  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 114 – January 30, 2010 (Swiss Time)







明子 ヒューリマン



State-Run Broadcasting Station


Akiko Hürlimann

□━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 日本語 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━□





明子 ヒューリマン



122日複数の新聞報道で、テレビ・ラジオの受信料に関する報道が目を引いた。前日モーリッツ・ロイエンベルガー通信相が、「将来テレビとラジオを保有していない家庭にも受信料の支払い義務を課す」、と発言したのだ。「そうなれば、受信料が全体に安くなる」と言った。大衆紙の「ブリック」は「創造性豊かな連邦評議員」と同大臣の写真に皮肉なタイトルを付けたものだ。現状では、徴収された受信料は地域の民間テレビ局とラジオ局にも4%づつ支払われているそうだが、圧倒的大部分は国営放送局 <SRG-SSR> *1) に配分されている。スイスの国営放送局は広告料の徴収も認められていて、2008年度の広告料収入は受信料のほぼ半額だったと報じられている。因みに、テレビの視聴率は2010126日付ターゲスアンツァイガー紙によると、昨年度ツューリッヒ圏に於ける18時から19時の時間帯の1位はテレツューリ(TeleZueri) の19.3分で、SF1(国営放送)の19.1分より上回っている。


個人的には、新聞数種に目を通し、国営放送DRS2のラジオ放送を主に聞いている。DRS1はスイスドイツ語が主で音楽はポップスが中心。DRS2は標準ドイツ語が主で音楽はクラシックとジャズ他ニュース解説やインタビュー・討論番組が主体だ。TV放送は時々インターネットで見る程度。TVで見るのはロンドンから中継される日本語衛星放送のJSTV *2)。因みにこちらの受信料は月額80スイスフランと極めて高額だ。放送内容は殆どが公共放送 NHK *3)の番組だ。日瑞の報道内容を比較する為と科学・文化番組を見る為に受信を継続している。尤も最近は日本の報道もインターネットで見る事が多くなってきた。スイスは外国人が多く、出身国も多様なので、パラボラアンテナを設置するか、ケーブルテレビを通じて外国のテレビ放送を見ている人口も多い。スイスのテレビやラジオ放送を受信していない人々もスイスの受信料は徴収されているのだ。が、更にテレビやラジオを持っていようがいまいが、全ての人が受信料を払う対象になりそうな気配なのだ。


テレビとラジオを所有している家庭は、受信料 *4) を年間462スイスフラン支払っている。コンピュータや携帯電話も一応対象受信になっており、絶えず適用範囲の問題を抱えていると言う。支払いを拒否すれば最高5,000スイスフランの罰金が科せられることになっているそうだ。適用外と認められているのは、介護施設に入居している重病人や短期滞在者と外交官だけだそう。いずれにしても、受信料だけでは運営費が賄えない事情が政治的に容認されているということだ。これは国営放送の在り方として可也微妙な立ち位置にあると言えるが、放送事業を郵便事業と共に国策の一環として捉えている要素もあるのだろう。因みに、日本の公共放送局NHKは広告料の徴収は認められていない。その代わり、受信料 *5) はスイスとの人口比を考慮すると巨額に上り、2009年度の収支予算書 *6) では6,500億円近い額が計上されている。


民間の新聞各社は今日の厳しい経営環境の中で、ここ数年大規模なリストラを断行しているし、新聞社の統廃合も進められている。国営放送局のホームページのトップに、独立性、信頼性、創造性、多様性、公平性をアピールしている。もしこれが担保されていないとなれば、黙っていないのがスイスのお国柄だ。2010年1月22日、スイス国営放送局は次回37日の国民投票の事前予測は公表しない方針を発表した。前回の20091122日の国民投票の際、「ミナレット建設禁止」の議案は承認されないとの事前予測を発表していたのが外れてしまった。この事を深刻に受け止めての方針だと言う。世論調査を実施したのは政治学者クロードゥ・ロンション氏が代表を務める権威ある調査機関GfS *7) だ。この時の予想が議案反対53%であったのに対して、結果は賛成57%と逆転。説明出来ない大きな差が出てしまったと、同調査機関とSRGは、次回の調査結果については公表を見送る方針で意見が一致した、と報じられた。各政党はこの発表に対して、国営放送局の秘密主義と反発。受信料で賄われている調査を秘密にする事は容認出来ない、というのだ。この種の論争は健全な在り様だと思う。









