  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal  ━ Vol. 115 – February 27, 2010 (Swiss Time)






国民投票 20100307日        

1    人体研究に対する憲法条項

2 「動物保護弁護士の国民発議」

3 企業年金:移行期給付率の調整

明子 ヒューリマン


National Voting on March 07, 2010    1 Constitution Article about Research

 on Humans

2 Lawyer for Animal Protection-Initiative

3 Corporate Pension:

Adjustment of Minimum Conversion Rate


Akiko Hürlimann


□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



     国民投票 20100307

     1 人体研究に対する憲法条項

     2 「動物保護弁護士の国民発議」

     3 企業年金:移行期給付率の調整


     明子 ヒューリマン









今回、3本の柱の内で通常最も比重の重い企業年金の扱いが、国民投票で問われる。キーワードの <Umwandlungssatz(変換率)>を引き下げるというもの。2010219日付NZZ紙オンライン版に下記の通り要点が要領良く説明されていた。








年収:            54,720 スイスフラン

調整控除額:         27,360 スイスフラン

年金対象額:         27,360 スイスフラン

65歳で予想される年金積立額: 136,800 スイスフラン

変換対象額:         164,160 スイスフラン

現行7%の年間年金受給額:    9,576 スイスフラン






左派政党、労働組合、消費者向けの雑誌等が連邦議会の決定に反旗を翻したために、今回国民投票が実施される事になった。「年金泥棒」とでも訳せばよいのか、<Rentenklau> と称される年金受給者は影響を受けないので彼らの意向が対極に在る。反対論者は、「今支給率を下げる時期なのか、運用管理費の透明性は常に確保されてはいない。」と主張しているそうだ。運用管理費の透明性は常に何らかの監視が必要だろう。日本の年金制度の危機を見るまでも無く、行政への監視は不可欠だ。この為の費用がかかる事は痛し痒しではあるが、年金制度の崩壊を防ぐ保険と考えるべきだろう。論争で明らかになっている点は、国民は企業年金について多くの疑問を持っていること、そして現存する企業年金に関して誤った想定をしていることだと言われている。筆者も、今回調べて見て、漸く理解したところだ。


担当大臣は、パスカル・クシュパン氏の後任に選出されたディディエ・ブルクハルター氏 *4)。数週間に及ぶ分析と予想の末に2009916日、連邦両院議会の選挙でついに選出された49歳の同氏は閣内二つ目のFDPのポストを守った。前任者が年金問題で苦しんだ経緯もあり、スマートな能吏という印象のブルクハルター連邦評議員だが、就任3カ月を過ぎた今、氏の言動に注目が集まっている。この議案に連邦政府は有権者に賛成を求めている。因みに、2010224日付けNZZ紙の報道によると、コンサルタント会社「マーサー *3)」による年金制度の調査で、スイスの3本立て年金制度が世界一と認められた。異論は無い。


【 参照 】


*1) 政府説明:


*2) NZZ 「企業年金」



*3) マーサー : http://www.mercer.co.jp/home.htm

*4) ディディエ・ブルクハルター:



【 集後記 】






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□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



   National Voting on March 07, 2010

   1 Constitution Article about Research on Humans

   2 Lawyers for Animal Protection-Initiative

   3 Corporate Pension: Adjustment of minimum conversion rate


   Akiko Huerlimann



About the first bill of <Constitution Article about Research on Humans>, the reason, I guess, I haven't seen so much debate is, that it is a highly scientific matter, it's an out of judgment issue for normal citizens, and it can hardly be an object for debate. Anyway, it is said that research for pediatric care seems to have been almost an untamed territory for long time. The opinion of doing research about healthy children and contributing medical care for ill children is understandable. The federal government requests the constituency vote <Yes> for the bill.


About the second bill, a People's initiative, I noticed a fairly active debate. The initiative by the Swiss animal protection organization claims for lawyers for animal protection in each canton, however, the federal government recommends people to vote <No>. Reportedly, some farmers are concerned about this bill. What is the criteria of an animal mistreat is the troubling aspect. Mankind eats animals, considers animals as loving objects (pets), and acknowledges it as a part of element for forming natural harmony; I don't think mankind has established a clear standing point against animals yet. Introducing such a law, I wonder whether it will accumulate the contradiction in human society, or not?


