  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  Vol. 127 – June 24, 2011 (Swiss Time)








明子 ヒューリマン





Stay in Japanese Town houses

Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━





     明子 ヒューリマン





京都の「庵」*1) が経営する町家のホームページに、長浜の町屋「季の雲ゲストハウス」*2) も紹介されていた。いずれの町屋も町の中心部にあるが、落ち着いた街並みの中に在って、夜間は都会の喧騒とは無縁だ。毎夜火の用心の夜回りが聞こえた。築100年を超す古民家を改築した一軒家を、日決めで賃貸するシステムだ。水回り部分は機能的に改装されている。檜の湯船がある木の浴室は、ホテルでは望めない究極の贅沢だ。日本建築の伝統素材である木、漆喰、和紙、畳で構成されている居住空間は心地良く安眠出来たせいで、時差ボケからの回復も早かったように思う。完璧なエコロジー住宅だ。すっきりと設えた手入れの行き届いた坪庭が居間と浴室から眺められる。自宅の浴室をこのように設えるのが夢だったが、諸般の事情で断念したこともあり殊の他満足だった。






昨年10月に町家の予約を済ませていたのだが、311日の大震災が起きてしまった。ギリギリまで様子を見ていたが、もう復興の妨げにはならないようなので予定通り決行した。行ってみると、長浜は観光客と修学旅行生で日中は大変賑わっていた。大河ドラマの舞台になっているからだと聞いたが、土地の人も驚いていた。それが夕方5時を過ぎると中心街の商店は軒並み店仕舞いをして通りは人通りが消える。日本とは思えない潔さだ。創業年を競う老舗の商店が今も店を張って床しい街並みを維持している様には目を見張ったものだが、そこで進取の気性に富んだ人々が生き生きと活躍していた。町家の女主人は、長浜が新しい街づくりを計画した際に、ガラス工芸の黒壁スクエアを成功させて街を復活させた功労者の一人だとそこここで聞いた。大通寺 *3) 門前の長浜御坊表参道商店街の理事長は、一時はシャッター街だった当時の町の様子を昔の写真を見せて説明して下さった。


町家のスタッフには家の造作に関する興味深い説明をいろいろ伺えた。又必要に応じて実にキメ細かなお世話をして頂いた。メガネ店の「行徳」*4)には事前にメールで問い合わせておいて、頭痛がしない日本製のメガネとサングラスを作ってもらった。若い店主夫妻が納得出来る適切なアドヴァイスをして下さった。創業1890年の寝具専門店「SAWADA*5)ではパシーマ *6) という脱脂綿製のパジャマを求めた。夏涼しく冬温かい素材だと言う通り大変着心地が良い。ヨーロッパの寝具も扱っているので、店主はスイスにも年に一度は仕入れに行かれるとか。町家の寝具類はこの店が納入したそうだ。「布工房Den *7) では布地を選んで立襟シャツを仕立てて頂いた。至急仕立てて京都の宿に送って下さった仕上がりは、さすが日本製と言える出来栄え。一見芸術家風の店主は、野生動物が出没する山間部に住まわれているとか。手打ち蕎麦「みたに」*8) と「カフェ叶 匠壽庵」 *9) は何度でも足を運びたい店だ。


京都の町屋は「三坊西洞院町」にお世話になったが、「丸久小山園西洞院店」 *10) の裏側にあって坪庭を共有する体裁になっていた。時折お茶に寄せて頂いたが、上質の宇治茶を堪能、店の方々とも楽しく会話させて頂いた。「sou sou*11) 京都店ではかねてから狙いを付けていた地下足袋風の靴と、岡山の備前織「武鑓織布」*12)で作った作務衣のズボンを手に入れた。高い品質の日本の伝統技術が現代に生かされているのを随所で確認した。日本では日本製の商品を可能な限り積極的に購入するよう心掛けているが、この度も期待以上のサーヴィスと品々を得られた。こうした環境は、町家滞在を楽しむには不可欠の要素と思う。


