  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  ━ Vol. 122 – November 20, 2010 (Swiss Time)







国民投票 20101128日        

1) 「国外追放発議」と連邦議会対案

2) 「公正な税制発議」

明子 ヒューリマン





National Voting on November 28, 2010

1) <Initiative of deportation> and

  Alternative draft by the parliament

2) <Initiative of fair tax system>

Akiko Huerlimann



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━



国民投票 20101128

   1) 「国外追放発議」と連邦議会対案

     2) 「公正な税制発議」


     明子 ヒューリマン



1) SVP(スイス国民党)による「国外追放発議」は当初から多くの論議を呼んだ。犯罪を犯した外国人の居住権は自動的に剥奪して国外追放する、という憲法改正案の提起だ。所謂強盗等の他、社会保障や社会保険の悪用、麻薬販売についても適用される。これら犯罪者は最低5年は再入国を許可されないという内容だ。




政府と連邦議会 *2) は国民にこの発議への反対を推奨している。連邦議会最大会派で保守最右翼のSVPの発議に対して、従来SVPと連携する事の多かったFDP(自 由民主党)を始め主要会派がこぞって反対している。反対派の言い分は、イニシアティブが取り上げた外国人による犯罪には脚色された部分があり、信頼性に疑 問があると批判。たった一度の強盗で国外追放する一方で、重大な経済犯罪は議案の対象に含まれていない事への不公平も指摘する。個別の犯罪を検証せず、情 状酌量の余地を考慮しないSVPの手法には疑問を提起している。移動の自由を認めた国際条約にも相反し、将来対応出来なくなるという問題点も挙げている。そうは言っても、近隣のEU諸国はこのところ違法移民や少数民族に対して可なり強引な措置を講じているが、自動的に国外追放している国も無いそうだ。




SP(社会民主党)所属の司法・警察担当のシモネッタ・ソンマルーガ連邦評議員 *3) 2010111日に就任したばかり。早速国民投票で担当する重要課題が諮られる事になった。母党SPは党大会で発議に反対決議をしているのだが、比較的早い段階から国民発議は承認される形勢にある、という調査結果が報じられている。20101118日 付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙他の調査でも情勢は依然変わっていない。国民発議が承認された場合、政府・議会は面目を失い、困難な執行を余儀なくされる事 になるだろう。政府・議会提出の対案も承認される事態にでもなれば、緑の党は白票を投じるよう推奨している。若し両案共承認された場合、どちらを選ぶか三 つ目の選択肢も投票用紙に記載するようになっている。万が一両方共承認されなかった場合は当然廃案になる。


2) 「公正な税制発議」はSP(社会民主党)が発議した議案だが、連邦政府・州政府連合会議他、殆どの主要政党と経済界が反対を表明している。外資や在スイスの富裕層がスイスを去り、スイス経済に打撃を与えるというのが論拠だ。ここでの議論で、富裕層とは年収25万スイスフラン以上か、資産が2百万スイスフラン以上の人々で、夫婦共働きの家庭はざっと倍額が対象。世界最高クラスの生活水準を誇る国の基準だ。スイスの場合、金持ちの税金を優遇して今日の繁栄を築いてきたという伝統がある。


SPの主な狙いはカントン間の税率引き下げ競争に歯 止めをかけて地域の経済格差を是正したいという事のようだ。税率の低いカントンには外資が進出し、外国の富裕層が多く移り住む傾向が顕著だ。この為不動産 の値上がりが右肩上がりに上昇しており、住民の住居費を圧迫し続けている、という弊害は指摘されている。だが、こうした所謂税収が潤沢に入るカントンは、 税収不足のカントンに財政支援をしているので、自治体の運営能力の差である、との認識が定着しているのも事実だ。注目したいのは、所謂税率の低い諸州はか つて貧しく保守的な中央スイスに集中している点だ。スイス経済の活力を削ぐような政策を求めるSPは、確実に国民の支持を失う結果を招いていると報じられている。だが、仮に僅差で発議が否決されても、税の値下げ競争に対する圧力は今後ますます強まるとも報じられている。



【 参照 】


*1) 国民投票の政府説明:


*2) スイス連邦議会:


*3) シモネッタ・ソンマールガSimonetta Sommaruga:









税制に関しては、日本は大多数の勤労者の所得を 低いままにして、大企業や富裕層に対する税制を優遇するという芸の無い事をやろうとするから批判される点がスイスとの顕著な違いだ。国民生活が経済大国に 相応しい水準に至らないままジリ貧に向かうのは何としても阻止すべきだ。日本は今GDP世界第2位の幻想から目覚めるチャンスが来たと思えばよい。先ずは、経済大国として勤労者に労働に見合う報酬を支払い、国民の懐を暖かくする方向へ舵を切るべき筈だ。「北風と太陽」のイソップ寓話を思い浮かべるまでも無い自明の理だ。日本の低所得者層は30年以上前と余り変わらない賃金水準だが、この間スイスの賃金は少なくとも2倍にはなっている。今や掃除婦の時間給の水準は20フランと言われている。政治の為せる技だ。



□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



     National Voting on November 28, 2010

     1) <Initiative of deportation> and

       Alternative draft by the parliament

     2) <Initiative of fair tax system>


     Akiko Huerlimann



1) <Initiative of deportation> by the SVP (Swiss Volks Party) raised a controversy from the beginning. The bill proposes an amendment of the constitution that residency rights of criminal foreigners should be automatically deprived and banished from the country. That applies to burglary, misuse of social security or social insurance, and drugs deals etc. Those criminals are not allowed to re-enter the country at least five years by the proposal.