The third bill is about an adjustment of the minimum conversion rate of the corporate pension fund. The Swiss pension system consists of three columns. The first column is the AHV (State pension fund), which plans to assure a minimum amount for the existence. The second column is the corporate pension fund, which is based on the Federal Constitution. Each party, the employer and employee contribute (save) their share to the fund. In order to be able to maintain (nearly) the same level of living like in the past, the purpose of this pension fund is to complement the AHV. The system plans that with these two columns, it can ensure 60% of the salary before retirement. <The third column (G: 3. Saeule)> is a not taxable savings and it is based on a discretionary action. The annual amount for the savings is restricted, and in order to receive the tax privilege, the savings are not allowed to be withdrawn until retirement age. The reason for the amendment is that pensioners live longer, and the managed funds are expected not to get any more the same high yield like before.


This time, the people are supposed to vote about the amendment of the corporate pension that is the heaviest weight among the three bills. The key word of <Umwandlungssatz (=conversion rate/commutation rate)> is requested to be decreased. NZZ Online dated February 19, 2010 *2) explained the key point well as follows:


The key word of conversion rate:

<Annual income> minus (-) <coordination deduction

(Koordinationsabzug)> plus (+) the <expected amount of pension fund at the age of 65> equal (=) <Amount for conversion rate/commutation rate>


The following is the model calculation for the middle income.


Annual income:                 SFr.  54,720

Coordination deduction:             SFr.  27,360

Ensured income:                 SFr.  27,360

Expected amount of pension fund at the age of 65: SFr. 136,800

Amount for conversion rate/commutation rate:   SFr. 164,160

Annual annuity with present 7%:         SFr.   9,576


Presently the conversion rate for a man is 7%, and for woman is 6.95%, however the rate was already decided to be decreased to 6.8% step-by-step until 2016. The point of the amendment this time is that the conversion rate should be lowered to 6.4% as from 2016. In case of the above mentioned model calculation, the annual annuity will be unchanged, and in case of a lower income then the model calculation, the annual annuity will be even higher. In case of a higher income then the model calculation, the annual annuity should be less accordingly. For instance, in case of an accumulated pension fund with SFr. 100,000, the annual annuity is SFr. 6,400 that is SFr. 400 less. The minimum annual salary of the eligibility for participation of the pension fund is SFr. 20,520. Also the highest amount of the compulsory part of the pension fund is fixed at a level of SFr. 82,080, and apart from these conditions, it depends on the individual pension fund plan.


The resources of the corporate pension are funds saved during the working period and management gains. On the other hand, the AHV (state pension fund) is supported by the present working generation. It's said, if the corporate pension is continued to be paid at the present level, many pension funds will be in danger. The present lowest management gain is fixed at 2% and reviewed every year. The fixed gain from 1985 till 2002 was at 4%, however, the profit depends on the capital market situation, and even among specialists the point of issue has been often debated. Considering the demographic composition and financial markets in the near future, even for untutored eyes, it's obvious to think unreasonable that the previous annuity is normal. We'd better think that the fine adjustment like it is at present should happen in the future as well.


Left wing parties, labor unions, and consumer magazines opposed to the decision of the Federal Parliament that is why the national polling will be taken place. If I may translate <Rentenklau> that is called as <theft of pension>; pensioner's will is on the opposite side. The actual pensioner's annuities however are not affected so far. Opponents appeal, <Is it the time now to lower the rate of pay? The transparency of the management administrative cost is not always assured.> The transparency of the management administrative cost should be given always a certain observation. Considering the crisis of the Japanese state pension system, controlling (monitoring) the administration is indispensable. This cost are a mixed blessing, however, we’d better consider the cost as an insurance fee in order to assure the pension system. Through the debate, it's said the matter became obvious that people have many questions about corporate pension and have a wrong assumption about the existent corporate pension. I also eventually understood it through my study this time.


The minister in charge of this issue is Federal Councilor Mr. Didier Burkhalter who was elected as successor of Mr. Pascal Couchepin. After weeks of analysis and expectation, he was finally elected at the Federal parliament's election on September 16, 2009. He is 49 years old and could keep the post at the cabinet for FDP party. The predecessor had to struggle with the issue of the pension system; the actions of the smart looking skilled administrator drew lot of attention after three months taking up office. The Federal Government recommends people to vote <Yes>. By the way, according to NZZ dated February 24, 2010, the study of the pension system by the consultant company <Mercer *3)> showed that the three columns system of Switzerland ranked as the top in the world. I have absolutely no objection about it.





*1) Government Explanation:


*2) NZZ <Corporate Pension>:



*3) Mercer : http://www.mercer.com/home.htm

*4) Didier Burkhalter:




Editor's comment


The highlight of the national polling this time is the corporate pension system (second column). So far the Swiss State pension system (AHV) is based on a personal identification number for each beneficiary since the beginning, and particular troubles regarding to the administration have never ever happened. The Swiss pension system is a good example, and I think that it is based on reasonable employment rules and an excellent unemployment insurance system as a safety net.





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