日本には都市の街並みを、欧州並みに、だが日本の特徴を備えたすっきり快適な風景に変える大仕事が残っている。日本の優れた建築家が世界で大活躍しているのに、極限られた地域や首都圏の都心部を除いて故郷の景観はほとんど置き去りにされたままだ。これは一重に政治・経済が上手く機能していないからに他ならない。例えば、若しスイスの国土が今の様に美しく維持されていなければ、スイスの国力はこれ程までに高められていただろうかと思う。スイス国民は税の使われ方、取られ方に多大な関心を寄せて監視している。日本は気候風土に恵まれているので、清掃と整頓をするだけでも国土の景観は格段に美しくなる筈だが、更に言うと、日本人には収めた税の使われ方をじっくり監視するだけの時間のゆとりが足りない様に思える。ゆとりある生活を求める気運が国を再生させる鍵のように思う。この点、長浜の人々の気概と取り組みは大いに参考になると感じた。それもその筈、中世に楽市・楽座 *13) で栄えた土地柄であった!京都も古い伝統を守りながら革新的気風の土地柄だ。日本の風土には日本家屋こそが似合うし、美しい。





*1) 庵: http://www.kyoto-machiya.com/

*2) 季の雲ゲストハウス:


*3 大通寺: http://www.daitsuji.or.jp/

*4) 行徳: http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~gyoutoku/

*5 SAWADA http://natural-sleep.com/sn-pf-top.html

*6) パシーマ: http://www.pasima.com/

*7) 布工房 Den http://at-den.net/index.html

*8) みたに: http://www.soba-mitani.com/index.html

*9) カフェ 叶 匠壽庵: http://www.kanou.com/cafe.php

*10) 丸久小山園西洞院店:


*11) sou sou http://www.sousou.co.jp/

*12) 武鑓織布: http://www.sousou.co.jp/other/takeyarishokufu/

*13) 楽市・楽座:http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/









Petition against nuclear power plant / 原発反対署名活動


To prevent mixed disaster of earthquake and  nuclear power plant

http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/images/20040817Eng.PDF (E)


http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/ (J)



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━ English ━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



     Stay in Japanese Town houses


     Akiko Huerlimann



We stayed at town houses in Nagahama and Kyoto, at each place one week. Traveling around with suitcases like a gypsy is quite hard; therefore, we changed our travel style to <long stay> in a few destinations since some years. However, the problem was the place to stay. Ryokan (Japanese-inn) is good for enjoying original Japanese architecture, but because of too much volume of meals and dutifully ordered alcohol, we are palled and became a feeling of unwellness. The time of meals is also fixed and our daily plan is restricted. As we specially go to Japan, staying at a European style hotel might be convenient, but not interesting. Here, during daytime the bed occupies a major part of the room that is a nuisance not only visually, but also physically. If I simply describe the attractiveness of a Japanese house, I never get tired of watching to thick beam and pillar that create a dynamic space. The design of Ranma (a kind of fanlight) and the ceiling are also a must-see sight. The gentle Tatami touch produces cleanliness. The Japanese room with Tokonoma (alcove) decorated with Kakejiku (scroll) and Ikebana that is placed at the front of the room and garden view stages best poised atmosphere. Japanese traditional houses realize ultimate sophistication architecture.


At the webpage of a machiya (town house) managed by <Iori> *1) in Kyoto, a machiya in Nagahama (Shiga-ken) <Toki no Kumo guest house> *2) was also introduced. Both machiya are located in the City center, but situated in a sedate town, and they seem free of the bustle of the City. We could hear the sound of the traditional night watch every night. The renovated old folk houses that were built more than hundred years ago are for rent on a daily base. Kitchen, bath, and shower rooms are functionally renovated. A wooden bath room with Hinoki (cypress) bath tab is the ultimate luxury that is not possible at an ordinary hotel. The living space consists of traditional materials of Japanese architecture such as wood, plaster, Japanese paper, and tatami, and overall it is very comfortable. We could sleep well and I think we could recover faster from the jet lag. That is the perfect ecological house. A simply arranged and well maintained Tsubo-niwa (spot garden) can be seen from the living room and also the bathroom. Our dream was to arrange our own bathroom like that, but we gave it up due to various factors. We were absolutely satisfied there.