*1) スイス国営放送:http://www.srg-ssr.ch/

SRG: Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft

*2) JSTV: http://www.jstv.co.uk/

*3) NHK: http://www.nhk.or.jp/

*4) スイスの受信料


*5) NHKの受信料:https://pid.nhk.or.jp/jushinryo/NewContractTop.do

*6) 平成21年度収支予算書:


*7) GfS, Bern: http://www.gfsbern.ch/



【 編集後記 】






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□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



State-Run Broadcasting Station


Akiko Huerlimann



Some newspaper reports about the reception fees for TV and Radio drew my attention. The previous day, the Minister of Communication, Moritz Leuenberger expressed the idea of a (new) reception fee for TV and Radio regardless of the possession of a Radio or TV set; the new billing system would make the fees overall cheaper based on the collection of the fees for each household. The tabloid “Blick” titled ironically with the photo of the Minister “Creative Federal Councilor”. At present, the collected reception fee is also allocated to private local TV and Radio stations each by 4%, however, a large portion is allocated to the state-run broadcasting station <SRG-SSR> *1). Swiss state-run broadcasting station is also permitted to collect advertising charges as well; reportedly, the advertisement income was a half of the reception fees in 2008. According to the newspaper <Tages-Anzeiger> on January 26, 2010, the top rankings of the daily average TV watching per viewer was occupied by the station <TeleZueri> with 19.3 minutes more than <SF1 (state-run broadcasting station)> with 19.1 minutes based on a survey in the Greater Zurich Area.

Personally, I look through some newspapers and mainly listen to the state-run radio program of DRS2. DRS1 is spoken mainly in Swiss German and broadcasts pop music. Whereas DRS2 is spoken mainly in standard German, and programs are such as classical/Jazz music, news explanation, interviews, talks and science programs and so on. About TV programs, I occasionally watch Swiss TV-programs through the Internet only. TV programs, I mainly watch is the Japanese program by JSTV *2) that are transmitted from London via satellite (HotBird). By comparison, the subscription fee of JSTV is about CHF 80. -- per month (or Euro 150 per quarter) and this is quite expensive. The content of the JSTV program is mainly from the Japanese state-run broadcasting station NHK. I continue to subscribe the Japanese program in order to compare reports between Switzerland and Japan, and for watching some high grade scientific and cultural programs. Actually, I got used to watch news from Japan more through the Internet channels recently. Many foreigners live in Switzerland, and their origin is also diversified, therefore, many people watch foreign TV programs by installing a satellite dish (parabola antenna) or through cable networks. Those people who don’t watch Swiss TV/radio are also charged reception fees. But, in the future, no matter whether people possess a TV or Radio device, everybody seems to be obliged to pay the reception fees.

Every household possessing TV and Radio devices have to pay reception-fees *4) of SFr. 462. -- per year. Computer and mobile telephones are also considered as immediate recipients, however, it’s said that the applicable scope is always problematic. If one refuses to pay the fee, a penalty of up to SFr. 5,000. -- would be charged. Excluded from the fee are only seriously ill persons or transient in care facilities, and diplomats. Anyway, it is politically accepted that DRS (TV/Radio) cannot manage their business with the reception-fees only. Their stance is rather in delicate position as a state-run broadcasting channel; I think the broadcasting business is considered to be within the scope of the national policy matter the same as the postal service. For comparison, the Japanese state-run broadcasting station NHK is not allowed to collect advertisement fees. Instead of that, their reception fee *5) is a huge amount based on the population ratio between Japan and Switzerland; the reception-fees are nearly 65 billion yen in their budget *6) of 2009.

