそうだ。





*1) 201834日国民投票の結果:


*2) 2021年新財政制度に関する連邦令:


*3) 国民発議「テレビとラジオの受信料廃止に賛成 (No-Billag)


*4) SRFラジオプログラム: https://www.srf.ch/programm/radio

*5) SRG/SSR免許草案」:


*6) デンマークが2018317日受信料廃止を決めた。


*7) バーゼル新聞: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basler_Zeitung

*8) クリストフ・ブロッハー:


*9) タメディア・グループ: https://www.tamedia.ch/en/








━━━━━━━━━━━━━English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━



  The Results of the Popular Vote on March 4, 2018 *1)

  1 Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime

  2 Popular Initiative "Say Yes to abolishing Radio and Television

    fees (Abolition of Billag fees)"


                    Akiko Huerlimann



1 The result of the Federal Decree on the 2021 New Financial Regime: *2)


The bill gained an overwhelming approval by 84.1% "Yes-Votes" and it received a majority of "Yes" in all Cantons. The turnout of voters was at 52%. Swiss Citizens continue to approve the Federal Tax for the next 15 years. In case of not approving the bill, it had meant that the Federal Government would have lost two thirds of its tax revenue from 2021. This time, the vote received more approval than last time. Although, the bill was behind the popular initiative of "No-Billag", it is said that this kind of agenda, which cannot be disputed, should be a permanent law and not a property asked by popular vote.


2 The results of the Popular Initiative "Say Yes to abolishing Radio and Television fees (Abolition of Billag fees)": *3)


The compulsory collection of the reception fees was approved and the Initiative was rejected by 71.6% "No-Votes", as well as a majority of "No" in all Swiss Cantons. The turnout of voters was at 54.4%. The headlines of reader's comments in the newspaper "Tages-Anzeiger" on March 6, 2018 wrote that "many voters opposed the current system, but still voted in favor of the status quo". The results of the online survey of the same paper was agreeable with statements such as "SRG (Swiss Radio- and TV-Society) should continue as before" by 41%, "number of Radio- and TV channels should be reduced" by 26%, "Entertainment Programs should be lowered" by 23%, and "Sports Programs should be handed over to the Pay TV-companies" by 10%.


The proponents said, "We don't think this result is a defeat, we have raised a big discussion, and we will continue the fight." On the other hand, opponents declared loudly an overwhelming victory more than expected. It was reported that the "SRG" had carried out a counter-campaign for half a year by broadcasting self-propaganda that was not fighting on the same ring. Compulsory collection of Swiss Franc 300 per year is a heavy burden for small income households. In any case, it was said that the reception fee earnings are stable as the population is on an increasing trend so far.


It was the issue with vital importance for broadcasting stations in minority linguistic regions. "SRG" declared a comprehensive reform after the approval vote to the collection of the reception fee. If a earnings restriction is realized, the goal is "to improve efficiency by digitalization, but maintain the programs and staff". People who not willingly approved a continued compulsory collection of fees, it is quite questionable whether they agree to this policy. If the "SRG" is to be operated at the upper limit of a budget of CHF 1,200 Mio. by collection fees, decided by the Government from 2019, it was said that "SRG" will have to save CHF 50 Mio.


By reviewing the drafted consolidation of the SRG-programs, the detailed analysis by the magazine "Die Weltwoche" issued on March 8, 2018 was helpful.


One of the candidate's program to be discontinued is the talk program "Schawinski" as a representative of unpopular programs, whose viewers are drastically decreasing for several years.


The health and medical program "Puls" was proposed to be reduced from once a week to twice a month, whose number of viewers has decreased by 256,000 since 2015.


Because a certain duplication is seen in major News programs, "10 vor 10", whose product cost is CHF 12.5 Mio. per year, which follows the main News "Tagesschau", is unnecessary, so replace it with a program "Tagesschau" at night. The number of viewers of News information and Documentary has increased in general, and the tendency of Swiss people to listen and watch to press programs enthusiastically has not changed.