The kitchen facilities are a microwave, electric hot-water pot, refrigerator, and tableware for about six persons. That was just right the volume for preparing our light meals. Quality bedding and towels are prepared and changed every day. We had exhilarating experience with a minimum of furniture and fixtures. We once again confirmed ourselves to create a simple living space at home similar to that example. I can say the machiya where we stayed this time was an ideal for us as if we were looking around with metal waraji (straw sandal) and magnifier; finally we found it. Thanks to the innovative challengers. Initially, the supposed users of machiya in Kyoto were mainly foreign visitors, but we learned that now 70% of the visitors (guests) are Japanese. For that type of old town house, jazz by <Bill Evans> trio from the furnished iPod was just nice.


As meals are not provided, shopping for foods and restaurant should be available in the nearby area, but Nagahama was an unknown place in that point. Actually our expectation was positively exceeded. We learned that Nagahama is the most active town in Shiga prefecture now. Long established shops in the center part of the town sell nostalgic Japanese traditional foods and snacks, and their business seem to be going well. In Kyoto, we could get quality foods at Nishiki-market and Daimaru department store. Anyway, Japanese spring seasonal vegetables were the best delicacy. Cabbage, onion, tomato, cucumber and aubergine (eggplants) were different as we used to eat in Europe. Those are soft and flavorful in both ways, fresh and heated as well as delicious even unseasoned. The products were even cheap. As we need to eat lots of vegetable at every meal, simply we can eat food whatever we want and as much as we want is worth to visit Japan. The meal is essential for feeling well during a long journey. Alcohol-free beer (0% alcohol) has become more or less common in Japan now. Our tiredness wasn't carried over to the following days thanks to that. The affluence of Japanese food was still in its best shape. Even Japan is blessed with water and climate, the motivation and the technical power of Japanese farmers who produce such high quality agricultural products are wonderful. Nuclear power plants work against farmers; that is absolutely unforgivable.


We made a reservation for both machiya already last October, and then the tragic East Japan earthquake disaster had happened on the 11th of March. We were watching how the situation was going to develop till the last moment, and when we found that our visit wouldn't disturb the reconstruction work anymore, and then we dared to go on as planned. Actually Nagahama was crowded with mass tourists and students on their school excursions during the day. We heard that's because of the historical TV drama of NHK, and even local people were surprised about it. But after five in the evening, shops in the City center were punctually closed and streets became empty. This decisiveness is far from Japanese. Long established shops competing their longevity, and still exist forming the charming town that's throw up my eyes, and open-minded people were vividly doing their business. We learned here and there that the landlady of the machiya in Nagahama is one of the persons who contributed to rebuild the town by introducing glass-working of successful Kurokabe-square when the town planned its new urban development. The chairman of Nagahama Gobo Omotesando mall of Daitsuji-temple *3) town explained us about the town’s history that many shops closed shutter at a certain period by showing us a photo of that time.


We could hear the interesting explanation about the house from the machiya staff and we were looked after well as necessary. We made an advance contact with the optician <Gyoutoku> *4) by E-mail, and ordered Japanese made glasses that don't make headache and comfortable sunglasses. The young optician couple of the shop gave us convincing and appropriate advices. We bought pyjamas produced of cotton wool called <Pasima> *5) at bedding supplier <Sawada> *6). The material is said to be cool in summer and warm in winter, that's very comfortable. The shop also sells European products, and the shop owner goes to Switzerland for purchasing stock once a year. We learned that the innovative shop owner gave an advice to our machiya for bedding. At the <Atelier-Den> *7), we ordered a stand-up collar shirt by choosing our favorite cloth. The shirt was urgently made and sent to our next accommodation place in Kyoto. Doneness (accuracy) was as we might have expected by products <Made in Japan>. The artist looking shop owner said he lives in a mountain area where he is infested by bears and other wild animals. The handmade Soba restaurant <Mitani> *8) and the caf&#233; <Kanou Shojuan> *9) were the shops which we repeatedly liked to visit.