Reportedly SVP collected 210,000 signatures for the national voting. It's said that people think that cantonal governments haven't handled strictly enough the matter of foreign criminals, and their irritation collected many signatures. The initiative estimates that 1,500 can be banished per year, if the bill would be accepted. According to the Federal Department of Migration, presently banished criminals are about 400 people per year. The bill was proposed to claim for security enforcement in the country; as a matter of fact, today a majority of the criminals are foreigners.


The government and the parliament*1) recommend constituency to vote "no". The party FDP that occasionally cooperates with SVP is also against that proposal. The opposition criticizes the criteria of initiative considering the crimes done by foreigners are dramatized and the reliability is questioned. They point out the unfairness that just once a robbery is subjected to be deported, however, serious economic crimes are not included in the bill. They question the method of SVP that neither examines the individual case nor considering room for leniency. They also point out problems that the bill might be against international agreement which allows freedom of movement and the bill cannot apply any longer to that. However, actually neighboring EU countries recently took fairly strong measures against illegal immigrants or ethnic minorities, nevertheless no countries automatically take these measurements.


The parliament presented a counter proposal, and the cabinet supported that. The main point is to introduce mutual implementation guidance. Conflictive points to the initiative are not automatically deported and also not to target certain crimes, but it should be depend on the punishment. The sentence should be examined at least one year, and the person term should be applied at least more than two years. In case of economic crimes and social abuse are also set to be applicable to more than 18 months imprisonment. It looks a well balanced counter proposal; however, actually the bill has invited strong critics from both left and right wings. Right wing opposes that the counter proposal is not effective and international law will be superior to the Swiss Federal law. SP and Green Party as left wings appeal that the present law is sufficient.


Federal Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga *2) of SP is head of Federal Department of Justice and Police who had just taken up her position on November 1, 2010. Important measurements of her assigned will be judged by national voting. The mother party adopted a resolution on opposition to the initiative; however, research results had been reported already at early stage that the initiative would be accepted. Survey by Tages-Anzeiger dated November 18, 2010 and other papers also reported an unchanged situation. When the initiative will be accepted, the government and federal parliament would lose their face, and they will force to be experienced difficult execution. In case of the counter proposal would be accepted, Green Party recommends casting a blank vote. When both proposals would be accepted, the third option should be also chosen on the voting paper. If by any chance, both will not be accepted, the bill shall be scrapped.


2) <Initiative of a fair tax system> was proposed by SP (Social Democratic Party), and almost all major political parties and the business world are opposed to it. The reasons among others are foreign investors and wealthy residents would go out from Switzerland and the Swiss economy would be devastated. In this argument, wealthy class means people earning an annual income of more than CHF 250,000 or has assets more than CHF 2 million, and double-income families considered to earn approximately double. This is the benchmark that a country boasts one of the highest standards of living. Switzerland has a history that gives preferential treatment of tax to wealthy people and build up present prosperity.


SP's aim intends to stop tax damping competition among cantons and to correct economic disparities. There is a remarkable tendency pointed out that foreign capitals have settled down in lower tax cantons, as well as foreign wealthy class people. For this reason, real estate prices have continuously risen up and housing cost of local people have been weighed on. However, such affluent cantons provide financial support to cantons with lack of tax revenue; an understanding has formed that the economic differences among cantons are caused by administrative capability. I'd like to point out that such lower tax cantons are concentrated in poor cantons in the past and conservative central Switzerland. It is reported that SP demands political measures that disturb a vibrant society and economy for Switzerland, therefore, they steadily achieves a result of losing support from people. Nevertheless reportedly even if the bill would be refused with narrow margin, the pressure against lower tax competition will be stronger.





*1) Government explanation of the National Voting:


*2) The Federal Assembly - The Swiss Parliament:


*3) Simonetta Sommaruga:


Interview video after elected:





Editor's comment


As for the tax system in Japan, the salary for a majority of workers is left lower and the authorities try to lower tax to big companies or the wealthy class that invites criticism and is the big difference to Switzerland. They just have to stop dwindling of the nation's standard of living before reaching appropriate level as a major economic power. Now Japan better thinks that they've got a chance to wake up from the illusion as world number two of GDP. At first, they should take a right course for paying reasonable salaries to workers as a big economy. That is truism needless to imagine "The North Wind and the Sun" from the Aesop's Fables. Lower income class in Japan, the salary level is the same as thirty years ago; however, in the meantime the income of Swiss has at least doubled. It is said that the wage for a cleaning lady is SFr. 20.-- (ca. Yen 1,800) now. This is the result of the politics.




We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.



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