Private newspaper companies are in a difficult business situation nowadays; they have done drastic restructuring as well as proceeding scrap-and-build since some years. On the top of the website at the state-run broadcasting system DRS is displayed their motto such as independency, reliability, creativity, diverseness, and fairness. In case these things (guidelines) are not guaranteed, Swiss people do not keep quiet as national background. On the 22nd of January, 2010, Swiss state-run broadcasting system announced that it is not going to inform a forecast of the coming national voting in March 7. By the case of the last national voting of November 22, 2009, their preliminary prediction regarding to the <against Minaret construction> initiative was <false>, as it forecasted a NO to the initiative. Reportedly, they took this matter serious and came to that decision. The survey of the public opinion was done by the authoritative research institute GfS *7) represented by the political scientist Mr. Claude Longchamp. The forecast predicted a refusal (NO) by 53%, but the result was reversed and it was accepted by 57%. The said research institute and SRG agreed not to open the next result because of unexplained big discrepancies. Political parties reacted in a negative way regarding to that announcement, and they said that it is a secretive of a state-run broadcasting system. Their opinion is that it is not acceptable to keep the results of the survey secret, because the research was paid by the reception fees. I think this kind of argument is base on quite sound circumstances.

Whereas the Japanese state-run broadcasting station NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai) had always reported results of public opinion surveys that showed a higher approval level for the ruling party LDP compared to the biggest opposition party DPJ before the historical change of political power last year. However, just before the election, suddenly it had started to report about an absolute victory of the opposition party of DPJ. I’ve never heard about comments of remorse from NHK. Since then, I have become strongly suspicious about reports from NHK. Internet powerful debaters also clearly claimed that by calling during the day only two thousand people, and getting answers from 1,500 to 1,600 people cannot produce a reliable result. Comparing to that guarded Swiss attitude with nearly twenty times difference of population to Japan, the NHK feasance (intention) like random selection is obvious, however, under the banner of public opinion, their intensely biased reporting attitude become obvious. Private broadcasting stations in Japan have the same stance, and the situation is still unchanged even after the political power change. As sister mail magazine “Weekly Swiss News Headlines” already reported, based on reports of major Swiss newspapers, about that peculiar phenomena in Japan.

If the news media do not report fair news, democracy doesn’t work out. Therefore, at first, media control is necessary in order to prevent democracy. We have to think that it is an illusion that reports of media are always right even by state-run broadcasting systems. Related to that matter, provided false reports from the “headquarters of the Imperial Japanese Army” during the last 2nd World War had been handed down; nevertheless, we, defenseless nation, tend to forget easily “that were the past things.” I think people are called into question to think whether media are fair before claiming justice of politics. Actually, it looks a fairly difficult matter; however, watching Swiss people, I found their attitude is that they don’t believe everything they hear at first. Then, they try to have their own opinion. I think that is a good point (lesson) to learn for Japanese people from Swiss people in order to maturate our democracy. A Column of Tages-Anzeiger on January 23 making fun of the new reception-fees suggested by the communication minister; it was mentioned at the beginning like “The new rubbish fee”, and reported that it has become the target of criticism. This feeling of distance, we have a certain sense of security. In Switzerland, it’s also convincingly talked about democracy that is a fragile system.



*1) Swiss state-run broadcasting DRS-SSF
SRG: Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft
*2) JSTV: http://www.jstv.co.uk/
*3) NHK: http://www.nhk.or.jp/
*4) Reception-fee of Switzerland:
http://www.srgssrideesuisse.ch/de/gebuehren/gebuehren-fuer-radio-und-tv/ *5) Reception-fee of NHK:
*6) 2009 Budget of NHK:
*7) GfS, Bern: http://www.gfsbern.ch/

Editor's comment

This time, I was unable to make a quick decision about the theme. There are many things to write, but, in order to reach the theme as an accessible feelings, I need to spend certain time for mastication. The work occasionally takes me in trouble to digest, then I felt as if I were a school child who struggle with homework.


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