In Kyoto, we stayed at <Sanbo Nishinotoin-machi> which was just located behind a tea shop called <Marukyu-Koyamaen, Nishinotoin> *10) and designed to share the <Tsubo-niwa> which was a part of our machiya. We occasionally popped in there for enjoying the quality Uji-tea as well as for conversation with the staff. We wanted to have Jikatabi style shoes for some years; we could get them at <sou sou> of Kyoto shop *11). We found a pair of samue (Japanese work clothes) pants (trousers) made of Bizen-ori <Takeyarishokufu> *12) from Okayama. We confirmed that the ubiquitously high quality of Japanese traditional technologies is still kept alive today. In Japan, we tried to purchase Japanese products as much as possible, and we could get more than expected services and products there this time again. I think that such an environment is an indispensable factor to enjoy a machiya stay.


Japan has still a big work of rebuilding Japanese cities to make them nice looking like in Europe, but with a Japanese character. Many Japanese great architects have created marvelous work in the world, though with view of the home country is still almost left behind except in certain limited area and central part of capital region. This must be based in the reason that the political and economical system is not working well. I wonder, if the land of Switzerland hadn't been beautifully maintained as it is now, whether the Swiss national power had been improved like present or not? Swiss people are watching with great interest how the taxes are collected and spent. Japan has the privilege with the climate, therefore, if they clean and tidy up only, the landscape must be much better. Furthermore, I think Japanese have not enough free time for observing the distribution of tax well. I think the momentum of seeking free from pressure is a key to rebuild for the land. In that point of view, I found that the way of approach and motivation of the Nagahama people is a very good example. No wonder, the character of the locality is based on Rakuichi-Rakuza (so called free trade system) *13) that flourished in the middle age! Kyoto has also a character to keep tradition as well as to be innovative minded. Anyway, Japanese-style houses are the most suitable and beautiful for Japan.





*1) Iori: http://www.kyoto-machiya.com/eng/ (E)

*2) Tokinokumo-guesthouse:


*3 Daitsuji Temple: http://www.daitsuji.or.jp/ (J)

*4) Gyoutoku: http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~gyoutoku/ (J)

*5 SAWADA: http://natural-sleep.com/sn-pf-top.html (J)

*6) Pasima: http://www.pasima.com/ (J)

*7) Atelier Den: http://at-den.net/index.html (J)

*8) Mitani: http://www.soba-mitani.com/index.html (J)

*9) Caf&#233; Kanou-Shojuan: http://www.kanou.com/cafe.php (J)

*10) Marukyu-Koyamaen, Shop Nishi no Toin:

http://www.marukyu-koyamaen.co.jp/english/index.html (E)

*11) sou sou http://www.sousou.co.jp/ (J)

*12) Takeyarishokufu:

http://www.sousou.co.jp/other/takeyarishokufu/ (J)

*13) Rakuichi-Rakuza: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A5%BD%

E5%B8%82%E3%83%BB%E6%A5%BD%E5%BA%A7 (J)



Editor's comment


The seats of the ANA flight from Munich to Japan on the 23th of May were occupied about a half probably due to the earthquake disaster. Our expectation failed that we might be relaxing on the three weeks later return flight; all the seats however were almost fully occupied. Non-Japanese passengers were less than normal, but not zero. We didn't see Japanese groups as maybe expected, but it looked as if human traffic was gradually normalized outside of Japan too. At the present situation, the whole of Japan observes with full of nervous excitement and the world is anxiously watching the development of the nuclear accident. However, even now some Japanese administration officials express the intention to restart certain nuclear power stations; they must be crazy. Because of the <Fukushima Daiichi> nuclear power accident, the reconstruction work is disturbed. If we choose such politicians again, Japanese would be looked down from the world that we are the race who does never learn from the past. During that travel, everybody thought about the disaster. We met people who try eagerly to think what they can and others who just expect something from others. The principle of democracy is that the constituency should observe the politicians. For that purpose, I feel the Japanese society should be changed to a society that everybody can express its own opinion freely like Switzerland.



Petition against nuclear power plant


To prevent mixed disaster of earthquake and nuclear power plant

http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/images/20040817Eng.PDF (E)

Nationwide petition to prevent nuclear disaster

http://www.geocities.jp/genpatusinsai/ (J)




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