  Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine

  jp-Swiss-journal   Vol. 113 – December 31, 2009 (Swiss Time)







明子 ヒューリマン



Unexpected result of the National Voting on November 29, 2009


Akiko Hürlimann

□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□





明子 ヒューリマン









長年EU加盟が店晒しにされてきたトルコは苛立ちと反発を強めていることが報じられ、パレスチナ問題の深刻さは多様化し、過去の植民地支配のつけが今日に至っているフランスのイスラム移民問題等々だ。が、近隣諸国がスイスのこの結果に羨望の眼差しを向け、政治家がスイスに倣えとばかりの言動を行うのは賢明とは言い難い。スイスの決定を、国連人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR) *2) のナヴィ・ピレイ高等弁務官 *3) が厳しく批判したこともあり、革新政党の社会民主党は、スイス政府がかねてから表明していたグアンタナモの元囚人の受け入れを求め、クリスマス前にはこれを実現させた。大きく右に振れた振り子を少し左に傾けられたのか?国際社会の反応は未だ明確ではない。




憲法を無視したり、国際法と対立するような、立法化が困難な国民発議が度々国民投票で承認される現状に、危機感を抱いている政府関係者や政治家は、国民発議に一定の制約を設ける意志を示し始めている。現にモーリッツ・ロイエンベルガー連邦評議員は「将来国際法の国民発議は禁止すべきだ。」と発言して注目を集めている。法治国家として存続する為には、直接民主主義をある程度制限する事は、こうした状況を考えれば止むを得ない措置と言えよう。いくら政治意識の高い国民であろうと、有権者の誰もが立法に関する一定水準以上の見識を持っている、とは言い難いのが現実だ。ジャーナリストのダニエル・ビンスヴァンガー氏は、ターゲスアンツァイガー紙の土曜版「Das Magazin 50/2009号」のコメントで、「国民に依る実現出来ない決定の産物は、国民の尊厳を強めるよりは弱めてしまう。」と書いている。政治家泣かせ、官僚泣かせの決定は、何年か検証の後、いずれ政府・議会から今回の国民投票について無効を求める国民投票が提起される事になりそうだ。無駄と言うなかれ!民主主義のコストと思うべし。





*1) 国民投票結果:


*2) 国連人権高等弁務官事務所(OHCHR):


*3) ナヴィ・ピレイ高等弁務官:



【 編集後記 】





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□━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□



Unexpected result of the National Voting

on November 29, 2009


Akiko Huerlimann



Since the results of the national voting were informed on Sunday afternoon, November 29, stormy reactions have arisen shaking all over the country. I thought I shouldn't ignore such an important affair, so that I bestirred myself and made a report about it. The first bill of the <Special Financing of Air Traffic> suggested by the government was easily accepted with 65% of the votes. The second bill of the <Export Ban for war materials> based on a Peoples' Initiative was rejected with a major "NO" vote of 68%; it's said that such a major positive result was caused by the world recession. The problematic bill was the third one regarding to the <Ban of Minaret Constructions> based on a Peoples' Initiative. Contrary to preliminary expectations (surveys), the bill was accepted with 57.5% of affirmative votes! That caused wide controversy from home and abroad, and its impulse seems not to have calmed down yet. Related articles appeared on newspapers everyday and no single day passed without it. Radio programs also showed a caring gesture that lullingly invited Muslims for discussion, or playing Arabic music.


Swiss people have a mutual understanding; to lose the image of Switzerland as respecting human rights in the eyes of the international society would be a fateful crisis for Switzerland as a small country. Actually, a headline of a reader's opinion in a newspaper indicated "Switzerland lost its innocence", and not a few people are concerned about it. Ironically enough, the mountain municipality of "Realp (URI)", considered an ultra conservative place, rejected the bill with a majority of "NO" votes. On the other hand, affirmative votes of younger people were remarkable. A comment by the party head of CVP (center-left) Christophe Darbellay caused a commotion too so that he had to backed down his inappropriate comment. He said that "Scarves should be banned except for Catholic nuns", that sounded like a joke. The phenomena were glimpsed, as if the criteria of conservative and radical were ruined.


People with an Islamic background living in Switzerland are often originated from Turkey and the Balkan Peninsula invited to Switzerland for labor in the past. Switzerland needed foreign labor at that time, so they had willingly accepted foreigners during a certain period in the past. The disappointment and anger of those people of Islamic faith and their children was considerable; reportedly a demonstration took place in Berne with an estimated 8,000 participants. Besides, further militant movements had not been reported. The reason, I assume is that nearly half of the Swiss people voted "NO" that is reasonable, and people of Islamic background also are aware of that reality in a level-headed manner. "Social homogeneity is lost in Switzerland already for long time" even said a local Christian pedagogue. As it is said, the number of Muslims has increased in the Swiss society. But, many intellectuals testified that no serious problems regarding to Islam exists in Switzerland. I might say that the problems of neighboring countries could have influenced the Swiss people, and also out of a general frustration, they reacted temporarily like that.


The strengthen of Turkish irritation and backlash about long-delayed treaty with the EU had been reported, the Palestinian issue became more serious and diversified, problems of Islam immigrants in France that caused accounts for its past colonial rule up to now, and so on. However, neighboring countries gazed enviously about the result in Switzerland, and some politicians acted like following Switzerland, that's ill-advised. UN Human Rights Councilor Navi Pillay strongly criticized the Swiss attitude; a radical party of SP claimed the government to accept an ex-prisoner of Guantanamo, and made it realized before Christmas. Could it be adjusted to the left a little after widely swung pendulum to the right or not? The reaction of international society is not yet clear.


Fears of Switzerland are such as, the destiny of Swiss businessmen who are a kind of hostage by Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, business diminution with the Middle East and a reduction of tourists from there. In the middle of the economic crisis, not a few matter of concern were talked, however, the actual movement about rumors of boycotting Switzerland is not yet visible. Schindler, Swatch, ABB, and Nestle commented that there is no change in the Middle East markets yet. Anyway, <Minaret ban> was chosen as the word of 2009! It'll be certain that the ban of <Construction against Minaret> will be target of debate in the future as well.


The present situation is complicated to enact peoples' initiative accepted by vote, which ignores the constitution, and is against international law; authorities and politicians started to show their intension to settle certain restrictions to peoples' initiatives. Actually, the comment by Federal Councilor Moritz Leuenberger gathered attention "In the future, peoples' initiatives which are against international laws should be prohibited." Existing as a nation ruled by laws, a certain restriction to the direct democracy cannot be avoided in such circumstances. Although a politically highly motivated nation, however the reality is that not every constituency has enough legal knowledge. Mr. Daniel Binswanger, a journalist wrote his comment in the Saturday version of <Das Magazin 50/2009> by Tages-Anzeiger, "The production of difficult to realize referendums of people are weakening the nation's dignity rather than strengthen it." The people's decision can cause difficulties and problems to politicians and bureaucrats suggested in a referendum will be considered as "invalid" by the government and parliament some years later after careful examination. Don't say what a waste! That is the price of democracy.




*1) The result of the voting


*2) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR):


*3) Navanethem (Navi) Pillay:



Editor's comment


Dear reader,

Thank you very much for your attention this year.

I wish you all the best for the comming year. (A.H.)




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