As for Sports programs, with an annual production costs of CHF 5.2 Mio. for "Sport aktuell" or CHF 3.1 Mio. for "Sport-Panorama", Soccer broadcasts and other programs should be consolidated, and let Private broadcast firms enter into the business. "SRG" spends CHF 51.2 Mio. alone for Soccer, Ski-World Championship, and motor race F1.


"SRG" should abolish precautionary ally programs such as "Glanz & Gloria", which is considered a shallow entertainment program, where celebrities appear, and the song contest "The Voice of Switzerland", which production cost was the highest ever with nearly CHF 10. Mio.


"Die groessten Schweizer Talente" is also a program for pure Private Broadcasters with an annual production cost of CHF 2.4 Mio., which is too expensive. "Happy Day" is also considered to be a topic for a Private Broadcast channel. The system of a sponsored lottery company, making lucky viewers millionaires at the end of the program, is deviated from the scope of Public Broadcasting.


Annual production cost of the Crime Drama series "Der Bestatter" is at CHF 4.2 Mio. The program "Tatort", a collaborative work with ARD (Germany) and Austria; Switzerland's part of work is listed up with annual production cost of CHF 4.2 Mio. and is said to be inferior to the German work, which costs CHF 1.7 Mio. These programs were judged to have no future.


A reduction of the number of Radio stations (channels), having increased too much, is however being questioned. Personally, when I am in the Dining Kitchen, I spend most of my time listening to Swiss digital radio "DAB+" *4). I mainly listen to channels such as, "Radio SRF4 News", which is a News only program, spoken only in Standard German, "SRF2 Kultur", which contents is filled with News / Documentary / Discussion and Classic Music, "Radio Swiss Classic" sends only Classic Music, and "Radio Swiss Jazz" plays Jazz and "Bossa nova". Personally I am quite satisfied with these Radio channels. I don't watch TV because I cannot use my hands then.


"The SRG/SSR License Draft" *5) from the Year 2019 to the end of 2022 was published on the Swiss Federal Administration online site on April 18, 2018. The key point of the draft is that public service requirements of SRG will be enhanced and clarified by the new authorization. It is stipulated that at least 50% of the earnings will be allocated to Information services. It sets high standard due to content quality. Particularly for Entertainment programs, a clear distinction from Commercial broadcast is required. Tages-Anzeiger dated April 12, 2018 reported responses of political parties against the draft, the conservative BDP, FDP, and SVP-parties raised the voice at once, telling that the Swiss parliament should deliver first, and Center-right CVP and left-wing SP-parties showed supportive posture. In the meantime, Denmark decided to abolish the public broadcast fee on March 17, 2018, that information attracted attention. *6) Positions of public services, which are covered by a compulsory reception fee is questioned again. In the meantime, Mr. Christoph Blocher *7) announced that he has decided to sell the newspaper "Basler Zeitung" *8), popularly known with the nickname of BAZ, to the Zurich based major "Tamedia-Group" *9) on April 18, 2018. It seems that the oligopolization of the publishing and press circle in Switzerland will advance.





*1) Volksabstimmung vom 4. Maerz 2018:


*2) Bundesbeschluss vom 16.06.2017 ueber die neue Finanzordnung 2021:


*3) Volksinitiative vom 11.12.2015 ?Ja zur Abschaffung der Radio- und Fernsehgebuehren (Abschaffung der Billag-Gebuehren)?:


*4) SRF Radio-programm: https://www.srf.ch/programm/radio

*5) Vernehmlassung zur Konzession f!)r die SRG SSR - Stellungnahmen:


*6) Denmark decided to abolish reception fee on March 17, 2018:


*7) Basler Zeitung: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basler_Zeitung

*8) Christoph Blocher: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christoph_Blocher

*9) Tamedia: https://www.tamedia.ch/en/



Editor's Comment


The previous version of "jp-swiss-journal" was issued a week before polling day. The outcome of the popular initiative "No-Billag" was said to be uncertain till the last day; however, based on the major campaign by the opponents, the Initiative was rejected massively, pushing away the campaign of the proponents of the Initiative. I'd like to watch over the new "SRG/SSR Authorization.




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